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All about medieval times

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1 All about medieval times
by layla and gabby

2 1. flagllents The flagellents were people from the 1300’s.They used to always smack them selfs because of god.They always had a thing in there hand to spank themselves. Sometimes if they slap It hard it will bleed a lot and you might die . they did this for 33 years. they started in the 13 , 14 century . They would punish them self so they wouldn’t get the black death.

3 Had to be loyal and courteous.
2.Knight Battle; While they were fighting they had to be brave and fearless. But also Had to be loyal and courteous. Love; The romance of medieval times country love practiced love in the medieval Times. Some people were jealous. Armour; the armour was very heavy in the1300s. The armour weighs about 50kg. Imagine if you had a friend that was 50kgs and they were on you for the whole day. It is very heavy and if you bend down you might break your neck. Clothing;The clothing that the knights wore under their armour was a under shirt And under pants . A padded garment a surcoat with a robe with a belt around waist . o

4 3. Black death Black death can be caused by getting a bacteria called yersinia pestis. And orientan rat Fleas. The black death is estimated to have killed o/o of the eroupes total population. When you get the black death the symptoms are . Abdominal pain .diarrhoea .nausea and vomiting .fever and chills .extreme weakness . Bleeding . Shock . Skin turning black Bleeding under the skin caused dark bloches all over the body. After a couple of days you Will die and turn all black.

5 Thank you for reading

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