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Finding the Epicenter.

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1 Finding the Epicenter


3 Simplified version of seismographs

4 The greater the difference in arrival times between P and S waves, the further the station is from the epicenter The following graph in your reference tables will allow you to determine epicenter distance for various stations receiving P and S waves

5 If the difference in arrival time between the P and S wave is 8 min 20 sec, here is how you find the
distance to the epicenter: Mark off the time difference on the “Y” axis. Use a scrap piece of paper for this. Slide this difference between the P and S graphs until the top touches the S wave curve and the bottom touches the P wave curve Epicenter distance Is around 6800 km. Read the epicenter distance on the “X” axis

6 Use your travel time graph and determine
the epicenter distance for each station below

7 Station P arrival S arrival diff. distance
Station A 10h 9m 10h 16m 15s 7m 15s km Station B 10h 4m 10h 7m 5s 3m 5s km Station C 10h 7m 10h 12m 30s 5m 30s km

8 Once you have determined the epicenter distance for each station, can other information can be found? Yes: the exact location of the epicenter How many different receiving stations does it require To locate the exact epicenter of the earthquake? 3

9 Where the 3 circles Intersect is the epicenter Draw distance
circles around each station with a compass to locate the Epicenter Where the 3 circles Intersect is the epicenter

10 A minimum of 3 stations are required to locate the epicenter of an earthquake

11 We can also determine the time that the earthquake occurred:
Station P arrival S arrival diff. distance Station A 10h 9m 10h 16m 15s 6m 15s km Station B 10h 4m 10h 7m 5s 3m 5s km Station C 10h 7m 10h 12m 30s 5m 30s km We can also determine the time that the earthquake occurred: Let’s use station B to do this. Since station B is 2000 km from the epicenter, use the travel time graph to find out how long the P wave traveled to reach Station B.

12 Station B is 2000km from the epicenter
According to the travel time graph the P wave traveled for 4 minutes Now simply subtract 4 minutes from the P wave arrival time (10 h 4 m) at Station B to get the time the quake occurred 10 h 4 m – 4 m = 10h 0m Arrival time – travel time = time the quake occurred

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