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Evaluation of water-related instruments

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1 Evaluation of water-related instruments
DG Environment, Units C1 & C2

2 Overall approach Three main blocks identified – specific timing:
WFD (+ daughters) & FD  Fitness Check by 2019 UWWTD  Evaluation (REFIT principles) by 2019 ND  Evaluation at later stage, first implementation report in 2018 Co-ordinated work on WFD Fitness check & UWWTD evaluation

3 Timing Start October 2017 COM drafting of SWD
Publication of Evaluation Reports /SWD June 2019 Signature of contract mid-January 2017 Final reports from consultants mid-April 2019 Today Dec '17 Feb '18 Apr '18 Jul '18 Sep '18 Nov '18 Jan '19 Mar '19 May '19 Start October 2017 Road-map UWWTD Data gathering, assessment, modelling (both evaluations) ISC Finish End June 2019 Targeted consultation with stakeholders (both evaluations) COM drafting of SWD Road-map WFD/FD Inception Report UWWTD Open Public Consultation UWWTD Open public consultation WFD/FD Inception Report WFD/FD Water Conference 20, 21 /09/18

4 Objectives Ex-post evaluation of the directives – what has worked and what hasn't? 5 aspects to be investigated: Efficiency Effectiveness Relevance Coherence EU-added value Focus on concrete issues – facts facts facts ….

5 WFD, daughters, Floods Inputs
- Assessment of RMBPs + FRMPs + International RBDs: European and MS assessment - State of Water report EEA - OECD investment study - Blue2 - H2020 results

6 Inputs continued: - Integrated Assessment - General open consultation
- AT/Cion Water Conference Sept 2018 - Other inputs and consultation (ao regular CIS) - Reactions to the Roadmap

7 Roadmap on WFD / FD evaluation
82 responses from MS, regional and local authorities, NGOs, business associations and many from individual citizens Main feedback: Need for alignment with other EU legislation (energy, MSFD, agriculture, etc) Setting of objectives and use of exemptions Need for more specific measures and financing Importance of flexibility in the implementation Integration of the Right to Water initiative in the WFD Links with the Drinking Water Directive Involvement of stakeholders and citizens Nutrients pollution, chemicals and pharmaceuticals Governance (including at regional and local level) Management of water scarcity

8 UWWTD Lot of information already available UWWTD is a success story…
Consensus on the added value/necessity Clear and concrete EU support combined with enforcement Visible effects But some issues still need to be tackled…..

9 Issues 1 Implementation still challenging in some MS
Releases in the environment (e.g. storm water overflows, individual systems, small agglomerations) Monitoring Sensitive zones and connection with WFD Transparency, reporting and public information

10 Issues 2 Evolution of the legal context
Evolution of the political context Circular economy SDG 6 Energy efficiency and climate change Emerging pollutants Innovation, green infrastructure

11 Feedback 28 responses: 39 % from industry and 32 % from NGOs
Main feedback: Need for alignment with other EU legislation (e.g. WFD) Better long-term investment planning Application of polluter pays principle Need for (improved) provisions on: Storm water overflows Water and sludge re-use Reporting/ monitoring/ information dissemination Treatment of emerging substances Nutrient recycling Citizens: 1 Public Authority: 4 Academic institution: 1 NGOs: 9 Companies/ business associations: 11 Other: 2

12 Sources of info Bi-annual reporting Art.15 & Art.17 + SIIF
RBMPs and FRMPs EEA State of waters Legal cases Relevant technical reports ECA reports Blue2/JRC model OECD study Combined with stakeholder consultations and open consultations

13 OECD Agreement signed end November – 15 months
Analysis of investments needs Drinking Water, Urban Waste Water, Floods, WFD Renew/new infrastructures Capex and Opex Analysis of financing possibilities Water tariffs and affordability Financial domestic market MS 'at risk' and set of seminars in MS Together with DG REGIO, WB (where relevant), EIB Conference with MS in March/April

14 Next steps Roadmap uploaded, 4 weeks feedback mechanism ✓
Launch of the evaluation study Public consultation Depending on the results: Launch IA for a review Action plan Others…


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