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2018 MGA Strategic Planning Committee

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1 2018 MGA Strategic Planning Committee
Mary Ellen Randall, Chair

2 Committee Members Position Name Years Served Chair
Mary Ellen Randall (R3) - Cary, NC, USA 2018 MGA VP Martin Bastiaans (R8) – Mierlo, Netherlands MGA VP-Elect Francis Grosz (R5) - Pearl River LA, USA Past MGA Treasurer Dane Watson (R5) – Plano, TX, USA Member Amit Kumar (R10) - Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India Urmet Janes (R8) - Tallinn, Estonia Secretary Cecelia Jankowski (Staff) - Piscataway, NJ, USA

3 IEEE Vision IEEE will be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, and be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving global conditions. From IEEE Strategic Goals

4 Key Initiatives Supporting IEEE Goals
Provide more opportunities, products, and services aimed at increasing our value to professionals working in the industry; particularly younger professionals and entrepreneurs. Ensure the vitality and relevance of our core activities in standards, conferences, education, and publications while providing increased value to our members. Develop programs in public service focused on knowledge and technology in our fields of interest, related to public policy and humanitarian efforts. (Engagement) Evaluate and adapt organizational structures and processes to meet the demands of a changing environment while managing the financial and sustainable health of IEEE. From IEEE Strategic Goals

5 MGA Strategic Planning Committee Focus
An Engagement-first Model for members Organizational structure of the MGA BOD Alternatives for realignment of the Regions Senior Member and/or Fellow Process(es)

6 Feedback Welcome Comments? Questions?

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