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Leading Your Staff to i-Ready Success: Tips for  Administrators Corinna Cannon Asst. Principal A.C. Alexander Elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading Your Staff to i-Ready Success: Tips for  Administrators Corinna Cannon Asst. Principal A.C. Alexander Elementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading Your Staff to i-Ready Success: Tips for  Administrators Corinna Cannon Asst. Principal A.C. Alexander Elementary

2 Reflects increased rigor of Common Core Multimedia paired passages where students synthesize ideas from multiple sources Assessment and instruction for BOTH informational and literary texts Why i-Ready?

3 Individualized Instruction Reports Easy to use Adaptive Data Yes!

4 Individualized Instruction
We all know students have different academic needs, and it’s hard to meet all the challenges. Common Core Standards Steps? 1.Explicit Instruction 2. Guided Practice 3. Assessment

5 Reports

6 Reports

7 Reports

8 Easy to Use


10 Adaptive (Diagnostic and Lessons)
It determines exactly where a student is performing… students either see an easier or harder item based on their previous answers Hundreds of online lessons completed independently Program CHANGES to what the student needs (Can even add extra lessons!)

11 Adaptive

12 Data Diagnoses, instructs, monitors TEACHERS ARE NEVER OUT
OF THE EQUATION…. THEY MUST MONITOR! Monthly progress monitoring…. is student on track to meet end of year goal?

13 Data

14 soar in student achievement!
Yes! Technology is Taking Us Places… …helping JP Schools soar in student achievement!

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