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Mar 2010 Closing Plenary Motions

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1 802.11 Mar 2010 Closing Plenary Motions
May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 March 2010 Mar 2010 Closing Plenary Motions Date: Authors: Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

2 May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 March 2010 Abstract This document is a composite of all sub-group motions that are for information, or may be brought at the March 2010 closing plenary. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

3 March 2010 WG telecons Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

4 Teleconferences March 2010 Thu April 29 Tue Mar 30; Apr 13, 27; May 11
doc.: IEEE /0528r0 March 2010 Group Dates Start Time Duration S1G Mon April 5, 26 (conditional on EC) 16:30 ET 1 Hour TGmb May 7, 28; June 4, 11, 25; July 9 11:00 ET 1.5 Hours TGp Every Thu 15:00 ET 2 Hours TGs Thu April 1; May 6, 13 Wed April 28 TGu Wed Mar 31, Apr 6, Apr 28, May 5, May 12 TGv Thu April 8, 15, 29; May 6, 13 Tue April 20 14:00 ET TGz Thu April 8, 15, 22, 29; May 6, 13 TGaa Mar 29, Apr 12, Apr 26, May 10 TGac Thu April 8 (PHY) Thu April 8 (MAC) Thu April 15 (MU-MIMO) Thu April 22 (Coex) Thu April 29 (MU-MIMO) 11: :00 ET 10: :00 ET 20: :00 ET TGad Thu April 29 10:00 ET TGae April 8, April 22, and May 6 TGaf Tue Mar 30; Apr 13, 27; May 11 20:00 ET Regulatory AHC Thu April 8 12:00 ET (noon) ARC <none scheduled> JTC1 AHC Mon from Apr 12 18:00ET Smart Grid Wed starting Mar 24 Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

5 March 2010 TGmb Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

6 Motion – REVmb 3.0 Recirculation Ballot
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 March 2010 Motion – REVmb 3.0 Recirculation Ballot Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from the first working group ballot on P802.11REVmb D2.0, Instruct the editor to prepare Draft 3.0 incorporating these resolutions and, Approve a 25 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11REVmb D3.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” Moved: Matthew Gast on behalf of TGmb Result: 42,0, [ TG result: Moved M. Montemurro / 2nd A. Stephens; 10/0/0 ] John Doe, Some Company John Doe, Some Company

7 March 2010 TGp Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

8 802.11 EC Motion – Conditional Approval to send P802.11p to RevCom
March 2010 EC Motion – Conditional Approval to send P802.11p to RevCom Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee for conditional approval to forward P802.11p D11.0 to RevCom. P802.11p had a 96% approval on the last Recirculation Sponsor Ballot. In this ballot, there were 5 disapprove voters (4 of whom have since indicated satisfaction with the resolution of their comments) and 28 unsatisfied comments, all from the remaining disapprove voter. CRC vote on the Motion Passed: 14 y, 0 n, 1 a Moved: Lee Armstrong on behalf of TGp Seconded: Bill Marshall Passes: 39,0,0 Lee Armstrong (US DoT)

9 March 2010 TGs Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

10 Moved by Theodorus Denteneer on behalf of TGs Result: 41,0,0 Passes
March 2010 Motion: Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB#159 on P802.11s Draft 4.0 as contained in document 11-10/32r12, Instruct the editor to prepare Draft 5.0 incorporating these resolutions and, Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11s Draft 5.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” Moved by Theodorus Denteneer on behalf of TGs Result: 41,0,0 Passes TGs vote: Moved: Dave Halasz: Seconded: Michael Bahr Result: Dee Denteneer

11 Motion Move to hold a TGs ad hoc on May 13-15 in Tokyo.
March 2010 Motion Move to hold a TGs ad hoc on May in Tokyo. Moved by Dee Denteneer on behalf of TGs Result: 31,0,3 Passes In the TG: Moved: Guido Hiertz Seconder: Kazuyuki Sakoda Approved by unanimous consent Dee Denteneer

