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Presentation on theme: "PORTFOLIO COMMMITEE ON SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT BUDGET HEARINGS AND STRATEGIC PLAN 2008-2011 26 MARCH 2008 4/13/2019."— Presentation transcript:

26 MARCH 2008 4/13/2019

2 Presentation outline Purpose. Challenges. Key achievements.
Strategic Themes & Objectives over MTEF. Budget allocation 2008/ Conclusion. 4/13/2019

3 Purpose To present to the Portfolio Committee (PC) the Department’s 7 thematic areas that encompass the department’s overall strategic plan. To provide detailed budget that supports the implementation of the thematic areas. Highlight challenges, key achievements and focused areas for entities over MTEF. 4/13/2019

4 Key Achievements The DSD developed a discussion document on linking beneficiaries to economic and sustainable livelihoods opportunities, which was approved by Cabinet. Together with other departments in the JCPS Cluster, the DSD has enhanced measures to tackle family violence and child abuse by facilitating the establishment of shelters and intensifying the victim empowerment programme. 4/13/2019

5 Key Achievements The DSD has, over the past five years, strengthened its interventions to combat the spread of HIV and AIDS through a number of strategies including prevention, psycho-social support, care, etc. The DSD is working closely with the Department of Justice & Constitutional Development in handling child and spouse abuse cases. This partnership seeks to help and support families in need, and to tackle the scourge of domestic violence. 4/13/2019

6 Key Achievements This year sees the piloting of our flagship Masupatsela Youth Development Programme, which is another contribution to the National Youth Service Programmme. We envisage that through this programme we will possibly produce exemplary and caring young citizens. 4/13/2019

7 Key Achievements A number of students have been encouraged to, and have registered for degrees in social work at several Universities in South Africa. This will help us address the severe shortage of social workers throughout the country. 4/13/2019

8 Strategic themes The department has identified the following seven strategic themes to respond effectively to the Apex and other Government priorities in the Government Plan of Action (POA) : Tackling child poverty; as a direct response to the 11.1 million children living in income poverty and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child, Tackling adult and older persons poverty; as a key component of our response to the Madrid Plan of Action on Ageing, Social cohesion; as a contribution to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals and the Copenhagen Plan of Action, 4/13/2019

9 Strategic themes Youth development; as a direct response to youth unemployment and vulnerability in line with the United Nations Programme of Action for Youth for 2000 and Beyond, Civil society support and strengthening of communities; as another contribution to the Copenhagen Plan of Action and the Johannesburg Plan of Action, Governance and institutional development; so as to improve the quality and reach of our service delivery Regional and international solidarity and engagement; in order to contribute to global governance, south-south cooperation and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) 4/13/2019

10 Strategic Themes and Objectives
Strategic Objectives Measurable Objectives (Strategic interventions) Tackling child poverty To facilitate access to qualitative Early Childhood Development (ECD) opportunities. To ensure that the Constitutional rights of children with regard to care, protection, survival, and development are guaranteed. To provide adequate social assistance interventions to children. Develop strategies and programmes on integrated services for Early Childhood Development, Partial Care and for Orphans and vulnerable children. Facilitate the implementation of the new child care legislation. Develop policies and strategies for child care and protection. Provide well managed national and inter-country adoption services and international social services. Increase the coverage of CSG from 14 to 18 years by 2012 4/13/2019

11 Strategic Themes and Objectives
Strategic Objectives Measurable Objectives (Strategic interventions) Tackling adult and older persons poverty Ensure adequate income protection for the elderly in line with proposed social security reforms. Provide income security for workers and their dependants by informing policy options around social insurance. Improve the provision of social relief of distress. Provide social assistance for people with debilitating chronic diseases. Develop social assistance programme for families by 2012. 4/13/2019

