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Angles are everywhere Just look around YOU!.

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Presentation on theme: "Angles are everywhere Just look around YOU!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Angles are everywhere Just look around YOU!

2 What is an Angle?

3 An Angles is.. When two lines meet at a point they make an angle
The angle describes how much you have to turn between the two lines. We can measure ‘how much turn’ an angle has by using units called degrees. Example: 20° ( 20 degrees) ANGLE

4 There are different types of angles.
The number of degrees shows how small or big the angle is. 35 ° 127 °

5 How would you describe these angles?

6 Acute Angles An acute angle is smaller than 90°

7 How would you describe these angles?

8 Right Angles A right angle is exactly 90°

9 How would you describe these angles?

10 Obtuse Angles An Obtuse angle is larger than 90° but smaller than 180°

11 What does a 180° angle look like?
A 180° angle is a STRAIGHT LINE

12 How would you describe this angle?

13 Reflex Angles A reflex angle is bigger than 180° but smaller than 360°

14 What does a 360° angle look like?
A 360° angle is ONE whole turn ! ¼ of a turn ½ of a turn 1 whole turn

15 Recall Sketch an Acute angle Sketch a Right angle
Sketch an Obtuse angle Sketch a 180° angle Sketch a Reflex angle Sketch a 360 ° angle

16 ? obtuse acute reflex right

17 ? obtuse acute reflex right

18 ? obtuse acute reflex right

19 ? obtuse acute reflex right

20 ? obtuse acute reflex right

21 ? obtuse acute reflex right

22 ? obtuse acute reflex right

23 ? obtuse acute reflex right

24 ? obtuse acute reflex right

25 ? obtuse acute reflex right

26 ? obtuse acute reflex right

27 ? obtuse acute reflex right

28 ? obtuse acute reflex right

29 ? obtuse acute reflex right

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