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Presentation on theme: "Consciousness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consciousness

2 Consciousness Consciousness  Our awareness of various cognitive processes, such as sleeping, dreaming, concentrating, and remembering, Our thinking ability, remembering, planning and predicting sets us aside from animals Structuralisms started the field of psychology trying to study consciousness

3 Consciousness WilliaM JaMes Drew attention to how we start, stop, and think randomly. A Kaleidoscope of Internal and External information. Coined the term “Stream of Consciousness”

4 Consciousness Interest grew in consciousness during the 1950s and 1960s Improving technology EEG, MRI, PET, CT made tremendous strides studying consciousness Drugs – Mind altering states how they work and why. Growth of computers and understanding thought process War

5 Consciousness 2 Parts of Consciousness
Waking State  Mental state that include thoughts, feelings, perceptions that occur when we are awake and alert Altered State  Mental state that differs noticeable from normal waking consciousness, daydreaming, sleeping, and dreaming.

6 Consciousness We are only conscious of a small portion of what is going on around us. Sounds, smells, lights  External Memories, thoughts, emotions  Internal Luckily we are not conscious to them all at the same time! We are subject to numerous processes and experiences and are not conscious to them (driving, signing name, etc)

7 Consciousness According to Freud  The conscious part of our minds is only the tip of the iceberg. The real driving force behind human actions is sexual and aggressive instincts that remain hidden but can be revealed in hypnosis and dreaming.

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