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Starter Go to your hanging file and take out your work.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter Go to your hanging file and take out your work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter Go to your hanging file and take out your work.
Select your best piece or pieces, you disclosure statement, and pre-assessment set aside. Everything else can go home with you today if you have paid your class fees.

2 Critiquing DDD CFA #1 BLHS Art Department

3 Critiquing Art Why? To see how others view our art
To learn how to become better artists To soak up the world and appreciate life!

4 Critique class group pairs individual

5 Grading you will be graded on: you ability to support your answer
using the arts elements and principles of design that you actually tried your best

6 class critique

7 get into groups of 4-6 for the next critique you will be getting in groups of 4-6 people

8 Group Critique

9 For the next critique you will need a partner
someone you can work with

10 Partner Critique

11 individual critique find a place in the room you can see, but that you will not be distracted by others

12 individual critique

13 thank you! this will help us prepare for another critique during the art show in December

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