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For: 1st Semester Final Exam 25%

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1 For: 1st Semester Final Exam 25%
Social Studies Review For: 1st Semester Final Exam 25%

2 The set of beliefs, values, and practices that a group of people have in common.

3 What is cultural borrowing?
Culture regions have changed & evolved as they have borrowed culture traits from one another. When people from different cultures marry, they will borrow traits from one another.

4 Westward Expansion Mexican Cession Gadsden Purchase Louisiana Purchase
1848 Mexico ceded what became southwestern U.S. after the Mexican War. 1853 Mexico sold this land to the U.S. It settled a border dispute and secured land for railroad. 1803 Thomas Jefferson negotiated the purchase from France & doubled U.S. size. Mexican Cession Gadsden Purchase Louisiana Purchase

5 The people in a society who make laws, enforce them & settle disagreements about them.

6 The annual number of births per 1,000 people.

7 1. Who was a famous Mexican artist known for painting murals of Mexico’s history?
Diego Rivera

8 2. How are weather and climate alike & different?
The short-term changes in the air for a given place and time. A region’s average weather conditions over a long period of time.

9 3. What body of land has water on three sides?

10 4. Who was a Cuban revolutionary who overthrew a corrupt government in 1959, and later became a Communist dictator? Fidel Castro

11 5. The production of electricity from waterpower (ex. running water).
Hydroelectric Power

12 6. To move from one area to settle in another?

13 7. Natural disasters such as tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, & volcano eruptions are examples of?
Physical Process

14 8. Cuba is a Communist country that is ruled by a Dictator
8. Cuba is a Communist country that is ruled by a Dictator. This form of government is- Unlimited

15 9. In an unlimited form of government rulers have-
total power

16 10. The land, water, climate, plants, and animals of an area and its surroundings.

17 11. Features of the earth’s surface such as mountains & rivers are-

18 12. How are these related? Deforestation Reforestation
The clearing of trees. Planting trees to replace lost forestland. Deforestation Reforestation

19 13. North, South, East, & West are-
Cardinal Directions

20 14. The United States is a limited government, whose citizen’s rights are protected, & is “ruled by the people”. What kind of government does the United States have? Democracy (Representative)

21 15. A relationship between countries in which they rely on one another for resources, goods, or services. Interdependence

22 16. During the Mexican Revolution, the government wanted to break up huge farms or ranches known as-

23 17. What are the three branches of the United States government?
Legislative (Makes the laws.) Executive (President enforces the laws.) Judicial (Ensures laws agree with the Constitution.)

24 18. Prejudice, war, & bad climate are examples of-
Push Factors

25 19. Which term refers to accepting many cultures?

26 20. Which mountain range is located in the eastern United States?
Appalachian Mountains

27 21. A measure of the number of people living in an area.
Population Density

28 22. What document lists the specific freedoms guaranteed to every United States citizen?
Bill of Rights

29 Free Enterprise Market Economy
23. In which economy do business owners compete in the market with little government interference? Free Enterprise Market Economy (United States)

30 24. How are they different? meteorology cartography geography
The study of weather and what causes it. The science of making maps. The study of the world, its people, and the landscapes they create. meteorology cartography geography

31 25. What explorer discovered the Caribbean Islands in 1492?
Christopher Columbus

32 26. A specific description of where a place is using latitude and longitude.
absolute location

33 27. What are some examples of renewable resources?
Trees Plants Soil

34 28. How are Wholesale and Retail Industries related?
Wholesale Industry Retail Industry Businesses that sell to businesses. Businesses that sell directly to final customers.

35 29. Freedom, a higher education, & a higher standard of living are examples of-
Pull Factors

36 30. The basic economic resources needed to produce goods and services.

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