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Define GCSS-Army Operations

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1 Define GCSS-Army Operations
SHOW SLIDE 1: Define GCSS-Army Operations SECTION I. : Define GCSS-Army Operations ADMINISTRATIVE DATA All Courses Including This Lesson Course Number Version Course Title 01 GREAT QUESTION (S8 Something or Other) Task(s) Task Number Individual Taught (*) or Academic Hours The academic hours required to teach this lesson are as follows: Resident Hours/Methods Academic Hours/Method 0.1 hrs Introduction/Conference Discussion 3.3 hrs Conference Discussion 0.1 hrs Summary 3.5 hrs Total Time Test Lesson Number Lesson Title Define GCSS-Army Operations Security Level: Unclassified Requirements: There are no clearance or access requirements for the lesson. Instructional Guidance Note: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified reference material. Also, provide the students with situational awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Motivator: Know your craft…

2 Terminal Learning Objective
Task: Define GCSS-A and Identify Materials Ordering Process Flow Conditions: FM Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion Standards: With 80% accuracy: Verify working knowledge of the GCSS-Army operating system; Identify spending chain; Identify ZPARK transaction code SHOW SLIDE 2: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE Note: State the TLO Action: Identify working knowledge of GCSS-Army Conditions: FM Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion Standards: With 80% accuracy: Verify working knowledge of the GCSS-Army operating system; Identify spending chain; Identify ZPARK transaction code Safety Requirements:  Everyone is responsible for safety. A thorough risk assessment must be completed prior to every mission or operation. Risk Assessment Level: Low Environmental Considerations: NOTE: It is the responsibility of all Soldiers and DA civilians to protect the environment from damage. Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Evaluation: Students will take a comprehensive test at the CONCLUSION of all material. Students must score 80% or higher and International officers must score 70% or higher.

3 What is GCSS-Army or G-Army?
A customized version of the SAP software (Systems, Applications, and Products), which is used by most of the world's largest companies The Logistics System of Record for the tactical Army, the National Guard, and the Army Reserve Used by the Logistics community for the maintenance and repair of tactical equipment, the control of inventories at the wholesale (supply support activity (SSA)) and retail (Unit Supply) levels, and the Property Book Show Slide #3: What is GCSS-Army or G-Army? What is GCSS-Army: GCSS-Army is the tactical unit / installation logistics and financial system for the U.S. Army. GCSS-Army is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution that will track supplies, spare parts and organizational equipment. It will track unit maintenance, total cost of ownership and other financial transactions related to logistics for all Army units. This modernized application will subsume outdated Standard Army Management Information Systems (STAMIS) that are not financially compliant and integrate about 40,000 local supply and logistics databases into a single, enterprise-wide authoritative system. GCSS-Army will be financially compliant and is a key component for the Army Enterprise strategy to be financially auditable by the end of FY17. When fully deployed, GCSS-Army will affect every supply room, motor pool, direct support repair shop, warehouse, DOL and property book office in the Army, improving efficiency and visibility for approximately 160,000 users. 3

4 Transaction Flow Assets On-Hand Show Slide #4: Transaction Flow
At this time we will review the transaction flow when the requisitioned asset is on hand at the local SSA.

5 Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand
A Plant is an organizational unit for dividing an enterprise according to production, procurement, maintenance, and materials planning. In this case, the unit is represented in the virtual Plant 2000 with a Sloc. Plant 2000/SLoc Plant 2001/SLoc (SSA) ISSUE RECEIVING Show Slide #5: Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand Plant 2000 is unit. Plant 2001 is the SSA Slocs are storage locations within the plants. Each supply room has a SLOC. GCSS-A thinks about moving equipment from one SLOC to another. That is what subhand receipting is. Most companies have 3 Slocs at a minimum. Maint supply and PB. They are tied to DODAACs. DODAAC is the checking account number? Vehicle is down -> Put on work order what is needed -> GCSS-A asks does the unit have it on hand -> GCSS-A generates a purchase request. STORAGE GCSS-A The Storage Location (Sloc) is a sub-location of the Plant and carries a unique number that identifies the specific unit. Each unit will have a unique number (Sloc) assigned to areas that request, receive or store materials (i.e. Supply room, maintenance, property book, sub hand-receipts).

