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Kings: Ahab (Israel) – Ben-Hadad (Syria)

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2 Kings: Ahab (Israel) – Ben-Hadad (Syria)
Israel & Syria at War Kings: Ahab (Israel) – Ben-Hadad (Syria) Ben-Hadad Challenged Ahab (vv. 1-6) Ahad Refuses (vv. 7-9) Ben-Hadad promises to “wipe-out” Israel (v. 10) Ahab warns Ben-Hadad about overconfidence (v. 11)

3 1 Kings 20:11 So the king of Israel answered and said, “Tell him, ‘Let not the one who puts on his armor boast like the one who takes it off.’ ” Ben-Hadad was boasting of what he would do (v 10) Point: Victory is not assured until the battle is over!

4 “Let not the one who puts on his armor boast like the one who takes it off.”
Seems to be quoting a proverb “Ahab’s reply has the air of a proverb, with which Orientals always love to answer a foe.” (Barnes) Ecc. 7:8 – end of a thing is better… Prov. 27:1 – Do not boast of tomorrow Modern: “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch” French: “Should not sell the skin of the bear until you kill it.”

5 Don’t Boast Before the Battle Don’t Boast Before the Battle
1 Kings 20:11

6 Don’t Boast Before the Battle
Easily See in Others What Can’t See in Self

7 Easily See in Others What Can’t See in Self
Ahab Could see in Ben-Hadad – lack of judgment and foolish thinking Could not see his own failure to follow the direction of God (vv ) Us Often blinded to self – what we can see clearly in others See speck – not beam (Matt. 7:1-5) Condemn in others what we do (Rom. 2) David talking to Nathan (2 Sam. 12:1-7) Ahab talking to “soldier” (1 Kings 20:35-43) Easily See in Others What Can’t See in Self

8 Easily See in Others What Can’t See in Self
Ahab Could see in Ben-Hadad – lack of judgment and foolish thinking Could not see his own failure to follow the direction of God (vv ) Us Often blinded to self – what we can see clearly in others Examples: See when other parents fail to teach their children See when one is dilatory in preparation for Bible class See when one is not devoting time to family See when others have a bad attitude Easily See in Others What Can’t See in Self

9 Don’t Boast Before the Battle
Easily See in Others What Can’t See in Self Can Get Excellent Advice from the Unwise

10 Can Get Excellent Advice from the Unwise
Ahab Was very unwise: Did more evil than others (1 Kings 16:30) Married a pagan (1 Kings 16:31) Turned to idols (1 Kings 16:31-32) Spared Ben-Hadad (1 Kings 20:31-34) Selfish (1 Kings 21) Greedy (1 Kings 21) Yet – the proverb he repeated was excellent advice! Can Get Excellent Advice from the Unwise

11 Can Get Excellent Advice from the Unwise
Ahab Don’t discount advice & instruction Just because one giving it – don’t follow it himself! Just because one giving it – makes unwise choices Can Get Excellent Advice from the Unwise

12 Can Get Excellent Advice from the Unwise
Ahab Don’t discount advice & instruction It is true Hypocrite has little influence (Rom. 2:23-24) Unwise have little impact Reason they may have good advice: Blinded to self May be repeating what they heard – not that they know it by experience Can Get Excellent Advice from the Unwise

13 Can Get Excellent Advice from the Unwise
Ahab Don’t discount advice & instruction It is true The advice you may hear: Raising children – dangers to avoid How to treat mate – and have happy home How to deal with temptation How to get along with others How should approach Bible study Being careful what say Can Get Excellent Advice from the Unwise

14 Don’t Boast Before the Battle
Easily See in Others What Can’t See in Self Can Get Excellent Advice from the Unwise Careful About Saying What We Will Do

15 Careful About Saying What We Will Do
Peter was careless (Matt. 26:31-34) The circumstances of careless claims Those who newly put on the armor Think strength is greater than is Think more capable than are Confidence is high Those who won one battle – assured they are ready for the next (cf. Joshua 6, 7) Careful About Saying What We Will Do

16 Careful About Saying What We Will Do
Peter was careless (Matt. 26:31-34) The circumstances of careless claims Areas where we may not be careful Critical of those who fought the battle before us (how they handled it all wrong) “When I have children….” “When I get married….” “When I get out on my own…” “If I were in charge….” Careful About Saying What We Will Do

17 Careful About Saying What We Will Do
Peter was careless (Matt. 26:31-34) The circumstances of careless claims Areas where we may not be careful Danger – easily embarrassed later Peter was (Matt. 26) Ben-Hadad was (1 Kings 20) Careful About Saying What We Will Do

18 Don’t Boast Before the Battle
Easily See in Others What Can’t See in Self Can Get Excellent Advice from the Unwise Careful About Saying What We Will Do Careful About Saying What We’ll Never Do

19 Careful About Saying What We’ll Never Do
Peter was careless in saying he would never stumble or deny (Matt. 26:31-34) Consider self (Gal. 6:1-2) Areas were in we are careless “I would never do what you did…” “I would never commit fornication / adultery” “I would never look at what you have looked at…” “I would never lose my temper like you do..” Careful About Saying What We’ll Never Do

20 Don’t Boast Before the Battle
Easily See in Others What Can’t See in Self Can Get Excellent Advice from the Unwise Careful About Saying What We Will Do Careful About Saying What We’ll Never Do One Puts On Armor Has More to Do….

21 One Puts On Armor Has More to Do Than Boast
One may be boasting because he has little else to do One who puts the armor on: Battle to fight (Eph. 6) Marriage to build (Eph. 5) Children to train, teach and discipline (Eph 6:1-4) Souls to instruct (Mark 16:15) Brethren to encourage (Heb. 10:24) One Puts On Armor Has More to Do Than Boast

22 Don’t Boast Before the Battle
Easily See in Others What Can’t See in Self Can Get Excellent Advice from the Unwise Careful About Saying What We Will Do Careful About Saying What We’ll Never Do One Puts On Armor Has More to Do….


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