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Unit 4: The Gilded Age 11.26.18.

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1 Unit 4: The Gilded Age

2 Crash Course #27: The Progressive Era

3 Muckrakers Muckrakers: photographers, journalists, and other writers who exposed corruption in politics and business in the early 20th century

4 Muckrakers today

5 New Idea Government can fix problems in society
What is the purpose of government? To protect people? To help people?

6 New Idea Government can enhance freedom, not just threaten it
American Revolution was all about the government (King George) having too much power  Americans are distrustful of large/powerful governments Example: Articles of Confederation

7 Use expertise to make decisions
Govt. by the people Govt. by experts VS. 17th Amendment Initiatives

8 Talk with your partner, what’s happening here?

9 Triangle ShirtWaist Factory
PBS American Experience video in Public Videos folder

10 What is a shirtwaist? A button-down blouse, popular fashion item of the late 19th & early 20th centuries Regarded as the model shirt for the independent, working woman Valued for its ready-to-wear, workplace appeal & simple design By the early 20th century, designers added lace and frills to embellish the iconic blouse Available in every color. 

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