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Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

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1 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services
Richard Lawley, Keith Decker, Michael Luck, Terry Payne and Luc Moreau Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia Group School of Electronics & Computer Science University of Southampton

2 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services
Outline Introduction Notification Services Negotiation Negotiation Engine Evaluation of Negotiation Engine Future Work & Conclusion Introduction Overview of Notification Services, the motivation behind this work Brief discussion of negotiation Design of our negotiation engine Evaluation of the negotiation in terms of scalability and performance Future work & conclusion 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

3 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services
Introduction Providers need to inform clients of: Changes to database content New releases of tools or services State changes in long-running jobs Message-Oriented Middleware layer Provider notifies middleware layer Middleware layer informs clients e.g. MQ Series, JMS, MSMQ Distributed systems inform clients of updates - Changes to db content, releases of tools & services, change in workflow execution state More apparent when client can disconnect Middleware layers remove need for the providers to deal with the comms Message-Oriented Middleware solutions allow async, reliable comms. Queuing products such as MSMQ, MQSeries, JMS -> robust implementations, reliable async comms 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

4 Publish-Subscribe Model
Information is published on a topic Consumers subscribe to an information topic Publishers publish information on a topic Updates are sent to subscribers S1 P1 NS S2 Publisher Common model for MoM is publish-subscribe. Information consumers subscribe to a topic Publishers are information sources – the publish information on a topic Published information is delivered by middleware layer to subscribed consumers Scalable model, allows many publishers/subscribers for a topic Notification Service Subscriber 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

5 Notification Services
Message-Oriented Middleware layer using Publish-Subscribe model Responsible for asynchronous delivery of messages between publishers and subscribers Can Filter & Combine Notifications allowing selective notifications and regular digest delivery NS are form of MoM using publish-subscribe Intermediaries responsible for async delivery of notifications between publishers & subscribers NS receives updates from publishers, handles distribution & delivery to subscribed consumers. NS can simply pass on notifications, or process Allows filters, e.g. stock price updates – all vs. selected Batch updates into digests – useful without permanent connection NS used in many distributed systems – myGrid. Other subs services used in grid systems, e.g. Grid Monitoring Architecture, logging comp of OGSA. 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

6 Notification Service Examples
Grid Monitoring Architecture (Tierney, Aydt, Gunter, Smith, Swany, Taylor and Wolski 2002) Grid Notification Framework (Gullapalli, Czajkowski and Kesselman 2001) OGSA Notification Framework (JaiPaul 2003) NaradaBrokering (Fox and Pallickara 2001) myGrid 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

7 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services
myGrid e-Science project aimed at Bioinformatics Workflow-based in-silico experiments Workflow specified how an experiment should be composed Experiments can be long-running Notification Service communicates results NS also used between services 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

8 myGrid - Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics is data-intensive SWISS-PROT Protein Knowledgebase Over past 14 months has grown by 20%, with approximately 200 changes per day  Constantly expanding Query to find new annotations or sequences that are similar to existing sequences 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

9 Notification Services - Problems
Providers and Consumers can specify QoS constraints Notification frequency Price paid Mismatch in preferences of provider & consumer Consumer wants updates immediately and for free Producer wants to publish regular updates and charge Notification Services do not address this problem Negotiation can find mutually acceptable values Mechanisms for async notifications understood & implemented, issues: Current NS, consumers specifies topic & delivery constraints Delivery constraints are QoS issues. Provider and consumer have different prefs. [eg] Not aware of NS addressing this Negotiation can find mutually acceptable values for QoS issues 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

10 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services
“The process by which two or more parties exchange proposals in order to reach a mutually acceptable agreement on a particular matter” Components of negotiation Item – the object under negotiation Proposals – set of values suggested by one party Preferences – values acceptable to a party Utility functions – a method of evaluating the utility of a particular proposal Negotiation is “The process by which two or more parties exchange proposals in order to reach a mutually acceptable agreement on a particular matter”. Key in autonomous systems where components have no direct control, need to work together by persuading each other. Negotiations concern items & negotiation terms. Items – what the negotiation is over [car] Terms – attributes of item under negotiation [length of warranty, price] Negotiations work by exchanging proposals Proposals accepted  successful termination Proposal rejected  turn down or offer counter-proposal Proposal evaluated for utility – how much a proposal is worth to a participant Prefs represent ranges of acceptable values 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