12 Strategic Themes and Objectives
Strategic Objectives Measurable Objectives (Strategic interventions) Tackling adult and older persons poverty Provide income security for workers and their dependants by informing policy options around social insurance. Improve access for Social Assistance beneficiary households to economic opportunities by 2009. Develop policy on contributory benefits by 2012. Develop an overarching institutional arrangement for social security provision. 4/13/2019

13 Strategic Themes and Objectives
Strategic Objectives Measurable Objectives (Strategic interventions) Tackling adult and older persons poverty To develop, facilitate, monitor and evaluate the implementation of policies, strategies and programmes for older persons, persons with disabilities and mitigate the impact of substance abuse. Facilitate social welfare service delivery through the development and implementation of policies, legislation and programmes. Implement policy and legislation to promote transformation of services to older persons. Develop and implement policies and programmes that will enhance the protection and promotion of rights of persons with disabilities. 4/13/2019

14 Strategic Themes and Objectives
Strategic Objectives Measurable Objectives (Strategic interventions) Youth development To provide social assistance programme for the Youth. To create an enabling environment for the improvement of quality of life of the youth. Develop social assistance programme for the youth by 2012. Develop and facilitate the implementation of youth development policies and strategies, including Masupa-tsela Youth Pioneer Programme by 2011, 4/13/2019

15 Strategic Themes and Objectives
Strategic Objectives Measurable Objectives (Strategic interventions) Social cohesion To provide integrated family and social crime related services to vulnerable groups, with special emphasis to women, children and families. Develop, facilitate and monitor the implementation of policies, legislation, strategies and programmes pertaining to probation services, social crime prevention and integrated justice services. Develop, facilitate and monitor the implementation of the National Family Policy, strategies and programmes that empowers families. Develop policies and programmes to support and protect people affected by violence and crime. Mitigate the impact of substance abuse through the development and implementation of policies and programmes. 4/13/2019

16 Strategic Themes and Objectives
Strategic Objectives Measurable Objectives (Strategic interventions) Social cohesion To mitigate the impact of HIV & AIDS. To reduce HIV new infections through Behaviour change. Develop policies, guidelines, strategies and programmes to prevent New HIV Infections and to facilitate the provision of care and support. Facilitate development and implementation of the monitoring and evaluation systems for HCBC by 2009/10 Facilitate implementation of the National Action Plan for orphans and other children made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS. 4/13/2019

17 Strategic Themes and Objectives
Strategic Objectives Measurable Objectives (Strategic interventions) Civil society support and strengthening of communities. To improve the institutional capacity and capabilities of the non-profit sector. To create an enabling environment that contributes towards the building of sustainable communities. Develop and facilitate the implementation of the integrated legislative framework for the non-profit sector by 2010 Ensure efficient administration of the NPO registration facility and compliance of non-profit organizations in terms of the NPO Act. Develop and facilitate the implementation of policies, strategies and guidelines for community development by 2011. Develop and facilitate the implementation and monitoring of guidelines and programmes for sustainable livelihoods by 2011. Enhance social service provision through support to the non-governmental sector and other partners. 4/13/2019

18 Strategic Themes and Objectives
Strategic Objectives Measurable Objectives (Strategic interventions) Governance and institutional dev. To provide financial management and administration that supports the Department’s objectives and mandates. Facilitate the analysis and costing of the financial and fiscal implications of legislation and policy directives pertaining to the social development sector and related functions. Monitor the financial performance of Public Entities and other funded Institutions in line with prescripts. Implement an appropriate and improved supply chain management system that is fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost effective. Implement and maintain an appropriate and improved financial, risk, internal control systems. 4/13/2019

19 Strategic Themes and Objectives
Strategic Objectives Measurable Objectives (Strategic Interventions) Governance and institutional dev. To ensure that the Department has adequate, effective human resources and promotes social dialogue with organised labour. Reduce the vacancy rate over next three years. Develop and implement a Sector Human Resource Plan. Review Employee Health and Wellness policy, programme and delivery model over the next three years. Develop and Implement a Human Resource Retention Strategy over the next three years. Ensure that the Public Health & Social Development Bargaining Council (PHSDSBC) operates efficaciously. 4/13/2019

