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Presentation on theme: "Language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language

2 Important Dates U7 exam 1/11
H.W. Get caught up if needed, otherwise RELAX and have a great break!!

3 Watch Crash Course #16 - Language - Right Side
Partner up! Partner A take the even questions. Partner B take the odd questions.

4 Crash Course #16 - Share your answers with your partner

5 One Pager After reading pages and watching the Crash Course create a one pager that represents how we develop language.

6 One Pager Directions Title appropriately to reflect the content of the Module Use full color and fill the page. 2 meaningful quotes from the Module At least 3 visual images that create focus to the ideas of the Module Focus on the Concept of “how do we develop language”

7 Patricia Kuhl - The linguistics of babies - Right Side
Why are babies geniuses compared to us?

8 Do our different languages prevent us from communicating?

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