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Production Approval Power point presentation

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1 Production Approval Power point presentation
Year 2: U.A.L Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production & Technology (Film & TV) Final Extended Project 2019 By Ameera Thind

2 Introduction The purpose of this power point presentation is to clearly showcase the wide range of research from Literature and Media Reviews through to Experimentation and Explorations which I sourced and analysed. This Project Approval Presentation discusses the information from each research method I carried out. As shown on the next slides I have answered three main questions referring to all the different types of research I undertook. These questions consisting of: What have you learnt from this research? How have you applied this new knowledge to your project? How has this new knowledge and information changed and improved the finalised idea you have presented? The types of research I looked at were: 2 Literature Reviews, 2 Practitioner Reports, Experimentation, Exploration and a Media Product Review. All of which have written about in Chapter four but here I have paraphrased this further. AS well as this I have detailed four other areas consisting of the Scenario, Treatment, the Contextuality and the Key Target Audience all for my FMP.

3 Literature review 1 & 2 Literature Review 1 (Biggest Bollywood Icons):
I have learnt that Bollywood is such a huge industry that the older icons from the fifties are the most important and as the industry is developing and continuing more and more new icons and faces are appearing on screen in today’s society. More considerably the “new generation” as they are called are the new icons appearing on the films to appeal to the audience and modern world of Bollywood. I have applied this knowledge of knowing who the icons are of today’s generation and from the fifties to my project as since my project is about one main icon Shah Rukh Khan (SRK) it has given me the awareness that SRK and how all of these icons from both eras have had their play but SRK is the one for me who stands out the most. It overall has given me this awareness of who the major icons are of today and in the past as from when I grew up watching Bollywood SRK has always been the biggest icon for me. This new information has changed and improved my finalised idea because I can clearly state why SRK stands out the most in the industry compared to the icons of today which can showcase the knowledge I have for the industry. Literature Review 2 (Skill: Editing a Documentary): I have learnt the editing techniques to build interest in a traditional documentary like how cuts create an effect, the fading to black transitions, use of voiceovers and narration to give the audience more information. All of these techniques will be something I hope to consider for my edit to make it feel like a documentary. I have applied this new knowledge to my project as I have considered what I wanted to use in terms of the techniques, I already knew that I have wanted to include a voiceover narrating the documentary and using the information about SRK as a voiceover, as well as this just building interest to grasp the audience to engage and keep them watching. This new information has improved my idea as these techniques have given me the confidence to replicate this as I know that if I perform these techniques in my edit it can transform it into a documentary and will make it look professional from a filming perspective.

4 Practitioner Report 1 & 2 Practitioner Report 1 (Shah Rukh Khan):
From carrying out this first Practitioner Report and gathering sources I have learnt more about his life, career, family and how he has become this successful actor in the Bollywood industry. He didn’t come from a acting background or a rich background and now look at him – he is a success and one of the most richest actors in the world of film. I have applied this new knowledge to my project as when since my film is based around him I can confidently speak about him portraying the information I learnt from this biography I made throughout my film which is to inform and educate people about SRK. This has improved my idea due to having a piece with 100% accurate information as I researched about SRK and know that my project will be accurate as the information is shown in my film. Practitioner Report 1 (Gauri Khan): I have learnt about Gauri Khan and how she has made SRK who he is today especially through the development of producing SRK films for him as Gauri plays a huge role now in his career as she produces all his films under their film production company ‘Red Chillies Entertainment’ which is highly successful. I have applied this new knowledge to my project as I hope to include Gauri into my film as she has some way of making who SRK is today and how much of an icon he is. Without her they wouldn’t have the films in the industry of today as some have been a huge success on SRK’s career and the Bollywood film industry as a whole. This information has changed and improved my finalised idea as I was thinking of including her which will entice the audience to find out more about her, but will keep them fully engaged on SRK.

5 Media review Media Product Review (Similar Media Products to my project): I have learnt that there are existing products in the film industry already both related to the subject of my film but also the genre of an autobiographical and biographical approach. I learnt that the similar films with the same genre of my film tell the story from people’s perspective but also from the individual who the story is about perspective. With the films related to the same subject of Bollywood (SRK) are similar as I learnt that they fully focus on the one person by interviewing them and following them around with their life and job depending on their career or if they are a celebrity. I have applied this research to my project as I will be taking these elements since my project combines both an autobiographical and biographical elements containing the subject of Bollywood. I will be fully focusing on Shah Rukh Khan as he is the celebrity by interviewing people of what they think of his success. This knowledge hasn’t necessarily changed my project has made me more aware of the products out there which have influenced my idea development. It has informed me to compare my project to theirs so the audience can clearly relate to a similar film to find out what mine particularly entails.