20 Strategic Themes and Objectives
Strategic Objectives Measurable Objectives (Strategic interventions) Governance and institutional dev. To promote department’s identity and services through media and events management. Promote public awareness and understanding of Department’s policies, programmes. Promote corporate identity and programmes. 4/13/2019

21 Strategic Themes and Objectives
Strategic Objectives Measurable Objectives (Strategic interventions) Governance and institutional dev. To develop an IMST Capability & Capacity that enables Social Development to deliver on its mandate. Create an information network that ensures integrated service delivery. Implement a solution to capture, store process information around business process. Create institutional knowledge and enabling business strategic decisions. 4/13/2019

22 Strategic Themes and Objectives
Strategic Objectives Measurable Objectives (Strategic Interventions) Governance and institutional dev. To promote good governance, strategic leadership and institutional coherence. Oversee and align social development service delivery institutions by developing customer centered service delivery model by 2010 Through research, monitoring and evaluation, ensure that all social policies guiding the sector and their concomitant strategies are consistent and comply with evidence-based principles, including on population trends and dynamics, by 2012 Monitor and evaluate the adherence of entities to agreed policy objectives through monthly and quarterly reports. 4/13/2019

23 Strategic Themes and Objectives
Strategic Objectives Measurable Objectives (Strategic Inteventions) Governance and institutional dev. To promote good governance, strategic leadership and institutional coherence. Develop and oversee the implementation of a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system to improve service delivery across the sector, by 2009 Expansion of public works programme through innovation and by improving the coordination amongst all the role players in the sector. Improve social assistance administration through implementation of key social security mechanism and monitor the adherence of entities to agreed policy objectives. Establishment of the key social security institutions 4/13/2019

24 Strategic Themes and Objectives
Strategic Objectives Measurable Objectives (Strategic interventions) Regional and international solidarity. To coordinate sub regional participation in institutions of regional and global governance. To provide Executing Authority with a high quality strategic support and advice on matters related to protocol, administration, domestic and international spheres. mestic andinternationalmatters. Contribute towards a consolidation of African Agenda. Strengthening of global governance systems. Promote Bi-lateral and Tri-lateral cooperation. Coordinate sub regional participation in the international Social Security Association. 4/13/2019

25 2008/09 TO 2010/11 FINANCIAL YEARS 4/13/2019

26 Budget comparison R’000 7% 10% 13% 4/13/2019

27 MTEF growth trends Total additional allocation over MTEF is R12,3 billion Total budget grows at an average rate of 10,4% p.a. Socdev budget, excl transfers to SASSA & NDA grows at average rate of 8,31% p.a. Prog 1 : 8,1% Prog 2 : 10,38% Prog 3 : 28,81% Prog 4 : 5,17% Prog 5 : 6,59% 4/13/2019

28 MTEF growth trends Additional allocations were mainly for:
Policy and Programme Implementation Support for increasing capacity at the national level in terms of its oversight role over provinces & other implementing agencies (R7m: 08/09; R9,5m: 09/10; R13m: 10/11) Establishment of an Appeals Tribunal ito the Social Assistance Act (R7m: 08/09; R10m: 09/10; R13m: 10/11) Development of a MIS for Social Welfare Services (R5m: 08/09; R6m: 09/10; R9m: 10/11) Long term infrastructure plan for Welfare services in provinces (R6m: 08/09) Compensation of employees wrt to the implementation of Resolution 1 of 2007 (R4.3m: 08/09; R5m: 09/10; R5.3m: 10/11) Inflation adjustment to social assistance grants (R2.6b: 08/09; R4.4b: 09/10; R4.7b: 10/11) SASSA adjustment to baseline (R78.1m: 08/09; R113.3m: 09/10; R150.4m: 10/11) 4/13/2019