11 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services
Negotiation Protocols Set of rules governing a negotiation Types of participants Valid negotiation states & actions Negotiation Strategies How a participant will behave (within protocol) How to generate proposals When to accept proposals Negotiation – protocols & strategies Protocols – rules governing interactions (types of participant, valid states & actions, constraints [each bid must exceed current highest by…]) Strategies – define how participant will behave within protocol. (How to respond to an offer, how to generate initial offers, when to accept) Strategies kept private, as knowing opponent’s strategy can give you an advantage at their expense. 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

12 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services
Cooperative Negotiation Preferences and utility functions shared Social Welfare (benefit to all parties) is primary objective Competitive Negotiation Private preference and utility functions Personal benefit is primary objective Competitive Negotiation chosen for Notification Service Hard to share utility functions & preferences if they depend on locally-sensed environmental factors Notification Service may be used in competitive environment, e.g. service providers competing for business Protocols – competitive/cooperative Cooperative – Prefs & Utility functions shared. Optimal can be found. Maximise social welfare Competitive (opposite) – Prefs & Utility functions kept private. Maximise own welfare. Some cases in distributed systems warrant cooperative, competitive selected. Prefs & Utility functions can’t always be shared – Dynamic, locally-sensed environmental values Competitive negotiations keep this local even if privacy isn’t really required Allows competitive scenarios, e.g. competing for business 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

13 Negotiation Engine – Definitions
Negotiations are between requester and requestee Conditions negotiated over are negotiation terms A proposal contains values for negotiation terms Conversation between requester & requestee is a Negotiation Thread Number of proposals exchanged is the Negotiation Thread Length Preferences specify acceptable ranges Ideal value – sensible “ideal world” value Reservation value – limit of acceptability Definitions: Negotiations between requester & requestee. Requester normally client. Conditions being negotiated are negotiation terms. Proposal = set of suggested values for all terms. Conversation between requester & requestee = negotiation thread Number of proposals exchanged = negotiation thread length Prefs specify ranges of acceptable values – two values Ideal – sensible ideal world value Reservation – Beyond this is unaccaptable Negotiation Engine conceptually regarded as single shared entity, implemented as one component in each of the requestee & requester, allowing privacy of prefs & utility functions and access to local sensors. 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

14 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services
Negotiation Process Diagram- Interactions occurring in negotiation with our engine. Start – both parties initialise prefs Requester initiates negotiation NC generates proposal using prefs, sends it Proposal is received and counter-proposal generated Both proposal evaluated Previous two steps can include callbacks Utility of each proposal compared Utility of incoming proposal highest, accept negotiation and both components signal acceptance Utility of generated proposal highest, check deadline before sending counter-proposal back. If deadline expired, terminate negotiation and indicate failure. Repeat cycle until termination state. Termination States: Proposal Accepted Deadline Expired Explicit Termination (not shown) If accepted, no commitment. Allows many negotiations to run, making commitment with one offering the best deal. Dynamically discovering parties with which to negotiate is beyond the scope of this- use a Service Discovery broker for that. 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

15 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services
Negotiation Model Bilateral Service-Oriented Negotiation Model Based on Negotiation Decision Functions (Faratin, Sierra & Jennings 1998) Automated negotiation using external factors in proposal generation/evaluation Model only handles negotiation protocol External program provides inputs to proposal generation & evaluation process Negotiation model based on bilateral service oriented model (one party, many issues) Taken from Faratin et al 1998 Allows much of the negotiation process to be automated still allowing external factors. A program can use negotiation engine to negotiate without knowing the protocol, but retaining some influence over the strategy. 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

16 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services
Negotiation Model Proposals generated by tactics and strategies Tactics – function evaluating a single negotiation term Time-dependant Resource-dependant Imitative Strategies – way of weighting different tactics Can vary over course of negotiation Favour time-dependant tactics towards deadline Proposal utility = weighted summation of utility of each term in proposal Proposal accepted when U(Pincoming) > U(Pgenerated) Proposals generated using tactics & strategies Tactics – Functions generating a value for a single negotiation term for inclusion in a proposal Types: Time-dependant, Resource-Dependant, Imitative Multiple tactics can be used with weightings Weightings can vary throughout negotiation [eg] Strategy determines weightings and how to vary Utility functions applied to each term, Proposal utility = weighted summation of individual utilities Proposals acceptable when incoming proposal higher utility than generated one 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

