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Brief Overview of how Arizona taxes and tax giveaways

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1 Brief Overview of how Arizona taxes and tax giveaways
Arizona Revenues Brief Overview of how Arizona taxes and tax giveaways


3 Notice No State revenue from property tax

4 Constitutional Spending Limit = 7.41% of Total State Personal Income

5 Constitutional Spending Limit = 7.41% of Total State Personal Income
4.2% =$ 2 Billion More

6 Revenue Cuts Arizona has cut some form of taxes in 27 of the last 28 years Every year except 2003 This occurred even during the Recession Schools Budgets cut during recession The value of these cuts, when adjusted for inflation and population growth, is approximately $4 Billion

7 Revenue Cuts The elimination of the state property tax in 1997
Property tax now funds school funding formula Capped at QTR (qualified tax rate) A substantial reduction in individual income tax rates in 2005 Reductions in the corporate income tax rates Phased in over several years ( ) Now at 4.9%

8 Ways State Revenues are Cut
Income tax rate reductions Individual/corporate TPT exemptions Tax Credits Tax deductions

9 6.968% 4.90%

10 From 6.97% to 4.9% (2.07% cut) 30% Cut In Corporate Income Tax Rate

11 Millions

12 Billions

13 $9.66 $9.62 Billions

14 Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT)
Sales tax Vendors pay tax (tpt) in order to due business in AZ Collected by ADOR for state/counties/cities Passes on to consumer Az tpt rate is 5.6% Counties and cities may add onto this All 15 counties do

15 Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT)
Hundreds and Hundreds on the books Just a few recently passed Fine art Jet fuel Jet timeshares Jet storage Coal tpt repealed

16 Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT)
Sometimes TPT exemptions sound good but really aren’t

17 Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT)
Sometimes TPT exemptions sound good but really aren’t At least right now

18 Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT)
Sometimes TPT exemptions sound good but really aren’t Diaper tpt exemption Cost state revenue $11-30 million Could be used for tANF funding ($5m to expand additional year) Childcare subsidies Are we really helping those that need it most

19 Tax deductions/exemptions/credits
Reduces your taxable income Personal/dependents Deduction Charitable donations/Medical costs Credits $ for $ reduction in tax burden STO’s/Public Schools

20 Examples of recent enacted changes resulting in decreased state revenues
Tax exemption 2017 – increased personal exemption by $50 per year for next 3 years Cost to state revenue - $10 Million In pocket tax savings for each Arizonan - $4

21 Examples of recent enacted changes resulting in decreased state revenues
Tax credits Increased charitable tax credit to $800 (from $400) Sto’s Started in 98 To help low income families have the choice to attend private school Not doing that Around 40% go to low income/60% go to middle or high income

22 Revenue Cuts What have we received in return for years of tax cuts/Giveaways? Less investment less services provided and more debt $1 billion rollover payment due to K-12 $2 Billion SFB lawsuit pending

23 Prop 301 reauthorization Not a renewal
Legislature Reauthorized the 0.6 cent sales tax Legislature reauthorized funds distribution Legislative action has Very important implications

24 Prop 301 reauthorization No longer voter protected
Not a renewal Legislature Reauthorized the 0.6 cent sales tax Legislature reauthorized funds distribution Legislative action has Very important implications No longer voter protected Legislature can manipulate finds distribution with a simple majority vote

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