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Ways to Kill a Bill.

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1 Ways to Kill a Bill

2 Veto Refusal by the President to sign a bill into law (if the President doesn’t veto, the bill will become a law after 10 days) Congress can override a veto with 2/3 majority of both houses. “Pocket Veto”-when Congress is in the last 10 days of it session, the President can not sign or veto and the bill will just die

3 Vote to Reject Any of the committees or full House or Senate could vote to reject the bill If one house votes for the bill and the other against it 2 things can happen: 1. The bill can be rewritten 2. A conference committee can be called to resolve any issues

4 Pigeonhole When a committee sets aside a bill and refuses to discuss
This is effective because if a bill is not discussed, it will never be voted on.

5 Filibuster A filibuster is where a person just keeps talking until the sponsor of the bill withdraws it. This can only done in the Senate, because the House has time limits placed on discussion Cloture-Senate can vote limit debate to 30 hours of discussion to avoid filibusters.

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