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The Industrial Revolution

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1 The Industrial Revolution
What Changed First

2 I. Background Info What is a revolution? What is industry?
A sudden change What is industry? type of businesses where things are produced by machine i.e. now: automobile industry, pharmaceutical industry i.e. then: textile industry, coal industry, iron industry

3 II. Life Before the Industrial Revolution
Pre-industrial revolution way of life Cottage Industry people working out of the house Also known as the “putting-out system” Rural way of life (vs. urban) People using handmade tools People sew own clothing People grow their own food People did not travel beyond their village

4 III. Direct Results of the Industrial Revolution
Buying of goods produced by another person (clothes, food, etc) Traveling by train or steamship Communication on a mass scale (telegraph) 1st use of anesthetic (pain prevention agent) Other machines and medicines that we use today

5 IV. 2nd Agricultural Revolution
Starts in Holland in the 1600 & 1700’s Improved farming methods Dikes (reclaiming of land) Fertilizer Seed Drill, 1703, Jethro Tull deposits seeds in rows (instead of scattering them) allows for more crops

6 V. Effects of the Seed Drill
Population increase More food available Reduced risk of death from famine People eating more = healthier people Also increased hygiene, sanitation and medical care led to longer life spans

7 VI. Other Important Technologies
Sources of energy Sun, coal, oil, water, steam James Watt Improves on Newcomen’s steam engine 1712 1764- Steam Engine- improved efficiency Key in the industrial revolution for machine operation, locomotives and steamships Darby Family Use coal instead of charcoal to separate iron from its ore Process is called “smelting” Iron is now cheaper and of a better quality Used for machine parts & railroads Allowed for the worlds first bridge to be built

8 Checking for Understanding
In your groups, answer the following questions What was life like before the Industrial Revolution? How did people make things happen? What were the effects of the Seed Drill? How does the Seed Drill actually contribute to healthier and longer life spans? Using “The Lorax” as a guide, what do you think will happen to the people and the environment because of the Industrial Revolution?

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