6 Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.)
The customer requests material and begins as a Purchase Request (PR) Plant 2000/SLoc Plant 2001/SLoc (SSA) ISSUE RECEIVING (10) Purchase Request Show Slide#6: Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.) A PR is generated STORAGE Transfer Order (TO) = Document Series Number (##)

7 Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.)
GCSS-Army verifies whether the customer has funds available for the order using several processes. The verification begins in GCSS-Army with the Purchase Request (PR) being “parked” for approval. Plant 2000/SLoc Plant 2001/SLoc (SSA) ISSUE RECEIVING RECEIVING Purchase Request Verify Funds (ZPARK) Show Slide#7: Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.) PRs will be parked in Zpark until a S8/G8 releases them. ZPARK is the transaction code used to review and post ‘parked’ obligations. It can be used at year end, period end, during periods of constrained resources and also at the Commander’s discretion. Al Purchase Orders (PO) can be ‘parked’ depending upon an organization’s requirements. When POs are parked, they must be acted upon so that processing may continue. Once an item has been posted, it becomes an obligation STORAGE Transfer Order (TO)

8 Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.) Release Strategy (Workflow)
The PR is suspended if it violates one of the GCSS-Army "release strategies," which include rules such as maximum quantity and/or dollar values. A workflow message is sent to management for review and approval. If no business rules have been violated, the material will not stop at the Workflow Release Strategy. Plant 2000/SLoc Plant 2001/SLoc (SSA) Release Strategy Codes and Definitions: A5-Context Only (for example ADP Equipment, FSC 7010) B5-Controlled material C5-Dollar Limit D5-Quantity Limit E5-Acquisition Advice Code (AAC) F5-Controlled Inventory Item Code (CIIC) G5-Reportable Item Category Code (RICC) H5-Accounts Requirement Code (ARC) ISSUE ISSUE RECEIVING RECEIVING RECEIVING Purchase Request Release Strategy (Workflow) Verify Funds (ZPARK) Show Slide#8: Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.) This release strategy is specific to Plant 2000 set up for quality control. Release strategy codes relate to property book items and are set by regulations. These are the rules that if violated will require additional review by a manager. STORAGE STORAGE Transfer Order (TO) In STAMIS, this was the Manager Review File (MRF). In GCSS-Army, this is an automated process that is controlled by a set of "business rules" that must be met before the PR can proceed.

9 Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.)
The approved/released Purchase Request (PR) will become a Stock Transfer Order (STO) before being sent to Plant 2001 (the SSA). An STO is used to request, or instruct, a plant to transport material to another plant. Plant 2000/SLoc Plant 2001/SLoc (SSA) (71) Stock Transfer Order (STO) ISSUE ISSUE RECEIVING RECEIVING RECEIVING (10) Purchase Request Release Strategy (Workflow) Verify Funds (ZPARK) Show Slide#8: Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.) At this step it goes from being a request to an order. (71 series document). STORAGE STORAGE Transfer Order (TO) = Document Series Number (##)

10 Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.)
GCSS-A runs periodically runs the Delivery Due List which performs an availability check for every STO. The availability check, in effect "asks" the system if the part is on hand at the SSA. Plant 2000/SLoc Plant 2001/SLoc (SSA) On Hand ? (71) Yes Stock Transfer Order (STO) ISSUE ISSUE RECEIVING RECEIVING RECEIVING (10) Purchase Request Release Strategy (Workflow) Verify Funds (ZPARK) Show Slide#10: Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.) At this step the item goes to the warehouse. The question is asked, is it on hand? STORAGE STORAGE Transfer Order (TO) = Document Series Number (##)

11 Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.)
When material for the STO is available at the SSA, an outbound delivery and picking transfer order (TO) are created. Plant 2000/SLoc Plant 2001/SLoc (SSA) On Hand ? (71) Yes Stock Transfer Order (STO) ISSUE RECEIVING (10) Purchase Request Release Strategy (Workflow) Verify Funds (ZPARK) Outbound Delivery Outbound Delivery Show Slide#11: Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.) This generates a transfer order to move one thing from another. Also knows as PICK list. This can be a hold up because someone actually needs to physically move the item in the warehouse. STORAGE Transfer Order (TO) Picking TOs are printed and used as pick tickets. GCSS-A = Document Series Number (##) The TO authorizes material to be picked from a warehouse bin. The outbound delivery is used to issue the material from the SSA to the customer. 