17 Evaluation of Negotiation Engine
Evaluate suitability for Notification Service Experiment setup based on original evaluation Variables grouped into environments Preferences and Deadlines Repeatedly running in same environment yield identical results Range of environments generated and used for all of the experiments Single tactic used for each party All tactics played against each other Verify suitability of NE for Grid NS, check performance & scalability. Number of expts performed. Setup: All variables (Deadline, Prefs) grouped into environments Running negotiation in same envt twice should yield same results Single tactic used by each participant in a negotiation All tactics played against each other Imitative tactics ignored, previously found to be out-performed by time & res dependant. Maybe considered again later. 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

18 Exp1: Variable Deadline
“What affect does varying the deadline have on utility and success rate?” Deadlines measured in number of messages No communication overhead in test setup Vary deadline (1-100 messages). Measure utility and success rate. Hypothesis – Utility and success rate will be poor with shorter deadlines. Often important to negotiate quickly to acquire service in time to start soon. What affect does varying deadline have on utility & success rate? Deadlines = number of messages exchanged (no comms overhead). Real world, comms time significant. Prediction: Deadline will be poor with short deadlines, increasing as deadlines extend. Success rate similar. 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

19 Exp1: Variable Deadline – Results
Higher utilities achieved with longer deadlines Approaches optimal utility Higher success rates with longer deadlines Moves towards 100% success rate Left Graph- Utility of both parties as deadline varied. Optimal utilities calculated and plotted (straight lines) With very short deadlines, very poor utility. As deadlines increase, utility moves towards optimal. Right Graph- Success rate as deadline varied. Short deadline, most negotiations fail. As deadline increases, success rate increases. Given long enough to negotiate, almost all negotiations would be successful. 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

20 Exp1: Variable Deadline - Results
Plot time used against utility achieved Utility increases as time used decreases Explained by plotting overlap of prefs (Φ) against messages Examining results more closely, how much of available time used in each case? Plot utilities & time used, sort by requester utility. Unexpected trend- negotiations completing quicker were getting better results. Only solution we could think of- the short negotiations had more favourable environments. Plotted messages against Phi, controlling overlap. This was indeed the case, so the only reason that this was happening was that these were the more favourable randomly-generated environments. 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

21 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services
Exp2: Multiple Terms Negotiations typically over many terms e.g. price, duration, frequency Is Utility affected by number of terms? Number of terms varied between 1 and 25 All terms weighted equally Deadline varied between 30 and 60 (random) Record utilities and execution time (CPU time) Prev experiment had only 1 term. Normally service-oriented negotiations would use multiple terms [price, duration, frequency] How does system behave when using more terms? Vary terms between 1 & 25, equally weighted. Vary deadline randomly. Measure utilities & execution time 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

22 Multiple Negotiation Terms - Results
As number of terms increases, utility remains fairly constant Only valid when all terms weighted equally Execution time is linearly related to the number of terms Top Graph= Average & Optimal Utilities. As number of terms increases, utilities remain constant & close to optimal. Because equally weighted, and the negotiation engine conceded on all terms simultaneously. Different story if unequal weightings or model is changed to concede on single terms at a time. Bottom Graph= Execution time. CPU usage is linearly related to number of terms. Fluctuations explained by garbage collection? 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

23 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services
Exp3: Execution Time Is execution time linearly related to number of messages? Deadlines varied between 30 and 60 Minimum, average (over 100 runs) and maximum execution times measured for each deadline Communication delays are ignored as in test setup components are coupled directly together Third experiment measures execution time with number of messages exchanged, so that longer negotiations don’t behave unexpectedly. Deadlines varied 30-60 Min, Av & Max execution times recorded over 100 runs. Again, comms delays ignored 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

24 Exp3: Execution Time - Results
Minimum and mean execution times linearly related to number of messages Maximum execution time has unpredictable peaks Garbage collection? Only in minority of cases as mean is close to minimum Graph shows min, mean & max times related to number of messages. Min & Mean (Green & Red) appear to be linearly related to number of messages Max time (blue) has spikes. Most likely Garbage collection, only occurs in minority of cases (mean is close to minimum) Conclude that execution time is linearly related to number of messages. 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

