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Volunteering Improving the experience a patient has during their stay in hospital by prioritising compassion in healthcare (Francis Report)

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Presentation on theme: "Volunteering Improving the experience a patient has during their stay in hospital by prioritising compassion in healthcare (Francis Report)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Volunteering Improving the experience a patient has during their stay in hospital by prioritising compassion in healthcare (Francis Report)

2 Volunteering in action…

3 A Volunteering fact... There are an estimated 3 million volunteers in the area of health & social care in the UK

4 Volunteers in training…

5 At South Tees Hospitals Trust...
We currently have : Approximately 700* volunteers across the Trust with a goal of achieving 1000 by December 2014 Chaplaincy, Way Finders, Path Labs, Admin roles, Holistic Centre roles, BFPS, videographer, Radiography, Pharmacy Services, Specialist Palliative Care Team roles, Therapeutic Care Volunteers (TCV’s) encompasses all patient-centred roles throughout the Trust *as at April 2014

6 12 Days Of Volunteering

7 Volunteers and The Trust
A stringent recruitment process Identification of suitable role 2 Day intensive training (Patient-centred role (TCV’s) CMAT ID Badge, uniform Code of Conduct, Code of Confidentiality, Volunteer Agreement, Occ Health assessment

8 Volunteering…

9 CMAT Corporate Mandatory Awareness Training Compulsory attendance for all staff and volunteers Full day training programme

10 Volunteers fundraising…

11 Objective To improve patients’ experience of their stay in hospital; and to support patient services across the Trust to enable the realisation of the strap line “together we do the amazing”

12 Volunteers in training…

13 Thank You for listening
My contact details: Tel: Ext: 54295 Web:

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