12 Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.)
The SSA Storage section picks the material from the warehouse bin and then confirms movement of the material to the Issue Section. The Issue Section places the material and MRO in the customer bin and performs a post goods issue (PGI). Plant 2000/SLoc Plant 2001/SLoc (SSA) On Hand ? (71) Yes Stock Transfer Order (STO) ISSUE RECEIVING (10) Purchase Request Release Strategy (Workflow) Verify Funds (ZPARK) Post Goods Issue (PGI) (49) Outbound Delivery Outbound Delivery Show Slide#12: Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.) At this step it is issued out. Print out the paperwork and put it in the customers bin. If this is a turn in repairable then the turn in document is generated automatically. STORAGE Transfer Order (TO) A PGI affects the following actions in GCSS-A. Reduces the SSA Inventory, Issues the material to the outbound delivery and, Triggers GCSS-A to create an inbound delivery to the requesting Unit. Triggers GCSS-A to track the item if it is reparable or recoverable GCSS-A = Document Series Number (##)

13 Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.)
The PGI triggers GCSS-Army to create an inbound delivery to the requesting Unit. A GCSS-Army material document is generated for every PGI. The material document is the transaction history which captures the details of the material being issued to the customer. Plant 2000/SLoc Plant 2001/SLoc (SSA) On Hand ? (71) Yes Stock Transfer Order (STO) ISSUE RECEIVING (10) Purchase Request Release Strategy (Workflow) Verify Funds (ZPARK) (49) Post Goods Issue (PGI) (18) Inbound Delivery Outbound Delivery Outbound Delivery Show Slide#13: Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.) At this step the Sloc receives a notification that they have an inbound delivery. STORAGE Transfer Order (TO) In Transit Note: GCSS-Army provides near real-time visibility of inbound deliveries in the system. You can check the Inbound Delivery Monitor at any time to determine what material is waiting for pickup at the SSA. Check VL06i for Inbound Deliveries GCSS-A = Document Series Number (##)

14 Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.)
The customer performs a PGR which closes the STO and adds the material to their SLoc to be further issued out. Plant 2000/SLoc Plant 2001/SLoc (SSA) On Hand ? (71) Yes Stock Transfer Order (STO) ISSUE RECEIVING (10) Purchase Request Release Strategy (Workflow) Verify Funds (ZPARK) (49) Post Goods Issue (PGI) (18) Outbound Delivery Show Slide#14: Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.) The final step is for the customer to post a goods receipt indicating that they received the item. Inbound Delivery STORAGE Post Goods Receipt (PGR) (50) Transfer Order (TO) In Transit GCSS-A = Document Series Number (##)

15 Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.)
Advanced Shipment Notification (ASN) National Level (Wholesale) TACOM CECOM AMCOM DLA GSA AESIP Purchase Order (PO) (45) Stock Transfer Order (STO) NO Purchase Request Release Strategy (Workflow) On Hand ? Purchase Request (71) (10) RECEIVING Release Strategy (Workflow) ISSUE Verify Funds (ZPARK) Inbound Delivery (18) Post Goods Issue (PGI) Post Goods Receipt (PGR) Show Slide#15: Transaction Flow – Assets On-Hand (Cont.) Note that there is a similar process to the one previously described if the asset is not on hand at the local SSA. It involves AESIP and the national level wholesale system that are needed to get a part that is not at the local SSA. (49) Transfer Order (TO) (50) Post Goods Receipt (PGR) Inbound Delivery Outbound Delivery (50) (18) In Transit STORAGE Plant 2000/SLoc Plant 2001/SLoc = Document Series Number (##)

16 Title Show Slide#16: Process Supply Requisition Flow Chart
At this time we will review the transaction flow again paying special attention to the roles and responsibilities with key participants in the process. Note to Instructor: guide the students through the process flow and emphasize the S8 role in the process. It should be familiar to them based on the detailed walkthrough you just completed.