25 Notification Service Example
Example from Bioinformatics field SWISS-PROT Protein Knowledgebase Over past 14 months has grown by 20%, with approximately 200 changes per day  Constantly expanding Query to find new annotations or sequences that are similar to existing sequences Example of how Notification Service would benefit from Negotiation Engine, example from Bioinformatics field. SWISS-PROT is a curated protein sequence knowledgebase, with High level of annotation, minimal redundancy, high integration with other DBs Last 14 months, 20% growth, 200 changes per day Constantly expanding KB can be queries for annotations/sequences that match existing specified sequences 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

26 Notification Service Example
Assumptions 1000 Subscribers, each with 100 sequences they want matched Searches can be run iteratively to refine results Subscriber would like to be notified of changes every 5 hours For our example: 1000 Subscribers Each want to get results for queries against 100 sequences Searches can be iterative to refine results Subscribers would like results every 5 hours 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

27 Notification Service Example
By accepting subscriber requests, 5,000,000 searches per day required Use negotiation over two terms: Frequency (time between notifications) Provider preference: hours Subscriber preference: hours Number of iterations Provider preference: 1-3 Subscriber preference: 5-1 Accepting requests  5m searches/day Negotiation allows provider to persuade client to use lower figures Experiment uses 2 terms Frequency (Provider: h/1-7d, Client: 5-120h) Iterations (Provider: Max 3, ideally 1. Client, ideally 5, low 1) 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

28 Notification Service Example
Provider preferences kept constant Consumer preferences vary by a small random amount Deadlines between 30 and 60 messages After running negotiations: Average Frequency: 67.6 hours Average Iterations: 2.31  651,000 searches per day (87% reduction) Provider prefs remain constant Consumer prefs varied by small random amount Deadlines randomly varied After running: Average Frequency: 67.6h Average Iterations: 2.31  651,000 searches per day (87% reduction) Introducing negotiation over QoS instead of accepting client’s original request has significantly reduced amount of work needed to be done by provider 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

29 Notification Service Example
Number of queries required for each outcome plotted against provider utility Shows how utility decreases as the number of queries increases Show how provider utility in the system is related to the amount of work they do: Calculate number of queries for each outcome Plot this against utility Utility observed by provider decreases quickly as amount of work required increases. 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

30 Notification Service Example
Greater utility is represented by needing to do fewer queries for a provider Using Negotiation allows the provider to increase their utility and still satisfy needs of consumer Introducing Negotiation may reduce consumer utility, but would allow more consumers to be serviced We have demonstrated: Provider sees greater utility in this situation by doing fewer queries Using Negot allows provider to increase utility while satisfying consumers NB: Increasing utility of provider comes at cost of consumer utility. Introducing negotiation may lower consumer utility, but as load on provider has decreased it can satisfy more consumers Negotiation also opens new opportunities Being able to pay for a higher QoS if required, while still allowing basic service for free/low cost. 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

31 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services
Future Work Peer-to-peer Notification Services Notification Services talking to Notification Services Consumers subscribing to single service, receiving updates from elsewhere Future work. Our future work is motivated by peer-to-peer notification services Similar to NS discussed earlier, but using many interconnected notification services. Instead of publisher & subscriber connecting to same NS, connect to different ones * Notification Service handles the distribution of notifications throughout the network from the publisher to the subscriber. Also possible for subscribers to disconnect from one and reconnect to another NS and still receive their notifications. NS1 NS2 P2 S1 Publisher Notification Service S2 P1 NS3 Subscriber NS4 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

32 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services
Future Work Support negotiations for peer-to-peer notification service by supporting chained negotiation Negotiations with intermediaries Negotiations where intermediaries may be able to satisfy request with existing commitments Integrate with myGrid Notification Service To support P2P NS Negotiation process needs to support Chained Negotiations Negotiations with Intermediaries between provider & subscriber Simplest case: Proxy (pass proposals through) Medium case: Take a cut Final case: Chained negotiation is series of simple negotiations. Intermediary tries to satisfy with existing commitments. Negotiation should look no different to end provider & subscriber. We then intend to integrate this work with the myGrid Notification Service, which is a peer-to-peer notification service. 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

33 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services
Conclusion Negotiation in a Notification Service allows differences in QoS preferences to be resolved Negotiating over QoS allows a provider to support more clients In conclusion, Shown need for negotiation in Notification Services allows requesting mutually acceptable quality of service levels Shown design of negotiation engine & demonstrated suitability for Grid NS Specific Example for NS, showing negotiation over QoS would allow a provider to service more clients. 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

34 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services
Questions? 17/04/2019 Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services

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