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Intro to Cell Biology Review

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1 Intro to Cell Biology Review

2 Organism that can make its own food
What is the science that studies living things? BIOLOGY Organism that can make its own food AUTOTROPH

3 Tell what it does in cells.
Name this molecule ATP Tell what it does in cells. Store and transfer energy; rechargeble battery

4 Maintaining stable internal conditions
Another name for a heterotroph CONSUMER Maintaining stable internal conditions HOMEOSTASIS

5 What kind of reproduction makes offspring using the DNA from
Another name for an autotroph Producer What kind of reproduction makes offspring using the DNA from only one parent? ASEXUAL

6 dehydration synthesis
Name this reaction dehydration synthesis OR hydrolysis dehydration synthesis

7 Another name for a “living thing”
Another name for a “living thing” organism The carbohydrate molecule that cells burn to release energy glucose

8 enzyme active site substrate A = ________________ B = ________________
Name the following in the enzyme catalyzed reaction: Image by Riedell enzyme A = ________________ B = ________________ C = ________________ D = ________________ E = ________________ active site substrate enyzme-substrate complex products

9 Which part of a phospholipid molecule is non- polar?
Head tails Tails are non polar

10 What do we call an organism made of many cells?
An organism that CAN’T make its own food heterotroph What do we call an organism made of many cells? multicellular

11 HYDROLYSIS Name this reaction dehydration synthesis OR hydrolysis

12 What do we call an organism made of only one cell?
Type of reproduction in which offspring come from the combination of DNA from 2 parents SEXUAL What do we call an organism made of only one cell? UNICELLULAR

13 Which of the following describe YOU?
multicellular autotroph unicellular heterotroph MULTICELLULAR HETEROTROPH

14 Which of these molecules is a carbohydrate?

15 Give the chemical symbol for each: Carbon _____ Sodium ion ____
Oxygen _____ Potassium ion ___ Nitrogen ____ Chloride ion ___ Phosphorus ____ Hydrogen ion ___ Hydrogen ___ C Na+ O K+ N Cl- P H+ H

16 All the chemical reactions that build up and break down molecules in living things
METABOLISM A signal that an organism responds to is called a __________ STIMULUS Image from:

17 The process by which organisms as a group change over time; Process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organism EVOLUTION What do we call embryonic cells that have the potential to become different kinds of cells? STEM CELLS

18 The process by which cells change to become different kinds of cells with different functions
DIFFERENTIATION ATOMS with an electric charge are called _________ IONS

19 Which part of a phospholipid molecule is polar?
Head tails Head is polar

20 Cellulose _________ is the polysaccharide that makes plants STURDY
MOLECULES that have an uneven pattern of electric charge with more + in one area; more - in another POLAR

21 hydrophilic Name this molecule Polar molecules are ____________
hydrophobic hydrophilic hydrophilic Name this molecule glucose

22 DNA and RNA are ___________
NON polar molecules are ____________ hydrophobic hydrophilic hydrophobic DNA and RNA are ___________ Lipids carbohydrates nucleic acids proteins Nucleic acids

23 The place on an enzyme where
Molecules that are “water fearing” and try to stay away from water or other polar molecules   hydrophobic The place on an enzyme where the substrate attaches is called the ___________ active site

24 The macromolecules that can act as enzymes are ___________
Molecules that are “water loving” and try to be near water or other polar molecules hydrophilic The macromolecules that can act as enzymes are ___________ Lipids carbohydrates nucleic acids proteins PROTEINS

25 Nucleic acids Proteins Polysaccharide
Match the building block with the molecule it makes. Proteins nucleic acids lipids polysaccharide ____________________ Nucleotide and amino acid images by Riedell Nucleic acids Proteins Polysaccharide Glucose from:

26 The attraction between the hydrogen atom in one molecule and the negatively charged part of a nearby molecule is an example of a _____________ BOND  HYDROGEN What molecule attaches to the active site and is the reactant in an enzyme reaction? substrate

