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Winning in the 2NR / 2AR.

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Presentation on theme: "Winning in the 2NR / 2AR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Winning in the 2NR / 2AR

2 3. Dealing with disasters
What We Will Do 1. The Theory 2. Practice 3. Dealing with disasters

3 Why these are the most difficult speeches in LD
Your last chance to tell the judge why you are winning Last chance to frame the round Last chance to tell your story

4 The NR 6 minutes to Glory Start in your 1NR Contesting the Standard Issue selection/ extensions Signposting: Narrative/story

5 NC 2 Contest the standard, Clear the ground for victory
Refute his offense Rebuild THE KEY offense Extend VOTERS! the last minute crystallization! Tell your story/narrative

6 Preempting the 2 AR

7 Bringing it all home! At the end of the NR, you should have taken control of the round

8 The 2 AR - 3 minutes to Victory
Like the 2NR, but less time! Word Economy is KEY! Remember, win/be Competitive on a standard Extend ONE key piece of offense! Label and declare your offense as VOTERS TELL your story!

9 Other Tips Link to both VC’s “Even if you don’t buy that”,
POWERFUL rhetoric/ catch phrases you plant in your case and use in the round. DON’T use their language, especially in the rebuttals! Always begin and end with strong offensive arguments! Be animated, passionate, but under control Ask for what you want fairness, the ballot,

10 PART II - Practice Get out an old flow and prepare a 2NR or a 2 AR for that round. Use all the techniques we have discussed to prepare your redo. I will pick some one to deliver their speech and I will ask everyone else to critique it in light of what the theory has said.

11 When It Storms – Salvaging a Lost Round
Situational problems: Prepare mini-responses to deal with these: 1. You have lost your VC – prepare your 2AR or your 2 NR in light of this fact. 2. You have lost your contentions – prepare your 2AR or your 2 NR in light of this fact. 3. You have lost the off-case – prepare your 2AR or your 2 NR in light of this fact. 4. He/she has proven that his/her impacts outweigh yours in magnitude. 5. Your fear your opponent is going to go new in the two before your very “lay” judge. 6. You judge has shown by their body language that they are NOT buying the key contentional argument that you feel you are winning.

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