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Andrea Galgay December 2015

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1 Andrea Galgay December 2015
Update on OHIC Care Transformation Plan and Cost Containment Strategies Andrea Galgay December 2015

2 Survey Time Navigate to KAHOOT.IT on your web enabled device Enter Game PIN and Press Enter Enter a Nickname (G Rated, people!) Press “Ok, go!”

3 Background Affordability Standards Planning committees
Build off the standards introduced in 2009 Continue emphasis on improving primary care infrastructure PCMH Expansion Goal of 80% of all PCPs by December 31, 2019! Require collaboration among stakeholders for success Planning committees Primary Care Transformation Committee Alternative Payment Methodology Committee Alignment with other initiatives SIM CTC

4 Primary Care Transformation Committee
2016 Care Transformation Plan Defines PCMH Sets PCMH Growth target for 2016 Identifies stakeholder activities to promote PCMH adoption Identifies activities to promote PCMH transformation Outlines a sustainable PCP financial model

5 Primary Care Transformation Committee
2016 Care Transformation Plan Defines PCMH Sets PCMH Growth target for 2016 Identifies stakeholder activities to promote PCMH adoption Identifies activities to promote PCMH transformation Outlines a sustainable PCP financial model

6 Primary Care Transformation Committee
Definition of “PCMH” - Practice is participating in, or has completed, a formal transformation initiative and/or practice has obtained NCQA Level 3 AND is engaged in specific cost containment strategies: The practice develops and maintains a high-risk patient registry The practice offers Care Management/Care Coordination Services with a focus on high-risk patients The practice improves access to and coordination with behavioral health services The practice expands access to care both during and after office hours The practice refers patients to providers who provide value-based care

7 How about all the work I do for NCQA?!?
Don’t worry…Many of the PCMH Cost Containment Strategies correlate directly with 2011 and/or 2014 NCQA standards Differences/additions reflect areas where payers feel NCQA falls short: More restrictive timeframes for TOC follow-up and care plan development Expanded access requirements, including evening and weekend availability More prescriptive on referral protocols Progressively more stringent requirements over a three year period, with prescribed Year 1, 2, and 3 goals Weekend access and be with relationship with other practice or UCC as long as there is access to the medical record.

8 Timeline – What should CTC practices expect?
January 2016 – Payers will notify groups/practices they intend to include in their PCMH target for OHIC Throughout 2016, established PCMH practices should track adherence to Year 1 cost containment strategies Ensure your practice is continuing to adhere to NCQA standards Self-attestation survey to be completed in September 2016 by groups or practice PCMH Kids practices will not be held to Year 1 standards until September 2017 survey

9 Sustainable PCP Financial Model
OHIC Mandated Two Stage Funding Model Required for all practices counting towards insurer’s PCMH target First Stage – Infrastructure and Care Management Per Member Per Month (CM PMPM) for first two years of program participation Second Stage – Ongoing CM PMPM with an opportunity for a performance bonus Details of the ongoing funding model have not been finalized

10 We Need Your Input Many important initiatives occurring concurrently across the state Although clinicians are in the room, we need the voice of the full-time practicing provider Be sure you know who is representing your interests at these meetings

11 Key Links

12 Questions/Comments/Applause??

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