27 Which of these molecules is used by cells to store and transport energy?

28 Dehydration synthesis
Reaction that forms a bond by removing an H and OH to make a water molecule Dehydration synthesis Which ending is found at the end of most enzyme names? -ASE

29 Reaction that breaks a bond by adding an H and OH from a water molecule
HYDROLYSIS What do we call molecules that speed up chemical reactions in living things? ENZYMES

30 Which part of a phospholipid molecule is hydrophobic?
Head tails Tails are hydrophobic

31 Name the molecule that controls blood sugar
What is it called when a protein unwinds?  denaturing Name the molecule that controls blood sugar insulin

32 Name the molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the body
What can cause enzymes to denature?   pH and temperature Name the molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the body HEMOGLOBIN

33 Which of these molecules could be used to make an RNA molecule?

34 Which nitrogen base always bonds with T in a DNA molecule?
Molecules made of MANY SUGAR molecules are called ____________ polysaccharides Which nitrogen base always bonds with T in a DNA molecule? A

35 Which nitrogen base always bonds with G in a DNA molecule?
Glycogen, starch, and cellulose are ____________ Lipids polysaccharides proteins nucleic acids polysaccharides Which nitrogen base always bonds with G in a DNA molecule? C

36 Which of these molecules stores genetic info?

37 Phospholipids & proteins
 Which macromolecules are important in making cell membranes?   Phospholipids & proteins Which molecule makes up the genetic code? DNA

38 Which molecule carries information from DNA out to the cell and helps
Which molecules helps in identifying “self”? glycoproteins Which molecule carries information from DNA out to the cell and helps with protein synthesis? RNA

39 Which ION is measured with a pH scale and determines acidity?
Which molecule stores and transports energy in cells? ATP Which ION is measured with a pH scale and determines acidity? H+

40 glucose Name this molecule
Which molecule is burned by cells for energy? glucose Name this molecule glycoprotein

41 Name this molecule phospholipid

42 This is a subunit used to make ______________
Name this molecule NUCLEOTIDE This is a subunit used to make ______________ Nucleic acids

43 Which part of a phospholipid molecule is hydrophilic?
Head tails Head is hydrophilic

44 This is a subunit that could be used to make a
Name this molecule AMINO ACID This is a subunit that could be used to make a _______________ PROTEIN

45 Nucleic acids are built from subunits called __________
Animal cells store their glucose as ____________ glycogen Nucleic acids are built from subunits called __________ nucleotides

46 PROTEINS are built from subunits called _______________
Plants cells store their glucose as ______________ STARCH PROTEINS are built from subunits called _______________ amino acids

47 Molecules made mainly of carbon and hydrogen that includes fats,
Molecules made from carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1C: 2H: 1O ratio Carbohydrates Molecules made mainly of carbon and hydrogen that includes fats, oils, and steroids lipids

48 Which of these molecules is a nucleotide?

49 hydrophilic Polar molecules are ____________ hydrophobic hydrophilic
People with diabetes lack the ability to make this hormone that controls blood sugar insulin

50 Which of these molecules could be used to make glycogen, starch, or cellulose?

51 Double stranded single stranded Contains A,T,C,G Contains A,U,C,G
Tell one way DNA is different from RNA DNA RNA Double stranded single stranded Contains A,T,C,G Contains A,U,C,G No U no T sugar = deoxyribose sugar = ribosose Stores genetic info transfers info from nucleus to out to cell

52 Lipids are mostly __________ hydrophilic hydrophobic
Nucleic acid made of deoxyribose sugar and A, T, C, & G nitrogen bases DNA hydrophobic Lipids are mostly __________ hydrophilic hydrophobic

53 Glucose is a ___________
Nucleic acid made with ribose sugar and A, G, C, & U nitrogen base RNA carbohydrate Glucose is a ___________ Lipid nucleic acid protein carbohydrate

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