6 Experimentation Experimentation (Setup of an Interview situation):
I have learnt how the general set up of recording an interview performs and carries out involving each production skill of Filming – I learnt how to position the subject in frame, using the the right angles and shot type, Editing – leant how to edit the interview segment into other footage of found footage, Lighting – I learnt how lighting can make a huge difference to lighting up both the subject in frame and the background and lastly Sound – I learnt how using a microphone can make the quality of sound more professional rather than not using one. I have applied this new knowledge to my project as I hope to record some interviews for my documentary short film which I will be following this same procedure of experimenting. I hope to interview people about SRK (Shah Rukh Khan) and his films and what people think of his personality as an actor throughout his films and cinema within Bollywood. This was why I carried out this interview setup experimentation. This new knowledge has improved my finalized idea due to knowing and being more experienced in recording and producing a simple interview as for my documentary short film based around Bollywood and Shah Rukh Khan, a Bollywood icon/actor I will be interviewing peers and people for my film which I now know the way and method to do so from the research I produced.

7 Exploration Exploration (Types of Documentaries):
From exploring the types of documentaries by gathering a focus group I learnt from other people whether my project fits into the genre I categorized it to be which was autobiographical and biographical. From what the focus group stated, they are on my side in terms of that I am correct of what my film is and of all the genres the one that my film is, is accurate. I also learnt about the other genres and what each of them means if you were define them including the elements which each contains. I have applied this new knowledge to my project because I asked the focus group about my specific project which made them listen to what my film is about and what it entails which meant that they could choose the right genre suitable for my film precisely including the elements of autobiographical and biographical approaches. This new information has changed and improved my finalized idea as I have been able to adjust and confirm my genre as my focus group agreed with me as my film presents both autobiographical and biographical elements so nothing really changed.

8 Scenario My project is a short documentary film about introducing the Bollywood industry and looking into the life of Shah Rukh Khan (biographical) who is a major star in Bollywood cinema. I will be portraying his life, career, family and his personality which is shown on screen through the number of films he has been in and are some of the most known in the industry. As well as this, one major person Gauri Khan, his wife, of how she has influenced him to become the icon and King of the industry today as she produces all his films and has developed his career. To add a personal touch I will be portraying my perspective (autobiographical) through a fictional, made up character, of how I became fond of his work and watching his films from my childhood as it presents my point of view. My film will overall, convey the life of SRK and my perspective of my life and how I grew up watching the films and more specifically his films through a fictional character (made up character).

9 Treatment There are three main events and actions which will occur and happen in my short documentary film, they are explained below: The first event (first scene) which happens in my documentary is that I will be introducing Bollywood and what occurs in the industry specifically using found footage of Bollywood scenes, Bollywood songs and filming a short sequence of dancing which is where the costumes shown in Bollywood will be portrayed The next event which will be occurring is the introduction of Shah Rukh Khan, by interviewing people that I know who have had the experience of watching a SRK film asking them about his films and him as an actor on screen – just overall getting there opinions. I will also question the interviewees about Gauri Khan (his wife) and what they think she does in terms of SRK’s films to receive their views. The next action is that I will be portraying the story of my perspective through the girl character of how I became fond of watching SRK’s films – to do this I will have them watching his films, looking through some of the most iconic films and getting them fully involved especially by listening to the songs he had in his films. These were the main series of actions and events which will occur in my very short film

10 contextuality (Ameera T, 2019) (Ameera T, 2019) (Ameera T, 2019)
There were many observations which motivated me in planning and constructing (planning) this project. Some aspects including: Coming from an Indian cultured background motivated me to produce something related to my culture and what I have to share about it. I have always been interested in watching Bollywood films (Hindi language orientated) and since I can understand Hindi, this drew me in to watching them from such a young age. Especially my Grandad who introduced me to Shah Rukh Khan who is the individual I am basing my film about. Sharing my passion for film and Bollywood interlink – my passion mainly motivates me to enjoy and produce something I like the most. From Unit 12 and the work which this involved was about a Specialist Study I researched about Bollywood as a subject and this was what I wanted to base my FMP on this is what influenced and motivated me to do exactly this. (Ameera T, 2019) (Ameera T, 2019)

11 I have aimed my project at people who are interested in film and want to learn more about Bollywood especially those who are in the UK as this is where Bollywood films are not highly raved about compared to outside Europe. As well as this my film is targeted at those who find documentaries engaging and interesting to watch especially ones including autobiographical and biographical elements which is what my film presents. I did produce for Chapter three a perfect audience member who was to watch my FMP as shown on the left. I considered psychographics rather than looking at people’s age to base my Target Audience on to involve everyone with a similar interest. Target audience

12 conclusion To conclude, this was wide range of research I undertook and explained as to what I learnt, what improved and how it applied to my specific project idea. It helped me to outline this in a much simpler form. I also looked at four other key areas which are really important for me including the Scenario, Treatment, Contextuality of my film and lastly who my film is targeted to in terms of audience. All of these are significant and all play a huge part in my Final Major Project.

13 Thank you for listening
By Ameera Thind

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