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3 Soft Skills Soft skill is the ability required and expected from persons for finding a suitable job, its maintenance and promotion .

4 Importance of soft skill
Soft skills are very important To handle interpersonal relations To take appropriate decisions To communicate effectively To have good impression and impact to gain professional development

5 What is required? Communication skills Body language
Presentation skills Team work Professional ethics Interpersonal skills Time and stress management


7 Communication Definition Example Type Basic skills
Barriers to communication TACTFUL conversation

8 Communication defined…..
Art of giving meaning full information from one person to another From sender of information to receiver of information Information should be exchanged in its entirety Its often distorted


10 Communication -- types
Positive communication Negative communication

11 Positive communication
Tells the recipient what can be done Suggests alternatives and choices available to the recipient Sounds helpful and encouraging rather than bureaucratic Stresses positive actions and positive consequences that can be anticipated.

12 Negative communication
Tells the recipient what cannot be done Has a subtle tone of blame Includes words like can’t, won’t, unable to, that tell the recipient what the sending agency cannot do Does not stress positive actions that would be appropriate or positive consequences

13 Communication : basic skills
Verbal communication Non verbal communication


15 Communication : listening
Attentiveness to speaker Eye contact Intention be fully awake and aware Openness: to other person and your own Paying attention Listening to yourself Feedback Body language Change in pattern Expectations about person speaking ,about their message, about their agenda

16 Communication : barriers
Language Body language Selective hearing / non verbal cues Self made assumptions Distrusted source Cultural differences

17 TACTFUL Conversation T : Think before you speak
A : Apologize quickly when you blunder C : Converse, don’t compete T : Time your comments F: Focus on behavior – not on personality U : Uncover hidden feelings L : Listen for feedback

18 DO’S AND DON’TS Don’t be rude and pushy
Do be direct and calm Don’t be rude and pushy Do spare others your unsolicited advice Don’t be patronizing, superior or sarcastic Do acknowledge that what works for you may not work for others Don’t make personal attacks or insinuations Do say main points first, offer more details if necessary Don’t expect others to follow your advice or always agree with you Do listen for hidden feelings Don’t suggest changes that a person can not easily make


20 Why is body language important?
To keep people's attention To create a good atmosphere To create more impact

21 Body language means: How you stand How you move
How you appear to people How you look at people How you sound

22 Actions speak louder than words?
What often happens In any relationship is that language itself becomes a mask and a means of clouding and confusion the relationship. If the spoken language is stripped away and the only communication left is body language, the truth will find some way of poling through. Spoken language itself is a great obscurer.

23 How you stand Stand straight. Stand where everyone can see you.
Stand on both legs. Don’t lean against anything. Stand where everyone can see you. Face the audience directly. Don’t obstruct the foils. Stand by the screen when pointing to foils. Stand away from it when talking about them.

24 How to move Avoid nervous movements. Use gestures for emphasis.
Don’t walk up and down. Keep your hands down except for gestures. Don’t fidget, scratch, Jiggle your legs, etc Use gestures for emphasis. Practice appropriate gestures. Don’t overdo it. Avoid arm-waving.

25 Look Energetic Why Energy holds peoples attention. Lack of energy puts people to sleep. How Stand straight Put energy into your eyes, voice and movements.

26 Look relaxed Why If you relax people will have more confidence in you. If you are sot relaxed people cannot focus on the content. How Smile. Make it informal. Use humor – enjoy yourself. Slow done. Breathe slowly. Let your arms hang loose. Don’t make nervous movements.

27 Trouble…. Misinterpretation of signals Can be BIG trouble
Legal trouble Don you know how to act or are you confused?

28 CONCLUSION Body is a powerful instrument in a speech.
Usually body language occurs unconsciously. Nonverbal expressions communication a great part of emotional experience.


30 First impressions You have only one chance to make a good first impression. You appearance tells others how you feel about yourself, which can define how they treat you. Your corporate ladder climb will be easier if you look like you belong there.



33 What influenced you? Apparent level of sophistication
Well-groomed appearance Conservative appearance Overall attractiveness Non-verbal signals Apparent level of self-confidence

34 What do you clothes say about you?
Your appearance plays a supporting role in the interview process. Your appearance can convey strong feelings of trust to a prospective employer. Your appearance can convey a sense of self-confidence, dependability and professionalism. Your appearance can determine how people you meet will react to you.

35 First impression guidelines__ grooming
Smell – little or no cologne; no cigarette odor Breath – fresh, clean breath; use a breath mint

36 Telephonic Etiquette

37 Telephone Etiquette Answer calls within three rules. Greet the caller.
Identify yourself. Identify your school. Ask how you can help.

38 Answer with a smile.

39 Placing callers on :hold:;
Ask if the caller minds being placed on hold. Check back with callers so they don’t think you’ve forgotten them. It’s okay if you don’t know the answer immediately. a) If you need to research provide an estimate of when you will follow up

40 Telephone etiquette Transferring calls.
Avoid transfers whenever possible. Be the callers single point of contact for the information you can give. Use your resources. Ask for help.

41 When transfers are unavoidable:
Do not “blind” transfer the call. Provide a phone number in case the call is disconnected. Communicate the Members issue prior to transfer. a) Saves time and frustration.

42 Voice mail greetings. Keep greeting updated. Provide detailed information. Alternative contact information. Positive closing.

43 When leaving a message:
Identify yourself. Repeat contact information. Respect privacy. Keep message concise and specific.

44 While on the phone Focus your attention on the caller.
Use the callers name during the conversation. Build rapport with the caller. Speak clearly. Always be polite.

45 Avoid eating, chewing or drinking.
Respect others. Follow the “golden rule.” Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

46 Questions

47 Thanks a lot………… Best wishes………

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