17 ZPARK and ME5A Transaction Codes
Show Slide#17: ZPARK and ME5A Transaction Codes

18 ZPARK and Release Strategy Policy
Reference: MSGID/ORDER/FORSCOM AFLG-SMC/160318/MAR// Subject: FORSCOM ZPARK and Release Strategy Plan Subject: Forces Command (FORSCOM) Global Combat Support System – Army (GCSS-ARMY) Supply Purchase Request (PR) and Purchase Order (PO) processes References: REF/A/REG/ARMY/28MAR08// REF/B/ALARACT/ARMY/09APR14// REF/C/GENTEXT/141037/OCT14// NARR/REF A: Army Regulation (AR) 710-2, Supply Policy Below the National Level, 28 MAR 08. REF B: All Army Activities (ALARACT) Message 094/2014, Global Combat Support System – Army (GCSS-ARMY) Replacing the Standard Army Retail supply System (SARSS) Release three Ref C: GENTEXT, , Global Combat Support System – Army and Release Strategy Guidance// ORDTYP/OPORD/FORSCOM // TIMEZONE/Z// Show Slide#18: ZPARK and Release Strategy Policy This guidance expires 1 October 2025

19 ZPARK Control Switch The ZPARK Control can be designated as ‘On’ (where requirements are parked for review and approval) Or ‘Off” (All requirements flow directly to the Release strategy) for review based on established parameters. The standard for requisition review and processing is One Workday. There are no deviations authorized for this standard. Show Slide#19: ZPARK Control Switch Regardless of ‘On’ or ‘Off” selection, no requisition will pass the ZPARK financial edit unless spending allotments are loaded and funds are available. Note: It is recommended that commands distribute funds to the lowest level possible (e.g. Level 4/Brigade) for management and accountability purposes.

20 Accountability, Auditability and Readiness Objectives
Commanders Responsibilities: Assess the situation/Risks and develop a ZPARK operational strategy that emplaces adequate controls to ensure proper stewardship of resources Direct their Resource Managers (G-8) and Logistics Managers (G-4) to establish policy and procedures defining the Review/Approval process for Walk-Up, routine Purchase Requests and Purchase Orders, ZPARK management and the cancellation of Purchase Requests/Purchase Orders within their assigned units. Review and approve all valid Purchase Requests and Purchase Orders daily. Show Slide#20: Accountability, Auditability and Readiness Objectives

21 Commanders Responsibilities (Cont.)
Review/Approve valid PRs & POs daily Walk-Up PRs POs ZPARK Review/Approve valid PRs & POs daily Funding Targets Budget Constraints Reservation Process All PRs and POs will be processed in both ZPARK and Release Strategy a minimum of once a day Show Slide#21: Commanders Responsibilities (Cont.) Establish Unit Level GCSS-A Funding targets and process GFEBS transactions to ensure funding is in GCSS-A to enable the processing of supply transactions. In budget constrained environments, Units must use the GCSS-A reservation process or the Legacy Commanders Exception Report to identify, prioritize, and track unfinanced requirements prior to release to ZPARK. Review and approved all valid Purchase Request and Purchase Orders. The G-8 or S-8 is responsible for reviewing, approving or rejecting all Purchase Requests in ZPARK. Daily coordination with the Logistics Community for Purchase Requests parked in ZPARK is required. No Purchase Requests will be held over 24 hours; if funds are not available then the Purchase Request must be rejected to the requisitioning unit. The Command designated personnel responsible for Approving/Rejecting Purchase Orders in ZPARK must be properly trained, appointed in writing authorizing the certification of United States Government funds, and adhere to Fiscal Law standards to ensure they understand the governing law of purpose, time, and amount. Reviews/Approvals can be performed more often but no less than once daily ensuring all records are processed in both ZPARK and Release Strategy. Commanders of CORPS and Units reporting directly to FORSCOM will include performance and compliance with the directives cited in MSGID/ORDER/FORSCOM AFLG-SMC/160318/MAR// in their monthly Logistics Readiness Review (LRR) forums and brief the FORSCOM G-4 during the scheduled monthly G-4 video teleconferences (VTC). The report will identify: (1) Number of Purchase Requests and Purchase Orders held in ZPARK and Release Strategy, by category, over 24 hours old, (2) Dollar value associated with each category and projected resolution date.

