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Climate Change and Renewables

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1 Climate Change and Renewables
Placements Presentation Allen Hughes National and Territorial Planning Scottish Government

2 Structure Branch responsibilities and targets Climate change targets
Onshore wind, offshore wind and heat and NPF3 and SPP Consenting and permitted development

3 Branch Responsibilities
Climate change and planning Renewables (mitigation) Waste Minerals

4 Branch Duties Ministerial: briefings, speeches, correspondence, parliamentary questions, ministerial support Government: SG work groups, ensuring planning interests are covered in work of other Directorates Territorial: comments to territorials on MIRs, SDPs, LDPs and SG, supporting territorials on visits Research – commissioning & steering research External Work e.g. SNH steering groups, good practice events, liaison Scottish Renewables, presentations / panel members at conferences, talks to placements Legislation / NPF / SPP / Circular – Drafting & reporting Online Advice – Drafting and regular update

5 Climate Change Climate Change (S) Act 2009 - Mitigation
Targets : 42% GHG emissions reduction in Scotland by 2020, 80% by 2050 Public body duty Actions S72 (3F) - GHG policies in dev plans SPACE – (Spatial Planning Assessment of Climate Emissions) Carbon calculator for wind farms

6 Renewables Electricity, Heat and Community and Locally Owned Renewables Targets 2020 Routemap for Renewable Energy in Scotland Draft Electricity Generation Policy Statement 2010 Draft Outline Heat Vision, RH – EE – DH Action Plans, emerging Heat Generation Policy statement (end of year)

7 Onshore Wind Dominates work of branch Wind farm spatial frameworks
Perceived ‘disconnect’ national and local DM ’technical challenges’ Wind farm visualisation Community benefits, noise, tourism

8 NPF3 MIR & Draft SPP – Onshore Wind
Reflects need for grid reinforcements Supports further deployment, but balances with commitments on protecting nationally important ‘landscapes’ & residential amenity Wind farms in NPs and NSAs not supported Consults on SNH ‘core areas of wild land’ maps and community separation of 2.5km within spatial planning NPF3 question on energy storage

9 Supporting Offshore Renewables: NRIP (National Renewables Infrastructure Plan)
Key action in RAP (2009): to provide leadership and an investment plan for offshore wind, wave and tidal sectors About securing manufacturing, installation, operation & maintenance operations for the offshore renewables industry within Scotland N-RIP Stage 1 report (Feb2010) spatial framework of 11 first phase port & harbour sites, creating clusters of economic activity N-RIP Stage 2 report (July 2010) investment required for 11 sites N-RIP Stage 3 implementation N-RIF (Nov 2010) £70M Ongoing advisory group meetings with stakeholders Encourage PAs to be geared up in development plans and DM to support as proposals arise, streamlining consenting.

10 NPF3 MIR – Offshore Renewables
Support for delivery of NRIP Prioritises onshore infrastructure for offshore (particularly Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters, Forth, Tay and Moray Firths) Aberdeen Harbour Expansion national developments Electricity grid reinforcements Relationship with marine planning

11 Planning and Heat Expert Commission on District Heating,
Heat mapping projects Highland, Fife and P&K, funds available for rollout to all LAs Deep geothermal study and workshop Possible synergies with heat recovery, e.g. AEA fossil fuel plant study Planning and Heat online advice

12 NPF3 MIR & Draft SPP – Planning & Heat
Establishes energy hierarchy (efficiency, recovery, generation) LDPs to use heat mapping to co-locate heat supply and demand . LDPs to support heat networks. Where not viable, individual property solutions Expectations on deep geothermal

13 Energy applications : Route
Consenting Route:- Electricity – Planning < 50MW, S36 Consents if >50MW Planning - All heat only applications National / Major / Local :- Major if capacity of electricity generating station exceeds 20MW No threshold for heat only applications in hierarchy (but may be other trigger) designated in National the NPF Devts with size / area thresholds in the Hierarchy Regs Major Developments Defined in Classes Defined in the Hierarchy Regs neither national nor major as all development which is Local Developments Background The hierarchy is at the heart of the proposals for planning reform. The intention is that it will encourage a more proportionate approach to processing planning applications, focusing resources on proposals that involve greater economic benefits or environmental impact. This approach concentrates on making the system more fit for purpose and efficient. National, Major and Local Developments The Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 introduced the hierarchy for planning in primary legislation, defining the three categories to which all developments will be allocated. – ‘national’, ‘major’ and ‘local’ developments. As mentioned previously, national developments are designated through the National Planning Framework - mainly large infrastructure projects. The Hierarchy of Development Regulations describe and assign classes of development to the categories of major and local developments. Types of Major Developments In the regulations there are nine classes of major developments covering a spectrum of developments, types of applications which are to be considered as “major” include developments of 50 or more dwellings, certain waste, water, transport and energy infrastructure projects and mixed use / retail development above 5,000square meters or 2 hectares. Local Developments are all other developments which aren’t national or major. I will refer to minor developments later under work ongoing on permitted development rights. Implications But what are the implications of these designations? National and Major developments will require additional consultation with communities to be carried out by the applicant in advance of a formal application for planning permission. The applications will also be required to be accompanied by a statement setting out the design principles and how access for disabled people has been considered – a design and access statement. National developments and major developments which are significantly contrary to the local development plan will be subject to further scrutiny through a pre-determination hearing by a committee of the council followed by referral to full council for ratification. In terms of local developments, the expectation is that there will be is as at present a high degree of delegation to officers. And that decisions on local matters are taken locally. Further information on these issues are contained in following slides.

14 …Subject to limitations and restrictions
PD for Renewables? Solar photo voltaic & solar thermal panels Flues for biomass heating system Flues for combined heat and power system Ground and water source heat pumps Free-standing wind turbines and air source heat pumps Ground and water source heat pump pipes Solar photo voltaic and solar thermal panels Biomass boilers and furnaces Anaerobic digestion systems …Subject to limitations and restrictions

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