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Centrally collected indicators

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1 Centrally collected indicators
Lewis Dijkstra & Teodora Brandmuller DG REGIO & Eurostat Brussels 2014, NUAC meeting

2 Environment Action: update data using AirBase (EEA)
EN2002V Number of days ozone O3 concentrations exceed 120 µg/m3 EN2003V Number of days nitrogen dioxide NO2 concentrations exceed µg/m3 EN2005V Number of days particulate matter PM10 concentrations exceed 50 µg/m3 EN2025V Accumulated ozone concentration in excess 70 µg/m3 EN2026V Annual average concentration of NO2 (µg/m3) EN2027V Annual average concentration of PM10 (µg/m3) Action: update data using AirBase (EEA)

3 Climate EN1003V Average temperature of warmest month
EN1004V Average temperature of coldest month EN1005V Rainfall (litre/m2) EN1002V Total number of hours of sunshine per day Action: check availability in meteorological datasets – low priority

4 Noise Action: low quality – suppress temporarily from dissemination
EN2029I Prop. of residents exposed to air traffic noise >55 dB(A) at night time EN2032I Prop. of residents exposed to rail traffic noise >65 dB(A) at day time EN2036I Prop. of residents exposed to rail traffic noise >55 dB(A) at night time EN2033I Prop. of residents exposed to road traffic noise >65 dB(A) at day time EN2035I Prop. of residents exposed to road traffic noise >55 dB(A) at night time Action: low quality – suppress temporarily from dissemination

5 Economy Gross Domestic Product per inhabitant
Gross Domestic Product in million EUR Action: to be calculated for metro regions

6 Land use - indicators to be calculated based on Urban Atlas
 Total land area, by broad land use/cover class: Continuous (residential) urban fabric (= class 1.1.1) Discontinuous (residential) urban fabric (= classes 1.1.2* ) Industrial, commercial, public, military and private units (= class 1.2.1) Transport infrastructure (roads, railways, ports, airports) (= classes 1.2.2*, and 1.2.4) Green urban areas and sports and leisure facilities (= classes 1.4*) Agricultural areas (= classes 2*) Natural areas (= classes 3* and 4)

7 Land use - indicators to be calculated based on Urban Atlas in combination with other sources:
Proximity of green urban areas to urban population (surface of green urban areas within walking distance of residential population) (=> requires population distribution data and transport network data) Built-up areas (residential and industrial/commercial) per inhabitant (2006 and 2012 data where available)

8 Former land use indicators to be deleted
EN5015V Water and wetland EN5012V Green space area (km2) EN5016V Land used for agricultural purposes EN5026V Other land use EN5001V Green space to which the public has access EN5109V Overbound - underbound based on population (qualitative indicator) EN5110V Overbound - underbound based on area (qualitative indicator)

9 Accessibility TT1071V Accessibility by air (EU27=100)
TT1072V Accessibility by rail (EU27=100) TT1073V Accessibility by road (EU27=100) TT1074V Multimodal accessibility (EU27=100) Action: to be provided by DG REGIO based on ESPON analysis for metro regions

10 Tourism Annual data for access to passenger flights for all cities and LUZs to be calculated Population-weighted average number of passenger flights available within max. 90 minutes by road Former indicators to be suppressed: CR2004V Number of air passengers using nearest airport CR2005V Number of air passengers using nearest airport: Total arrivals CR2006V Number of air passengers using nearest airport: Domestic arrivals CR2007V Number of air passengers using nearest airport: Total departures CR2008V Number of air passengers using nearest airport: Domestic departures

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