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Submarine Warfare The use of submarines to sink enemy ships.

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Presentation on theme: "Submarine Warfare The use of submarines to sink enemy ships."— Presentation transcript:

1 Submarine Warfare The use of submarines to sink enemy ships

2 Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
The use of submarines to sink without warning any ship (including neutral ships and unarmed passenger liners) found in an enemy’s waters

3 Rationing The limiting of the amounts of goods people can buy –often imposed by governments during wartime, when goods are in short supply

4 Armistice An agreement to stop fighting

5 Self Determination The freedom of a people to decide under what form of government they wish to have

6 Treaty of Versailles The peace treaty signed by Germany and the Allied powers after World War I

7 Wilson’s Fourteen Points
A series of proposals in which the U.S. president Woodrow Wilson outlined a plan for achieving a lasting peace after World War I

8 League of Nations An international association formed after World War I with the goal of keeping peace among nations

9 Reparations money paid by a defeated country after a war, for all the deaths, damage etc it has caused

10 War guilt clause Portion of the Versailles treaty that blames only Germany for causing the war. Major cause of the rise of national socialism in Germany (NAZI Party)

11 Schlieffen Plan Germany’s military plan at the outbreak of World War I, according to which German troops would rapidly defeat France and then move east to attack Russia

12 Lusitania a British passenger ship that was sunk off the Irish coast in 1915 by the German navy during World War I. Some of the 1195 people who were killed were Americans, and this made many Americans feel that the US should enter the war against Germany.

13 Zimmermann Note Dispatch that instructed the German Ambassador to Mexico to offer a military alliance if the US entered the War. And would offer aid to gain back Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico

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