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LEQ – (Comp, CCOT, Causation)

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1 LEQ – (Comp, CCOT, Causation)

Describes a broader historical context relevant to the prompt. 1 THESIS / CLAIM Responds to the prompt with a historically defensible thesis/claim that establishes a line of reasoning. EVIDENCE & SUPPORT FOR ARGUMENT (Must Earn 1 to Earn 2) 1. Provides SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of evidence relevant to the topic of the prompt. 2. SUPPORTS AN ARGUMENT in response to the prompt using specific and relevant examples of evidence. ANALYSIS & REASONING 1. Uses historical reasoning (e.g. comparison, causation, CCOT) to frame or structure an argument that addresses the prompt. 2. Demonstrates a complex understanding of the historical development that is the focus of the prompt, using evidence to corroborate, qualify, or modify an argument that addresses the question. Total Points Possible: 6

3 Contextualization To earn this point, the response must relate the topic of the prompt to broader historical events, developments, or processes that occur before, during, or continue after the time frame of the question. This point is not awarded for merely a phrase or a reference. Background information that provides a setting: Define terms What happened just before this that explains the situation we are in? Ex. A question about the social and economic changes caused by the Industrial Revolution What is the Industrial Revolution? What were social and economic structures based on before?

4 Two Sample Thesis Formats - Comp
One Sentence Thesis Two sentence Thesis Although thing/society #1 and thing/society #2 are similar/different in that point of comparison #1 and why, they are different/similar in that point of comparison #2 and point of comparison #3 and why. Thing/society #1 and thing/society #2 are similar/different in that point of comparison #1 and why. However, they are different/similar in that point of comparison #2 and point of comparison #3 and why.

5 Two Sample Thesis Formats - Comp
One Sentence Thesis Two sentence Thesis Although thing/society #1 and thing/society #2 are similar/different in that point of comparison #1 and why, they are different/similar in that point of comparison #2 and point of comparison #3 and why. Although Federalists and Anti-Federalists are similar in that they both agreed to separation of powers to limit the authority of any one branch of government, they are different in that because of their differing views on the economic future of America, Federalists believed in a economy based on banking while Anti-Federalists valued agriculture and Federalist advocated for strong international ties while Anti-Federalists did not. Thing/society #1 and thing/society #2 are similar/different in that point of comparison #1 and why. However, they are different/similar in that point of comparison #2 and point of comparison #3 and why. Federalists and Anti-Federalists are similar in that they both agreed to separation of powers to limit the authority of any one branch of government. However, they are different in that because of their differing views on the economic future of America, Federalists believed in a economy based on banking while Anti-Federalists valued agriculture and Federalist advocated for strong international ties while Anti-Federalists did not.

6 Two Sample Thesis Formats - Comp
One Sentence Thesis Two sentence Thesis Although thing/society #1 and thing/society #2 are similar/different in that point of comparison #1 and why, they are different/similar in that point of comparison #2 and point of comparison #3 and why. Although Egypt and Mesopotamia are similar/different in that they both had a well defined hierarchy based on job specialization, they are different/similar in that due to the unpredictable nature of their environment, Mesopotamia had stricter patriarchal codes and a belief system that was far more pessimistic than the Egyptians. Thing/society #1 and thing/society #2 are similar/different in that point of comparison #1 and why. However, they are different/similar in that point of comparison #2 and point of comparison #3 and why. Egypt and Mesopotamia are similar/different in that they both had a well defined hierarchy based on job specialization. However, they are different/similar in that due to the unpredictable nature of their environment, Mesopotamia had stricter patriarchal codes and a belief system that was far more pessimistic than the Egyptians.

7 Two Sample Thesis Formats - CCOT
One Sentence Thesis Two sentence Thesis

8 Two Sample Thesis Formats - Causation
One Sentence Thesis Two sentence Thesis

9 EVIDENCE Provides SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of evidence relevant to the topic of the prompt. This is where you load up your essay with concrete details that support the argument (aim for 9 throughout the essay) People Objects Tools Inventions Documents Political ideas Buildings Religions

10 SUPPORT FOR ARGUMENT SUPPORTS AN ARGUMENT in response to the prompt using specific and relevant examples of evidence. Background information that provides a setting: Why are your points of comparison similar or different? Why did something change or why did it stay the same? Why did that one event lead to another? Why was that one event caused by another? Colonization of Americas European Competition Innovations in Sea-Faring “God Wills It” Crusade Mentality

11 ANALYSIS Uses historical reasoning (e.g. comparison, causation, CCOT) to frame or structure an argument that addresses the prompt. This is where you take the points of comparison, changes and continuity, or causes you have brainstormed and use them to structure your essay. Each point of comparison, change and continuity, or cause will be discussed in a separate body paragraph. Use topic sentences to clearly show yourself and your reader what point of comparison, change and continuity, or cause will be discussed.

12 REASONING Demonstrates a complex understanding of the historical development that is the focus of the prompt, using evidence to corroborate, qualify, or modify an argument that addresses the question. To earn the second point, the response must demonstrate a complex understanding, which must be part of the argument and not merely a phrase or reference. This could include: Explaining nuance by analyzing multiple variables (bring in the outliers, exceptions to the rule) Explaining both similarity and difference, both continuity and change, or multiple causes, or both causes and effects Explaining relevant and insightful connections within and across periods (Same thing happening somewhere else at the same time; same thing happening same place at a different time i.e. Civil Rights…happens throughout US history but also in other places in the world) Confirming the validity of an argument by corroborating multiple perspectives across themes Qualifying or modifying an argument by considering diverse or alternative views or evidence (evidence to the contrary…although a lot of people think/evidence shows…this says…) Non-Negotiable

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