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ICS Integrated Corrections System

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1 ICS Integrated Corrections System
State of Wisconsin Melanie Pederson ICS Business Change Manager May 1, 2006

2 Wisconsin DOC Adult Institutions Community Corrections
House 21,500 inmates 38 institutions and centers Community Corrections Manage 71,000 adults and juveniles under community supervision Probation, parole and extended supervision Juvenile Corrections House 570 youthful offenders Three custodial facilities DAI 6 maximum, 10 medium, 3 minimum institutions 16 minimum security centers 1 secured detention facility 2 program facilities WRC and Sandridge DCC 8 regions 120 field offices 1200 plus field agents DJC 3 secure custodial facilities 1 treatment facility Short Term Intensive outbound program Sprite – support, pride respect, initiative, training, education

3 What is the ICS Project? Replace five legacy offender information systems with one web-based application Build a foundation for future DOC application development Build a single source of decision support information across all three divisions Complete four phases over four years Support ASCA performance standards Purchased existing ICS application software and work with Marquis to customize to meet WI business needs. Implement across the three divisions Provide consistency and automation of business process Fixed price contract with a fully defined set of deliverables to reduce risk from a time and materials contract. Technical project managers Application Readiness Data Readiness Quality Assurance Infrastructure Deployment Legacy Transition Document Management Data Warehouse 6 Division Project Managers 3 DAI, 2 DCC and 1 DJC

4 ICS Project Phases & Timeline
Phase 1a Institution Operations May 2005 through April 2007 Phase 2 Community Supervision August 2006 through January 2008 Phase 3 Offender Financials June 2007 through October 2008 Phase 4 Juvenile Corrections March 2008 through July 2009 Phased Deployment 1aa replaces CIPIS (corrections Integrated Program Information System)) – mainframe system on incarcerated and intensive sanctioned offenders developed in the 1980’s by DOC. 95% of the statistical reports presented to the governor, Legislature, etc., come from this system. EOI, FSR, ICC, IMT, ISS, ODA, ORP, OTC, OTR, IJP, PCA This release also includes Inmate external movement and count Classification Programs Parole hearings Phase 1ab – IPT, ISS incident and conduct reports internal movement, counts and status Phase 1ac – ISS Property Phase 1ad – IVT Visitation

5 Where We Are Now Completed all of the JAD sessions for the 14 modules
Quality Assurance & DOC Workgroups testing customized software changes until June 2006 Unit Acceptance Testing Aug – Sept 2006 Pilot Testing Sept – Oct 2006 Phased Implementation for Adult Institutions starts December 4, 2006 Start planning for start of Phase 2 SSMES and SMES in ICS workgroups Prepare business process documents Conduct preJAD session Participate in JAD session Conduct Post JAD session review and comment on software changes based on JAD session prioritize functional requirements finalize drop-down lists Complete User acceptance testing Develop new business process documents Help develop training plans. Start Planning Process for Community Operations Interstate Compact, connections to other agencies, time computation, pre sentence investigation reports 5

6 Lessons Learned Allow more time for the JAD sessions
Drive JAD session from the Business Process Documentation, not the software Determine effective use of Quality Assurance Expand and improve our communications and union involvement process Provide clearer and stronger scope management Create a common schedule at the project onset Need for ‘smart’ flexibility

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