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David Vaught, Director Pat Quinn, Governor. 1. Illinois Energy Now - Programs & Funding: 2. Program Year 4 Summary 3. Program Year 5 Updates 4. Program.

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Presentation on theme: "David Vaught, Director Pat Quinn, Governor. 1. Illinois Energy Now - Programs & Funding: 2. Program Year 4 Summary 3. Program Year 5 Updates 4. Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 David Vaught, Director Pat Quinn, Governor


3 1. Illinois Energy Now - Programs & Funding: 2. Program Year 4 Summary 3. Program Year 5 Updates 4. Program Year 5 Application Process 5. PSEE Programs 6. Q&A: Please type your questions to us Speakers – Andrea Reiff – IEN Program Manager Agnes Mrozowski – Asst. Deputy Director


5 In 2007, legislation amended the Illinois Public Utilities Act and required that the States largest utility providers and the Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO) develop a portfolio of electric energy efficiency programs to meet legislative goals that reduce energy demand. In 2009, legislation was passed to include natural gas energy efficiency programs to meet legislative reduction goals. Illinois Energy Now is the portfolio of programs the Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity offers to administer the electric and natural gas incentives for the public sector. 2012-2013 Public Sector Energy Efficiency Programs combine natural gas incentives with the former Public Sector Electric Efficiency Programs. Illinois Energy Now Public Sector Energy Efficiency What is Illinois Energy Now?

6 Local Governments Municipalities Townships & County facilities Special units of Local Government Library & Park Districts Public Safety Water Treatment State and Federal agencies Public Schools K-12 Public Schools Community Colleges Public Universities Privately owned businesses Privately owned industrial & commercial facilities Private Schools Private K-12 Schools Private Colleges Private Universities Not-for-profit Museums Foundations Trade Organizations Residential DCEO Public SectorElectric & Nat. Gas Utilities PROGRAM STRUCTURE

7 YearElectricNatural Gas 2011-12$ 54 million$15 million 2012-13$ 54 million$23 million 2013-14$ 55 million$30 million

8 Standard: specific incentives linked to easily quantifiable, individual efficiency measures such as lighting, motors, chillers, etc. Custom: an incentive $.12 /kWh or $1.50 /therms saved for measures that are not standard New Construction: new construction funding for buildings built beyond code Retro-Commissioning: identify and implement low cost tune-ups and adjustments to existing building operating systems

9 Funding Level ComEdAmeren Electric Ameren Natural Gas NicorPeoplesNorthshore Year 5 Budget $39.9 M Total $ 20.1 M$ 7.6 M$ 2.1 M$ 7.6 M$ 2.1 M$ 0.5 M Year 5 funds are available for projects completed 6/1/12 – 5/15/13.


11 Received 859 Public Sector applications* –Electric efficiency projects - 734 –Natural gas efficiency projects – 125 –Elec. Energy Savings 159,328,142 kWhs –Nat Gas Energy Savings 4,521,516 therms Anticipate number of applications to continue to grow especially in the natural gas territories as budgets continue to grow. *Not including projects extended to next year or cancelled

12 Aggregation Pilot Program DCEO Trade Ally Program Received 200 more applications than PY3 Strengthened partnerships with Universities, Community Colleges, and State Associations Strong potential for achieving annual energy savings goals.

13 ComEdAmeren IL Electric Ameren IL Gas Peoples Northshore Nicor No. Apl. 52520942101261 Energy127,793 MWh 31,534 MWh 1.2 Mil Therms 1.9 Mil Therms.2 Mil Therms 1.1 Mil Therms $ Incent. $19.26 Million $6.4 Million $1.08 Million $.96 Million $.224 Million $.822 Million

14 DCEO received 859 public sector applications through the 4th quarter of PY4, an increase of over 200 applications from PY3 91 projects were postponed until PY5 or cancelled

15 PY 4 Highlights ~40 projects, achieved energy savings of 1.8 million therms (more than double the goal of 826,000) 327 boiler tune-ups; 1,164 steam traps; 2.6 miles of pipe insulation PY 5 Changes pilot program becoming permanent offered all year Status Open – Applications available: Contact: Stefano Galiasso, Energy Resources Center, UIC

16 Partners: U of Illinois, SEDAC Design Assistance Experts and Energy Service Providers Assist public sector/private building owners to identify opportunities to save energy and money Provide energy audits, analysis and design assistance including: Design review and/or site inspection Computer modeling of base case and alternatives with ECMs Energy savings analysis Life cycle cost analysis Final report with recommendations Retro-Commissioning

17 More than 90 percent of the projects are targeted to local governments, K-12 schools, and community colleges.

18 Standard lighting and other Custom projects are the most common project types.

19 Custom other and Custom HVAC are the most common project types.


21 Where the public sector facility is located in Ameren Illinois or ComEd electric service areas, facility is eligible for electric efficiency incentives for those measures that produce electric savings. Measures include; lighting, electric HVAC equipment, motors, electric kitchen equipment. Where the public sector facility is located in Ameren Illinois, Nicor Gas, Peoples Gas or North Shore Gas natural gas service areas, facility is eligible for natural gas efficiency incentives for those measures that produce natural gas savings. Measures include; natural gas HVAC equipment, natural gas water heaters, natural gas kitchen equipment. Where the public sector facility is located in both a participating electric service area and natural gas service area, facility is eligible for both electric and natural gas efficiency incentives.

