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Greenhouse Gases.

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Presentation on theme: "Greenhouse Gases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greenhouse Gases

2 What are Greenhouse Gases?
Gas in an atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation within THERMAL INFRARED range --> known as heat radiation in which light and EM waves of any frequency will heat surfaces that absorb them

3 How are they created?






9 Intensity of Sun's Radiation: measured by solar constant
Albedo: the percentage of radiation which is reflected straight back into space Intensity of Sun's Radiation: measured by solar constant --> the amount of solar energy that falls every second on an area of 1m2 above the Earth's atmosphere that is perpendicular to the sun's rays



12 Possible Models for Global Warming
1. Changes in composition of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere 2. Increased Solar Flare activity 3. Cyclical changes in Earth's orbit of volcanic activity Enhanced greenhouse effects is an enhancement of greenhouse effect due to the human activities on earth


14 Possible Solutions to reduce the enhanced greenhouse effect
Technological advances greater efficiency in power production decarbonising exhaust gases from power plants fusion reactors made operational Energy Requirements reduced improved thermal insulation for homes reducing journeys and using more energy efficient transport methods use of combined heating and power systems (CHP)

15 Replacing the use of coal and oil
with renewable energy sources or nuclear power to reduce emissions by using natural gases to slightly reduce emissions Planting new trees & maintaining existing forest



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