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WFD conference Lille 2007: “Water Status Monitoring under the WFD”

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Presentation on theme: "WFD conference Lille 2007: “Water Status Monitoring under the WFD”"— Presentation transcript:

1 WFD conference Lille 2007: “Water Status Monitoring under the WFD”

2 Motivation Focus Motivation and Focus
monitoring programmes operable end of 2006 Scientific exchange on water monitoring in Europe Focus Policy, science-policy and industrial aspects of chemical and biochemical water monitoring under the WFD Reflection of existing knowledge

3 Date and Venue March 2007 Lille, France Le Nouveau Siècle

4 Programme Day 1 Policy day Day 2 Science day
Session 1 Introduction and EU policy e.g. German and French Water Director Session 2 Scene Setting Day 2 Science day Session 3 Case studies / best practices covering monitoring of all relevant types of waters Session 4 Science into policy integration Round Table R&D Perspectives, Future Needs, and Vision Session 5 Poster sessions on day 1 and day 2

5 Programme Day 3 Scientific features and Industrial Perspectives
Session 6 Scientific Features linked to EU R&D Projects Session 7 Science into policy integration (cont.) Session 8 Industrial Perspectives about WFD Monitoring

6 Programme Fliers Fliers are available At the table
On the conference website

7 Further Information CONTACTS:
Ulrich Borchers Philippe Quevauviller Clive Thompson Please visit our conference website

8 We are looking forward to meeting you in Lille in March 2007

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