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Chapter 3 How effectively does Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms protect your individual rights?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3 How effectively does Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms protect your individual rights?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3 How effectively does Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms protect your individual rights?

2 This is a Free Country? Governance – The rules that describe what government can do with its power. Government power can only go so far up to the point where it limits your choices If it goes beyond that point, the government must have a reason That reason must be based on our values as a society Eg. Hate sites on the Internet

3 What is a Right and Freedom?
In groups of 4 Half will define “Rights” and examples, the other Half will define “Freedoms” and examples Use your flip chart and markers We are brainstorming, therefore no idea is a bad one. You must have someone record your ideas. We will reconvene in 10 minutes

4 The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
What is it? Part of Canada’s constitution The constitution sets out the framework for how Canada is to be governed The constitution is the highest law of Canada Laws must be consistent with it

5 The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
The Charter created constitutional protections for individual rights and freedoms These rights and freedoms apply to laws and governments across Canada With the Charter, Canadians can challenge laws that restrict their rights.

6 The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
The judicial branch makes decisions about the infringements to citizens rights under the Charter The courts strike down laws that restrict rights in an unjustified way

7 The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
The Charter says that Canada’s government is justified in restricting rights… Only if the restrictions are necessary to maintain Canada as a free and democratic society

8 Do they have the Right under the Charter?????

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