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March 14th 2018 Westport Middle School

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1 March 14th 2018 Westport Middle School
National Walkout March 14th 2018 Westport Middle School

2 Why is there a walkout? People are participating a walkout on March 14th to honor those who were killed in the shooting at the Parkland high school in Florida and to protest gun violence. The walkout will be 17 minutes long to honor the 17 victims of the school shooting.

3 Do I have to participate?
You do not have to participate in the walkout. Your teachers will tell you which classroom to go to if you choose not to participate. If you don’t think you would be able to stand outside quietly for 17 minutes, then we recommend you stay in class.

4 What are the expectations?
If you would like to participate in the walkout, you are expected to stay at a Voice Level 0. The silence is a way to honor the people who died. Follow the supervision plan when exiting the building and re-entering the building after the walkout.

5 What are the expectations?
Students who do not follow the expectations will be removed from the walkout and will face consequences in line with our code of conduct.

6 What are the procedures?
At 9:55, students who choose to participate will be dismissed by assistant principals and counselors. Students are to be at the track by 10:00. There will be 17-minute timer that will run in order to show respect to the 17 victims. All students are expected to be back in the school building by 10:20.

7 What are the procedures?
Outbuilding classes will walk straight to the track. 2nd floor classes will exit through the middle-T into the courtyard and up to the track. 3rd floor classes will exit through the back door and enter track by baseball field. *All classes will enter the building the same way they exited the building.

8 When you get to the track, go to your designated area.
6th grade classes When you get to the track, go to your designated area. 8th grade classes 7th grade classes

9 How else can I show my respect for the victims?
We will be collecting cards for the families and friends of the victims. If you would like to make a card, your teacher will provide you with paper and markers. Use these cards as an opportunity to tell the friends and families of the victims you are sorry for their loss and that you support them in this time.

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