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Welcome Everyone! We’re so excited for this year!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Everyone! We’re so excited for this year!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Everyone! We’re so excited for this year!
First Grade Mrs. Thomas-Miller & Ms .Tucker Open House Presentation September 13,2018 Welcome Everyone! We’re so excited for this year!

2 This is the way to follow your child’s grades on the computer
This is the way to follow your child’s grades on the computer. You need Student ID and PIN We have the IDs and PINs for first grade students Use the instruction guide Parent Portal

3 Forms Please turn in if you haven’t already
Emergency Form-available today Lunch Form Dental Medical Forms

4 Fees and First All School Field Trip
Please pay the school fees. We need these funds for special activities and supplies for the students The Universoul Circus field trip costs $15 per student. All forms and fees need to be in to participate. Fees and First All School Field Trip

5 Grades and Parent Portal
We will update grades weekly-you can check real time by setting up the parent portal Grades and Parent Portal

6 Room 116 Schedule Lunch/Recess 10:25-11:10
Resource classes 11:15-12:20 Monday- Chorus Tuesday- SEL Wednesday- Art Thursday- Gym (gym uniform is part of school fees) Friday- Spanish Schedule may change Room 116 Schedule

7 Room 112 Resource Schedule
Monday-SEL Tuesday- SEL Wednesday- Gym Thursday- SEL Friday-SEL Resource classes are on a 2 week cycle Room 112 Resource Schedule

8 On gym days students should have gym clothes under their uniforms-gym shoes on those days
Other days all black shoes, white or light blue shirt Navy or black pants or skirt (knee length dark blue shorts are also acceptable) Uniform Expectations

9 Behavior Expectations
Behavior chart in classroom several opportunities for green behavior Two categories for yellow behavior One category for red (parent contact) Transitions between activities important Quiet hallways are important Behavior Expectations

10 Attendance is extremely important- student achievement happens when scholars are here and on time at 7:45am Attendance

11 Homework Weekly Homework Log
B.E.E. folder ($1.25 on supply list by tomorrow) Reading for 20 minutes every night including weekend nights initial log Math sheet most nights New sight words every week Science sheet every other week Homework

12 Class Changes First Grade is departmentalized Ms. Tucker
Math and Science (Room 116) Mrs. Thomas-Miller ELA and Writing(Room 112) Class Changes

13 NWEA tested on the computer –headphones needed – we will inform you of date
First Grade Goals –Attainment (on level) Testing Reading Math BOY 162 MOY 174 EOY 181

14 Communication Let’s Stay Connected Home & School
Most correspondence will be sent via . If you need a response, please allow up to 24 hours for feedback. Teachers Ms. Tucker Mrs. Thomas-Miller Communication

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