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Geology of the Oceans Everything that happens on the surface of the Earth is a result of processes occuring inside the Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Geology of the Oceans Everything that happens on the surface of the Earth is a result of processes occuring inside the Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geology of the Oceans Everything that happens on the surface of the Earth is a result of processes occuring inside the Earth

2 Plate Tectonics and the Ocean Floor
Alfred Wegner first proposed that continents move across the surface of the Earth in 1912 Continental drift has been operating for the last 3 billion years Continents collide as they move and had formed one large supercontinent “Pangea” 200 MYA Pangea began to split apart and continents drifted to their present locations

3 Plate Tectonics Present Continents have been found to fit together best when their continental shelves are matched up Oceans are 4 billion years old but oldest ocean floor is 180 myo New sea floor is created at mid ocean ridges and are volcanic in origin Mid ocean ridges wrap one and a half times around the world Oceanic crust is lost to subduction under thicker continental crust


5 Internal Structure of the Earth

6 Processes of Plate Tectonics


8 Plate Tectonics Differences in the temperatures of mantle material cause convection currents in the mantle Hotter mantle material rises up and scrapes along the bottom of the crust moving it and then cools and sinks deeper in the mantle Continents are moved along by the process of sea floor spreading

9 Convection currents in Mantle

10 Temperatures within the Earth

11 Plate Tectonics Earths crust is divided into 18 known plates 9 of which are larger These plates act as huge rafts floating on the Earths mantle Movement averages ¾ to 2 inches per year Junctions between plates are called faults Many Faults are geologically active as volcanos or earth quakes, Pacific rim “ring of Fire”


13 Hawaiian Island Chain

14 Islands, Seamounts, Tablemounts

15 Magnetic Field Reversal Record

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