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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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Presentation on theme: "Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Aim: How can knowing what goals?

2 What is a goal? Goals are specific objectives that help us to plan our activities and strategies. A short term goal is a goal that usually takes less then a year to achieve. (could be immediate) A long term goal takes over a year to achieve. An example would be to get better at playing soccer through practice and hard work. By next year I will be much better at soccer, that is my goal. (could even include over a couple of years – college, house,dream job, marriage, etc.

3 Maslow’s Theory “We each have a hierarchy of needs that ranges from "lower" to "higher." As lower needs are fulfilled there is a tendency for other, higher needs to emerge.” Daniels, 2004

4 Maslow’s Theory Maslow’s theory maintains that a person does not feel a higher need until the needs of the current level have been satisfied. Maslow's basic needs are as follows:

5 Basic Human Needs Food Air Water Clothing Physiological Needs

6 Safety Needs Protection Stability Pain Avoidance Routine/Order
Safety and Security Protection Stability Pain Avoidance Routine/Order Safety Needs

7 Love and Belonging Affection Acceptance Inclusion Social Needs

8 Esteem Esteem Needs Self-Respect Self-Esteem Respected by Others

9 Self-Actualization Achieve full potential Fulfillment

10 Self-Actualization Summary Esteem Belonging Physiological Safety

11 How can we tie these into our lives now and in the future
How can we tie these into our lives now and in the future? (let’s fill it in together) Self-Actualization Esteem Social Safety Physiological

12 Today’s assignment We are going to go to the computer lab and you will create your own hierarchy. (usually done in classroom with magazines so we will make note for differences in the computer lab)

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