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ASP.NET MVC Web Development

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Presentation on theme: "ASP.NET MVC Web Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASP.NET MVC Web Development
Getting Started |

2 Model-View-Controller
The MVC Pattern Model-View-Controller Model: data / business rules View: application UI Controller: communication, flow, application-specific logic

3 The MVC Pattern Model-View-Controller Video: The MVC mindset

4 MVC applied to Web Frameworks
Models: encapsulated data stored in database. F.e. via Entity Framework View: template to dynamically generate HTML Controller: manages relationship between view and model. Responds to user input, talk to model, decides which view to render

5 ASP.NET MVC specific principles
Convention over configuration DRY principle (Don’t repeat yourself) Pluggability Be helpful, but stay out of developers way

6 ASP.NET MVC 5 overview One ASP.NET Bootstrap templates
ASP.NET Scaffolding

7 MVC application structure

8 MVC application structure 1/2
DIRECTORY PURPOSE /Controllers Where you put Controller classes that handle URL requests /Models Where you put classes that represent and manipulate data and business objects /Views Where you put UI template fi les that are responsible for rendering output, such as HTML /Scripts Where you put JavaScript library files and scripts (.js)

9 MVC application structure 2/2
DIRECTORY PURPOSE /fonts The Bootstrap template system includes some custom web fonts, which are placed in this directory /Content Where you put CSS, images, and other site content, other than scripts /App_Data Where you store data files you want to read/write /App_Start Where you put configuration code for features like Routing, bundling, and Web API

10 Convention over configuration
ASP.NET MVC’s conventions: Each controller’s class name ends with Controller and lives in the Controllers directory. There is a single Views directory for all the views of your application. Views that controllers use live in a subdirectory of the Views main directory and are named according to the controller name.

11 School/huiswerk Voor de volgende les: Vragen?
Doorlezen hoofdstuk 1: getting started Vragen?

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