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Welcome Thank you for coming. Please grab a drink and take your seat.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Thank you for coming. Please grab a drink and take your seat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Thank you for coming. Please grab a drink and take your seat.

2 KS2 SATs

3 Tests Mathematics English Reading English Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Teacher Assessment English Writing Science Anyone working below the levels of the test A science sampling test is carried out every two years and is due for a selection of schools in 2020

4 Test Date 2018-19 Date Test Monday 13th May
English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spellings Tuesday 14th May English Reading Wednesday 15th May Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning Thursday 16th May Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning

5 Subject Percentage achieving expected level nationally in 2018 English Reading 75% English Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation 78% Mathematics 76% English Writing (TA) Science (TA) 82% Nationally, the percentage of children who meet the expected standard in all of Mathematics, English Reading and English Writing is expected to be 65%. In 2018 it was 64%.

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