12 CCSA/TCS Liaison Motion
March 2010 CCSA/TCS Liaison Motion Andrew Myles Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

13 March 2010 Motion IEEE requests that the LMSC chair establish a liaison with the China Communications Standards Association (CCSA) Wireless Communications Technical Committee (TC5). Moved: Andrew Myles Seconded: Rich Kennedy Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

14 March 2010 Motion IEEE requests that the LMSC chair establish a liaison with the China Communications Standards Association (CCSA) Wireless Communications Technical Committee (TC5) for the purpose of information exchange that meets the needs of all 802 stakeholders. Moved: Andrew Myles Seconded: Rich Kennedy Result: 31,0,3 Passes Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

15 Fast Initial Authentication
March 2010 Fast Initial Authentication Hiroshi Mano Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

16 March 2010 Motion Request approval by IEEE 802 LMSC to form an 802.11Study Group to address fast initial authentication with the intent of creating a PAR and five criteria. Moved: Hiroshi Mano Seconded: Clint Chaplin Result: 29,0,7 Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

17 IEEE 802.11 Motions for EC Bruce Kraemer March 2010
Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

18 March 2010 Study Group Motion 1 Request approval by IEEE 802 LMSC to form an Study Group for Sub 1 GHz license-exempt operation (as described in doc 11-09/1313r5) with the intent of creating a PAR and five criteria. Moved: Bruce Kraemer Seconded: In the WG: Passed 34,0,2 Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

19 March 2010 Sub 1 GHz and IEEE Current IEEE standard does not cover below 1 GHz, such as the MHz ISM band. This band does have an advantage over 2.4 GHz, 3.65 GHz and 5 GHz because of range per transmit power. Better free space propagation loss Better clutter propagation loss. i.e. trees, telephone poles Increase in battery life A disadvantage is the limited bandwidth. However sufficient for 5, 10 and 20 MHz OFDM Down to 1.25 MHz wide channel also useful Smaller channels also allow for bandwidth sharing David Halasz, Aclara

20 March 2010 Study Group Motion 2 Request approval by IEEE 802 LMSC to form an 802.11Study Group to address fast initial authentication (as described in 11-10/0371r3) with the intent of creating a PAR and five criteria. Moved: Bruce Kraemer Seconded: In the WG: 29,0,7 Passes Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

21 Need for fast initial authentication
March 2010 Need for fast initial authentication Speed of moving devices is currently limited by the authentication process Authentication and Key Management time can be much larger than data exchange (for short status or location updates) Initial secure authentication and association process not designed for this usage model A Long Authentication and Key Management time looses scalability Limited number of simultaneous access of initial authentications Currently, we do not have a fast initial authentication that a) is suitable for users experiencing a small dwell time in a cell (due to high mobility or small cell sizes users) b) scales for large number of simultaneously occurring initial authentications Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

22 March 2010 Liaison Motion IEEE requests that the LMSC chair establish a liaison with the China Communications Standards Association (CCSA) Wireless Communications Technical Committee (TC5) for the purpose of information exchange that meets the needs of all 802 stakeholders. Moved: Bruce Kraemer Seconded: In the WG: Moved: Andrew Myles Seconded: Rich Kennedy Result: 31,0,3 Passes Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

23 Approval to send P802.11p to RevCom
March 2010 Approval to send P802.11p to RevCom Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee for conditional approval to forward P802.11p D11.0 to RevCom. P802.11p had a 96% approval on the last Recirculation Sponsor Ballot. In this ballot, there were 5 disapprove voters (4 of whom have since indicated satisfaction with the resolution of their comments) and 28 unsatisfied comments, all from the remaining disapprove voter. Moved: Bruce Kraemer Seconded: Yes No Abstain In the WG: passed 39, 0, 0 Lee Armstrong (US DoT)

24 Report on request for conditional approval to send P802.11p to RevCom
March 2010 Report on request for conditional approval to send P802.11p to RevCom See: Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

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