22 Eligibility and Funding Availability DCEO ILLINOIS ENERGY NOW PUBLIC SECTOR FUNDING AVAILABILITY (as of June 1, 2012)

23 New URL: New Application Forms for Lighting Moved special rate for Exterior LED and Induction lights to Standard Added Standard rates for LED and Induction Wall- packs Increased boiler incentives and restructured categories Increased Custom Incentive for natural gas to $1.50 per therm Custom Incentive Worksheet revisions

24 Added text to clarify Retrofit from T-12 to T-8 versus Lamp Only from T-8 to reduced wattage T-8 Added a 2nd Lighting Incentive Worksheet, now B-2 and B-3 Added Standard Incentive for LED and Induction Wall-Packs to B-2 Moved Exterior LED and Induction special rate of $0.30 per kWh saved to Standard Incentive B-3 Added more lines for New High Performance T-8 and T-5 Fixtures Added 2 Light Surveys B-4 Retrofit Fixtures B-5 New Fixtures Lighting Specifications for LED reference Design Lights Consortium specifications and qualified products list posted at

25 Increased boiler incentives Changed Size Categories Increased the size of boilers eligible for Standard Program to 5 MMBtuh

26 Incentives available for 25 hp to 200 hp replacement motors where existing motor would have been rewound 25 hp to 100 hp motors incentive = $4.50 per hp 125 hp to 200 hp motors incentive = $4.00 per hp VSD standard incentive no longer limited to HVAC equipment VSD for existing motors 200 hp incentive = $92 per hp VSD for water treatment facilities may be eligible for a custom incentive VSD and Motors > 200 hp may be eligible for a custom incentive

27 No significant changes Pre-Rinse Spray Valves incentive = $32.00 each Low Flow Faucet Aerator incentive = $8.00 each

28 For those electric and/or natural gas efficiency measures not listed in Standard Incentive Program Electric Custom Incentive = $0.12 per annual kWh savings Exterior LED or Induction Lighting Incentive = $0.30 per annual kWh savings is no longer Custom, now listed on Standard Incentive Form B-3 Natural Gas Custom Incentive = $1.50 per annual therms savings Simple payback must be 1 to 7 years Some fields autocalculate

29 Section 1: General Information must be completed for project at Pre- Approval and Final Application Section 2: Building/Facility Information must be submitted for each building along with corresponding utility information Section 3: Application Certification must be completed for project at Pre-Approval and Final Application Application CheckList: use for Pre-Approval and Final Standard Incentive Worksheets: submit one for each building and indicate building name and address Appendix C: Custom Incentive Program Worksheet includes measures with both electric and natural gas savings (where entity eligible for both) Applicant may receive 2 sets of payment documents if project and facility eligible for both electric and natural gas incentives

30 Incentive Payments <$10,000 DCEO reviews and approves Pre-Approval Application then issues 1- page Notice to Proceed After project complete, Applicant submits Final Application DCEO reviews and approves then issues 3-page payment documents that comprise the Small Rebate Agreement Applicant returns 3-page Small Rebate Agreement DCEO submits documents to the Office of the Illinois Comptroller. Payment issued by check or electronic funds transfer

31 Incentive Payments $10,000 and $50,000 DCEO reviews and approves Pre-Approval Application then issues Multi-page Large Rebate Agreement After project complete, Applicant re-submits entire Large Rebate Agreement per Checklist (includes Pre-Approval and Final Application Forms inserted in Attachment B) and Invoices DCEO reviews and approves then submits Large Rebate Agreement to the Office of the Illinois Comptroller. Payment issued by check or electronic funds transfer

32 Incentive Payments > $50,000 DCEO reviews and approves Pre-Approval Application and provides Grant Application to Applicant Applicant completes and returns Grant Application DCEO issues Applicant Notice of Grant Award Applicant reviews, signs and returns Notice of Grant Award DCEO issues executed Grant Agreement Applicant/Grantee must submit quarterly Financial and Project Status Reports Financial Status Report and Final Application triggers payment from the Office of the Illinois Comptroller. Payment issued by check or electronic funds transfer Applicant/Grantee must submit Final Financial Status Report DCEO reviews and approves then submits Large Rebate Agreement

33 Standard and Custom, New Construction, and Affordable Housing guidelines & applications posted on DCEO website Retro-commissioning and Public Housing applications available through SEDAC BITE applications - under review Public Sector Aggregation applications - under review

34 Public Sector Implementation Assistance Provide project implementation assistance to potential public sector applicants. The proposed assistance should include technical assistance, capacity building, and support that ensures quality EEPS applications are submitted. Building Operator Certification (BOC) – Returning Veterans training pilot recognized by the Clinton Global Initiative. Codes Training – 2012 code training and specialized training for proper sizing for HVAC equipment.

35 New Applications: Sally Agnew, 217.785.5081, Local Government: Andrea Reiff, 217.785.0164, Public Schools & Community Colleges: Byron Lloyd, 217.785.3412, State and Federal: Johnny Habibi, 217.785.2772, Public Universities, Retro-commissioning & New Construction: Tom Coe, 217.785.2433, Low Income: Don Falls, 217.785.1997, Public Sector Program Contacts

36 LinkInformation www.illinoisenergy.orgDCEO efficiency, renewable energy and recycling programs: guidelines, RFPs, contacts, applications, and other resources www.ilenergynow.orgDCEO Public Sector and Low Income energy incentives www.ComEd.comComEd Smart Ideas business and residential energy programs www.actonenergy.comAmeren Act on Energy business and residential programs nicorgasrebates.comNicor Gas business and residential energy programs peoplegasdelivery.comPeoples Gas business and residential energy programs northshoregasdelivery.comNorth Shore Gas business and residential energy programs www.sedac.orgSmart Energy Design Assistance Center: Technical assistance for businesses and public sector providing energy information, news and trainings, energy service provider list www.illinoiscleanenergy.orgIL Clean Energy Community Foundation: grants for energy efficiency, renewable energy and natural areas for local government and non-profits

37 David Vaught, Director Pat Quinn, Governor

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