22 ZPARK (Funds Verification)
Show Slide#22: ZPARK (Funds Verification) The primary tool for executing funds or conducting daily operations within GCSS-Army is ZPARK. ZPARK “parks” purchase orders into a financial hold status. Parked purchase orders do not obligate funds until they are posted. ZPARK is utilized to ensure best use of limited resources and to limit spending to available budget. The decision can be made to turn it on or off whenever deemed necessary. Enables timely execution of orders and allows funds availability check for obligations that result from releasing (posting) orders. Users have the option to process multiple orders simultaneously by applying sorts and filter to group similar requirements.

23 GCSS-A Middle Managers Course
Post Parked Requisitions Funds Verification Show Slide#23: GCSS-A Middle Managers Course ZPARK is the means within GCSS-Army by which commanders verify that funds are available to cover the cost of materials: stock transport order (STO), purchase requisitions (PR), or purchase orders (PO). Once an order clears ZPARK, it proceeds to the Release Strategy (RS), where the requisition will interrogate the release strategy to see if it meets any of the conditions established in the release strategy workflow before going to the Plant 2001 supply support activity (SSA) to check for availability of stock. A commander’s designated materiel and execution manager(s) manages the release strategy. In addition, at the Commander’s discretion, a dollar amount threshold is set in the re-lease strategy for proper review of the requisition by the Commander to ensure the unit has funds to cover the requirement.

24 GCSS-A Middle Managers Course (Cont.)
Post Plant 2000 Parked Requisitions by SLoc Show Slide#24: GCSS-A Middle Managers Course (Cont.) Plant and SLoc is the minimum information required to retrieve Post Parked requisitions for a specific storage location (SLoc) After selecting the Plant and entering a specific SLoc press the Icon to execute

25 GCSS-A Middle Managers Course (Cont.)
Selecting a Parked Requisitions for Approval Show Slide#25: GCSS-A Middle Managers Course (Cont.) Select the specific line for approval then confirm funds obligation by clicking Yes on the Post Parked Requisitions verification notice Select the specific line for approval then confirm funds obligation by clicking Yes on the Post Parked Requisitions verification notice

ME5A (Display ZPARK Purchase Requisitions) Show Slide#26: GCSS-A Middle Managers Course (Cont.) The ME5A transaction is useful for displaying parked purchase requisitions in GCSS-A that are awaiting ZPARK release.

Using TC ME5A to view transaction in ZPARK 4 5 3 6 Show Slide#27: GCSS-A Middle Managers Course (Cont.) Enter TC ME5A to view transaction in ZPARK Walk students threw steps 1 through 7 7 2 1

Using TC ME5A to view transaction in ZPARK (Cont) Double click on a specific Purchase Number to review correlating document information Show Slide#28: GCSS-A Middle Managers Course (Cont.) Double click on a specific Purchase Number to review correlating document information

29 SSA Class IX Customer Wait Time (OCT)
SSA Unit Name CWT Avg Days ZPARK Avg Days RS Avg Days OBD Avg Days PGI Avg Days PGR Avg Days 307 BSB 1BCT 49 3 28 1 17 407 BSB 2BCT 59 7 42 10 82 BSB 3 BCT 85 2 5 18 64 122 ASB CAB 44 32 6 249 QM CO 57 4 22 DA Goal: < 10 Days Definitions of Customer Wait Time Segments: Customer Wait Time (CWT): Average number of days ALL customers of the SSA waits from when the purchase request is created until the receipt is processed by the customer. ZPARK: Time requisition was in ZPARK waiting financial approval RS: Days requisition was in Release Strategy waiting approval Outbound Delivery (OBD): Days from SSA/Wholesale to SSA receiving section Post Goods Issue (PGI): Days for receiving to process document and put in customer bin. Post Goods Receipt (PGR): Days for customer to pick up from SSA bin. Show Slide#29: SSA Class IX Customer Wait Time (OCT) This slide is from the Army Logistics University and it depicts a sample slide from a Maintenance Status Report briefing that might occur at a Division Maintenance Meeting. This is significant because it shows how the action, or inaction of resource management personnel can contribute to Customer Wait Time. On this slide we see that for some brigades PRs are waiting for funding in Zpark for up to 7 days! While many things could contribute to this, the fact remains that it does not look for an S8 function to contribute so significantly to customers waiting to receive mission requirement parts. As of 10 NOV Prep by CW3 Reid (910) ,

