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The Vietnam War Purpose:

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1 The Vietnam War 1950-1975 Purpose:
To stop the spread of communism (containment) in Southeast Asia, the United States used its military to support South Vietnam. How is this a continuity from earlier American foreign policy?

2 U.S Presidents During the Vietnam War
Harry S Truman ( ) Dwight D. Eisenhower ( ) John F. Kennedy ( ) John F. Kennedy was a strong believer in containing communism and the “Domino Theory” Lyndon B. Johnson (1963 – 1969) Richard Nixon ( ) Gerald R. Ford (1974 – 1977) Why did this war last so long?

3 Background to Vietnam Vietnam as a colony of France and Japan
• In the late 1800s to WWII, France ruled most of Indochina (including Vietnam) • In 1940, Japanese took control of Vietnam during WWII • In Sept. 1945, Ho Chi Minh (Vietnamese Communist leader) and the Vietminh (an organization that aimed to rid Vietnam of foreign rule) declared Vietnam an independent nation. French forced out of Vietnam After WWII French troops moved back into Vietnam; French fought and regained cities in the South In 1950, the U.S. sent economic aid to France to stop communism. • In 1954, the Vietminh forced the French out. • Geneva Accords divided Vietnam at 17th parallel; Communists get north. The South is controlled by a series of unstable “democratic” rulers.

4 U.S Military Intervention
Instability in South Vietnam Succession of military leaders rule S. Vietnam; country unstable LBJ (Lyndon Johnson-U.S President) worried the U.S. would lose international prestige if communists won. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Alleged attack in Gulf of Tonkin; LBJ asked for power to repel enemy. 1964- Tonkin Gulf Resolution gives LBJ broad military powers Americans killed, LBJ ordered sustained bombing of North U.S. combat troops sent to S. Vietnam to battle Vietcong 1965.

5 A Difficult War to Fight: The Vietcong
Who were the Vietcong? The guerilla force that, with the support of the North Vietnamese Army, fought against South Vietnam (late 1950s–1975) and the United States (early 1960s–1973).

6 Conflict in the U.S over the Vietnam War
The Draft Selective Service System, draft, called men 18–26 to military service Thousands looked for ways to avoid the draft Many—mostly white, affluent—received college deferment 80% of U.S. soldiers came from lower economic levels • Doves strongly opposed the war, believed U.S. should withdraw • Hawks favored sending greater forces to win the war In 1967 the majority of Americans supported war and considered protesters disloyal.

7 The Tet Offensive: The Turning Point in the Vietnam War
A Surprise Attack • In 1968 villagers travel to cities to celebrate Tet (Vietnamese new year) • Vietcong among crowd; attack over 100 towns, 12 U.S. air bases • The Tet offensive lasted 1 month before the U.S. and South Vietnam regain control Tet Changed U.S Public Opinion Before Tet, most Americans were hawks; after Tet, hawks and doves were both 40% Mainstream media openly criticized war (first televised war in U.S history) LBJ’s popularity dropped; 60% disapproved his handling of the war

8 President Nixon’s Role in the Vietnam War
The plan for exiting South Vietnam • New president Richard Nixon found negotiations were not progressing • His administration’s plan= Vietnamization—U.S. troops withdraw and S. Vietnam troops take over BUT before U.S troops leave South Vietnam: The My Lai Massacre of 1968 U.S. platoon carried out massacre of civilians in My Lai village Lt. William Calley, Jr., in command, is convicted, imprisoned (Turned some protestors in US against soldiers returning from their tours in Vietnam)

9 Continued Conflict in the U.S over the Vietnam War
Violence on Campus—Kent State University, Ohio National Guard kills 4 students in confrontation at Kent State University

10 America’s Longest War Ends
“Peace is at Hand” 1971, 60% think U.S. should withdraw from Vietnam by end of year By 1973, the U.S withdrawals from Vietnam The Fall of Saigon Cease-fire breaks down; South surrenders after North invades in 1975. North and South reunite. Vietnam becomes a unified communist country. NEXT

11 Further Turmoil in Southeast Asia
The Legacy of Vietnam 58,000 Americans, over 2 million North, South Vietnamese die in war Returning veterans face indifference, hostility at home About 15% develop post-traumatic stress disorder Government abolishes military draft 1973 Congress passes War Powers Act: - president must inform Congress within 48 hours of deploying troops - 90 day maximum deployment without Congressional approval War contributes to cynicism about government, political leaders Further Turmoil in Southeast Asia Communists put 400,000 S. Vietnamese in labor camps; 1.5 million flee Civil war breaks out in Cambodia; Khmer Rouge seize power (Cambodian Genocide)

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