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Operators In Java Programming By Rajanikanth B.

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1 Operators In Java Programming By Rajanikanth B

2 Introduction An operator is a symbol which is used to perform some operation in a program For example + is a operator which is used to perform mathematical addition and string concatination operation

3 Types of Operators 1. Arithmetic Operators 2. Relational Operators
Java provides a rich set of operators they are divided as follows 1. Arithmetic Operators 2. Relational Operators 3. Bitwise Operators 4. Logical Operators 5. Assignment Operators 6. Misc Operators

4 Arithmetic Operators These operators are used to perform mathematical operations. Operator Description + Adds two operands - Subtracts second operand from first * Multiply two operands / Divide numerator by denumerator % Gives remainder of division ++ Increments value by ONE -- Decrements value by ONE

5 Relational Operators These operators are used check relation between the two operands Operator Description < > <= >= == !=

6 Logical Operators These operators are used to combine more than one condition Operator Description && || !

7 Bitwise Operators These operators are used to perform bit level operations Operator Description & | ^ << >>

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