29 Changes to baseline 4/13/2019

30 Final budget allocations
PROGRAMME 2008/09 R’000 2009/10 2010/11 P 1: Administration P 2: Comprehensive Social Security P 3: Policy Development, Review and Implementation Support for Welfare Services P 4: Community Development P 5: Strategy and Governance 93 399 96 633 TOTAL BUDGET Per Economic Classification Compensation of Employees Goods and Services Transfers and Subsidies Payments for Capital Assets 8 695 10 087 9 900 4/13/2019

31 Earmarked funds 2007/08 – 2010/11 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11
Voted 67,232,108 76,007,974 83,892,526 90,450,231 Devolution of Public Works Funds 9,389 10,142 11,182 12,317 Social Assistance Transfers 62,445,771 70,725,989 78,120,433 84,295,468 SASSA 4,072,747 4,517,815 4,859,078 5,180,925 SASSA (MIS) 70,000 20,000 Disaster Relief 10,000 Emergency Disaster Relief 5,000 LoveLife 41,000 43,460 National Development Agency 129,163 136,267 144,782 153,469 Social Workers Bursaries 50,000 105,000 210,000 222,600 Total Special Allocations 66,833,070 75,571,213 83,421,475 89,943,239 TOTAL OPERATIONAL BUDGET 399,038 436,761 471,051 506,992 4/13/2019

32 Budget Allocation per Programme (excl Transfers &Public Entities) - 2008/09

2007/08 FINANCIAL YEAR 4/13/2019

34 2007/08 Estimated departmental spending
99,7% Estimated Spending 4/13/2019

35 Expenditure per programme 2007/08
Final Voted R’ 000 Estimated Expenditure % Spent Estimated Under-spending Administration 97,5% 3 456 Comprehensive Social Security 99,8% Policy Development, Review and Implementation Support for Welfare Services 86,5% 26 339 Community Development 95,3% 7 701 Strategy and Governance 94 363 83 822 88,8% 10 541 TOTAL 99,7% 4/13/2019

36 Social assistance transfers
99,7% 4/13/2019

37 Status of social assistance expenditure 2007/08 FY
A preliminary net saving to an estimated amount of R135,643 million is projected up to the end of the 2007/08 financial year on social grant transfers. 4/13/2019

38 Estimated underspending
Programme 1: Administration Projected under-expenditure on compensation of employees as a result of staff turnover and delays in the filling of vacant funded posts. Programme 2: Comprehensive Social Security Projected under-expenditure on Social Assistance Grants based on the preliminary review of beneficiary growth rates and back-pay periods as well as delays in the filling of vacant funded posts. Programme 3: Policy Development, Review and Implementation Support for Welfare Services Projected under-expenditure on compensation of employees and planned projects in Welfare Services and HIV/AIDS due to delays in the starting date of these projects. 4/13/2019

39 Estimated underspending.
Programme 4: Community Development Projected under-expenditure due to unexpected implementation support required to comply with governance issues. Programme 5: Strategy and Development Projected under-expenditure is due to delays in the conceptualisation of the structure for the Appeals Tribunal and unexpected delays in the rolling out the new Information Technology infrastructure. 4/13/2019

40 Challenges To work effectively across the internal programme structures to achieve our strategic objectives. Matrix (team management) Appropriate budget structure To improve synergy and accountability with provinces around service delivery on our agreed priority areas. Strengthening the capacities of service delivery institutions such as NPOs and public entities. This also implies improved M&E systems. Similarly, to be more effective in shaping policies across government that impact on the poor and vulnerable. 4/13/2019

41 Conclusion All efforts in this sunset phase of the current term of government and governance must direct ourselves at working towards the eradication of poverty and social exclusion. In the coming year, we are therefore rededicating ourselves as government and communities to fight child poverty, and protect children from abuse and other social ills. The litmus test of our success in this regard must be based on the extent to which we contribute to extricating children from abject poverty. 4/13/2019

42 THANK YOU 4/13/2019


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