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Timeshifting In 2013. Important Note To Our Members: The following deck was developed to give you an overview of DVR users and to demonstrate the effects.

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Presentation on theme: "Timeshifting In 2013. Important Note To Our Members: The following deck was developed to give you an overview of DVR users and to demonstrate the effects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Timeshifting In 2013

2 Important Note To Our Members: The following deck was developed to give you an overview of DVR users and to demonstrate the effects of Time-Shifting on television viewing. This document was not written as a full presentation – please pick and choose the slide (s) that work for your individual needs. These slides were created on a white background so they can easily be inserted into your current presentation Please view the presentation in slideshow mode as there may be animation

3 Timeshifting in 2013 Today, half of the TV homes have a DVR but penetration is starting to slow Higher income homes are more likely to have DVRs Time spent with timeshifted programming continues to grow but is still only a fraction of overall TV time Only a fraction of Cables programming gets timeshifted while practically half of Broadcasts is viewed in Playback mode. Participation Variety and Drama are the most timeshifted genres.

4 Today Practically Half Of Homes Have a DVR; With Growth Rate Starting To Slow % of U.S. TV HHs Source: Nielsen; March of each year. 47.7%

5 DVR Households Are Becoming More & More Multi-DVR Homes Source: Nielsen; Percent of DVR HH only – not total HHs. Percent Of Homes with Multiple DVRs Penetration Growth Among 2+ DVRs

6 Higher Income Homes Are More Likely To Own A DVR DVR Penetration By Income (v. YAG) Source: Nielsen, State Of Media report. 12/13 v. yag Less Than $30K 25% (+13%) $30-50K $75-100K $100K+ $50-75K 41% (+9%) 68% (+6%) 52% (+9%) 60% (+11%)

7 DVR Penetration Among African American & Hispanic Households Has Grown Substantially Source: Nielsen. March 07March 13 Hispanic9.9%38.5% African American11.9%40.6% DVR Penetration %

8 Time Spent…

9 Time Spent With Timeshifted Programming Continues To Grow But Is Still Only A Fraction Of Total TV Time Source: Nielsen, Cross Platform Report. Monthly Time Spent In Hrs:Min Per User 2+ 4Q114Q12% Diff Watching Timeshifted TV11:4412:38+8% Watching TV153:19156:24+2%

10 Across The Board, DVR Playback Accounts For A Small Portion Of Total TV Viewing Monthly Time Spent In Hrs:Min CH2-11T1217A18-24A25-34A35-49A50-64A65+ Watching TV in the home* 112:3998:26111:20136:10157:07198:23220:55 Watching Timeshifted TV (all homes) 9:257:267:4915:3815:5715:2610:28 Source: Nielsen, 4Q12 Cross Platform Report. *Includes live viewing + DVR playback.

11 DVR Playback Has Experienced Its Greatest Gains With The Older Consumers 50+ Monthly Time Spent Watching Timeshifted TV In Hrs:Min Source: Nielsen, Cross Platform Report. 4Q114Q12% Diff CH2-118:509:259% T12-176:547:2611% A18-247:557:49-1% A25-3415:0815:382% A35-4915:0015:574% A50-6414:0315:269% A65+8:3610:2823%

12 Ethnic Breakdown: Hispanics Time Spent With DVR Playback Has Grown Considerably As Well BlackHispanicAsian Watching TV in the home % Diff v YAG 215:02 +3% 131:08 +3% 99:30 +4% Watching Timeshifted TV % Diff v YAG 9:45 +10% 8:21 +16% 9:06 +12% Monthly Time Spent In Hrs:Min By Ethnicity Per User 2+ Source: Nielsen, Cross Platform Report. *Includes live viewing + DVR playback.

13 Of Those Who Time-Shift, Half Watch Commercials

14 DVR Usage…

15 On A Total Day Basis, 8 Out Of 10 Programs Are Viewed Live % Spent With Playback v. Live Minutes: Total Day P18-49 March 13 Source: Nielsen, Base=DVR HHs.

16 In Prime, More Than Three Quarters Is Viewed Live % Live v. Playback Minutes: Primetime P18-49 March 13 Source: Nielsen, Base=DVR HHs.

17 Time Spent With Live Programming Is Consistent Across The Board % Live v. Playback Minutes: Primetime March 13 Source: Nielsen, Base=DVR HHs.

18 Diving Deeper Into Programming…

19 Source: Nielsen, Base=DVR HHs.: March 13 P18-49 % Time-Shifting In Prime By Source (base=DVR hhs) Less Than A Quarter Of Cables Programming Is Time- Shifted

20 Among Both Young And Old, Only A Fraction Of Cables Programming Is Time-Shifted % Time Spent With Time-Shifted Programming in Prime Source: Nielsen, Base=DVR HHs.; % of minutes; March 13 Ad-Supp CableBroadcast A18-4924%44% A25-54 24%42% A12-1718%39% A18-2421%44% A25-3427%49% A35-4923%42% A50+17%32%

21 In Fact, Broadcasts Highest Rated Programming Tends To Be The Most Time-Shifted Top 15 Most Time-Shifted Broadcast Programs Primetime: March 2013 Base: DVR HH Source: Nielsens Npower; Prime=M-Sa 8-11p & Su 7pm. Base= DVR HHs;; Broadcast 6 A18-49 total U.S. Live+7rank (greater or equal to 2 t/c).

22 Program Type Determines the Degree Of DVR Playback

23 Participation Variety & General Dramas Tend To Be The The Most Time Shifted In Primetime A18-49 Live+7 v. Live Absolute Change By Genre In Prime (Base: DVR HHs) Source: Nielsen;3/13; primetime;

24 The Future…Enhanced TV Services

25 Enhanced TV Services Offered By Your Cable Provider: Offering A Variation On the DVR Various MSOs offer the following services in select markets. These services are free with Digital Cable: Start Over – Provides you with the power to restart and watch a program from the beginning. With Start Over, the fast-forwarding function will be turned off. Shows airing can be restarted multiple times within their normal broadcast time. For example, if a program airs from 7 to 7:30, you will be able to restart it at any time during that half hour until 7:29 and 59 seconds. And while youre watching a Start Over show, you can: REWIND the show while it's playing PAUSE it for up to 5 minutes RESUME: change the channel then come back within 5 minutes to where you left off in your Start Over program (as long as the show is still in it's original broadcast window). Note: Start Over may not be available in all areas. Look Back - Allows you to view shows that have already aired up to 3 days later! Look Back is available on select shows from participating networks

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