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Presentation on theme: "UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST"— Presentation transcript:


Short history University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB) is the most important technical university in Romania. Its traditions are connected to the founding of the first higher technical school in 1818 by Gheorghe Lazar. Born in Avrig, Gheorghe Lazar studied in Sibiu, Cluj and Vienna. In he endeavoured to convince the local noblemen of the need for supporting a modern national school in the Romanian Language. Thus, on 24 March 1818, by a Royal Edict, the premises of Saint Sava Abbey were converted into the new school. Later, in 1832 this school was reorganised, including four cycles, in accordance with the provisions of Organic Ordinance. Among other faculties, the one dealing with exact sciences included courses such as applied trigonometry, geodesy, mineralogy, engineering graphics, descriptive geometry, mechanical elements applied to ordinary machines, principles of building roads and bridges, elements of architecture, etc. The graduates were obliged either to work for three years for the state, or to return the grant received. In 1862, the ruler Alexandru Ioan Cuza had established by another Royal Decree a set of rules for the organisation of civil engineers, the hierarchy of engineers or conductors, their salaries, the conditions for admission and promotion, were clearly defined. An important figure in the „School of Bridges, Roads and Mines” was Gheorghe Duca. As early as 1887, he analysed the content of courses, finding the weaknesses of the school, as well as the best solutions to improve its academic level. In those times, a substantial condition was the severity imposed on the conduct of students, in addition to evaluation

Short history The year 1890 represented a momentous point, when at the National School of Bridges and Roads a new commission was set up. Its main role was to issue equivalency certificates for the engineering diplomas obtained abroad, thus transforming this national school into a model for evaluating higher technical studies. Between 1938 and 1948 POLITEHNICA of Bucharest had seven faculties: Civil Engineering, Electromechanics, Metallurgy, Industrial Chemistry, Silviculture, Agronomy and Architecture. Another important transformation took place in 1948, when several faculties or even specialities became independent, or even moved to other towns. So, a lot of universities, institutes or faculties have their roots in the old „POLITEHNICA of Bucharest”. The name for our school was „The Polytechnic Institute of Buchatest”. Today, on the resolution of the Senate (November 1992), The Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest turned into University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, preserving the name „POLITEHNICA”, proudly used by generations of students. With more than 180 years of existence, UPB represents one of the fundamental and prestigious institutions of Romanian higher education, being the main source for the technical specialists of Romania. Illustrious personalities such as Gogu Constantinescu, Elie Carafoli, Costin D. Nenitescu, known world-wide by the scientific community, were professors at the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest.

Staff Full professors: 245 Total academic staff: 2738 Non-academic staff: 1261 Level of study offered by the university B.Sc. M.Sc. PhD 4 years 1.5 years 3-4 years Languages Romanian in all faculties,except at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences Taught in Foreign Languages (FILS), that offers full-time courses in English, French and German (three distinct branches).

Research Besides educational performance, scientific research represents a mandatory component for our academic staff. This activity takes place in chairs, departments, distinct research centers, or in centers for technological transfer; moreover, some research institutes are, or will be affiliated to University „POLITEHNICA” of Bucharest. All these research units are subordinated to the university, but they are financially autonomous and have decisional rights in accordance to their standing. They do participate on a competitive basis to get grants, or research contracts, valorising their human and logistic possibilities, and solving fundamental or applied themes, as well as the ones concerning technological development. Funds are provided mainly by grants, contracts with the i n d u s t r y, o r e x t e r n a l partnership. The strategic lines for the development of scientific research represent a prerogative of the Senate; its operative body, namely the Council for Scientific Research, solves the current problems. Details regarding the specific problems investigated are presented, separately, for each faculty.

Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology Staff Total academic staff: 328 Full professors: 29 Dean: Teodor PETRESCU, Professor Tel: Level of study B.Sc. (Engineer - 4 years) M.Sc. (1.5 years) PhD (3-4 years) Major fields of study Electronics Engineering and Telecommunications Applied Electronics Telecommunications Technologies and Systems Telecommunications Networks and Software Microelectronics, Optoelectronics and Nanotechnologies Computers and Information Technology Information Engineering Industrial Engineering and Management Economic Engineering in Electrical and Electronics Fields

Major research area Information Theory, Electronic Instrumentation and Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Computing Engineering, Digital Signal Processing, Speech Technology, Human Computer Dialogue, Optoelectronics, VLSI Circuits and Systems, Semiconductor Device Advanced Modeling and Simulation, Microsystems, Microprocessors and Microcomputers, Software and Systems for Telecommunications, Data Transmission Networks, Microwave and Optical Communications, Mobile and Satellite Communications, Multimedia Systems, Algorithms and Systems for Telecommunication Signal Processing, Quality and Reliability Assurance.


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