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Membrane Potential Department of Biology, WCU.

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Presentation on theme: "Membrane Potential Department of Biology, WCU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Membrane Potential Department of Biology, WCU

2 Introduction Communication (e.g., nerve-nerve, nerve-muscle) Summary
forces leading to membrane potential actions beyond RMP

3 Potential Voltage determinant on ions Plasma membrane causes potential
Measurement +20 to -200 mV polarized

4 Forces acting on ions Na+, K+ concentration gradient caused by plasma membrane RMP (passive movement) Na+ permeability low K+ permeability high only at plasma membrane

5 Resting Membrane Potential

6 Forces acting on ions Na+ influx and K + efflux

7 Ions causing gradient Major Minor Na+, K+ Ca++, PO4-, HCO3-
Solutes - glucose, urea

8 Potentials as signals Communication (neurons) Signal types
receiving, integrating, sending Signal types Graded potentials Action potentials

9 Electrical events 1. Depolarization less potential difference
inside of cell becomes less negative increase in Na+ influx (5,000x)

10 Electrical events 2. Hyperpolarization more potential difference
inside of cell becomes more negative increase in K+ efflux (10x)

11 Graded potentials Short-lived changes
Decrease strength away from stimulus

12 Graded potentials Types (depend on stimulus source)
Receptor potential (light, heat) Postsynaptic potential (neurons - synapse)

13 Action potentials Communication (neurons, neurons - muscle)
No decrement of decrease Four phases RMP depolarization repolarization hyperpolarization

14 Action potentials

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