30 SSA Class IX Customer Wait Time (AUG)
SSA Unit Name DATE Last Report _JUL CWT Avg. Days CWT 02 PRI CWT 05 PRI CWT 12 PRI ZPARK Avg. Days RS Avg. Days OBD Avg. Days PGI Avg. Days PGR Avg. Days 307 BSB 1BCT 31 45 69 8 30 1 407 BSB 2BCT 33 NC 21 100 119 3 22 5 82 BSB 3 BCT JRTC 122 ASB CAB 20 32 19 2 249 QM CO 38 97 127 54 12 44 33 24 30 36 SOURCE OF SUPPLY (SOS) OUTBOUND DELIVERY AVG DAYS 02PRI SSA Unit Name AKZ TACOM B16 CECOM A SSC SMS DLA GSA General SVS 307 BSB 1BCT 7 49 20 407 BSB 2BCT 19 12 10 82 BSB 3 BCT 122 ASB CAB 11 4 16 43 249 QM CO 40 Legend: Post Goods Receipt (PGR): Days for customer to pick up from SSA bin. Post Goods Issue (PGI): Days for receiving to process document and put in customer bin. Outbound Delivery (OBD): Days from SSA/Wholesale to SSA receiving section Release Strategy (RS): Days requisition was in Release Strategy waiting approval ZPARK: Days requisition was in ZPARK waiting financial approval LEGEND DA Goal met Non compliance Show Slide#30: SSA Class IX Customer Wait Time (AUG) This slide shows additional metrics regarding customer wait time. It is important to realize that the S8s role in stock fund requisitions is very important and that customer wait time is tracked and viewed by the division commander. It is the S8s responsibility to ensure that a good Zpark process flows exists to ensure that items are not erroneously sitting in Zpark longer than needed. This means the S8 must contact Brigade approval authorities who are knowledgeable on both the budget and what parts are needed. Although the S8 does not make decisions in regards to what parts are a priority, they do provide advice to the supply and maintenance decision makers (such as the BDE XO) on the budget restraints and implications impacting items waiting in Zpark. DA PAM Priority 02: 10 days Priority 05: 14 days Priority 12: 32 days

31 GCSS-A Spending Chain Show Slide#31: GCSS-A Spending Chain

32 Key Financial Management Tasks
Monitor budget availability, execution, and the receipt of expected credits Reconcile discrepancies between what was ordered, what was received, and what was paid Show Slide#32: Key Financial Management Tasks MONITOR Budgets (funding) are transferred from GFEBS to GCSS-Army. Once their receipt has been confirmed, spending begins and the remaining funding must be monitored. Credits for parts that have been turned in for repair are given by the National Maintenance Program. Credits decrease disbursements, which frees up funds. CORRECT ADJUST You can correct certain data on purchase requisitions. You create obligations or invoices in order to clear unmatched transactions. You can create cost transfers to adjust for disbursements made from the wrong budget. How does GCSS-Army help you accomplish these three tasks? All the data and reports are up to the minute. You do not have to wait overnight for reports. You can view the Logistics data that affects Finance, such as purchase orders and goods receipts. This helps you research problems. GCSS-Army automatically creates financial postings from Logistics business events. This eliminates the need for you to make manual journal entries. Many types of errors are corrected by the Logisticians. The system then automatically updates the appropriate ledgers. The system does not allow spending beyond the allotment.  This feature is called availability control (AVC). It is especially helpful when budgets are tight, such as at year-end. Make corrections and adjustments 4

33 Spending Chain Connected sequence of supply chain/logistics events that have financial and budgetary impacts. The sequence is generally: Commitment Obligation Expense Disbursement Spending chain events data (including accounting entries) automatically captured by GCSS-Army Major Spending Chain Events: Account assigned Purchase Orders (PO) parked for review Obligations resulting from approved/posted purchase orders Expenses posted to the Unit as the result of Goods Receipt (GR) performed at the SSA (or in the STAMIS system) Disbursements resulting from the processing of matched Interfund Bills (IFB) transactions Supply chain events create unique documents, some of which are supported by a unique financial document Show Slide#33: Spending Chain Extended Document Flow GCSS-Army functionality which provides an overview of document history as a material moves through the interconnected replenishment process. The overview provides extended options to access all the procurement, warehouse and accounting documents. Every spending chain business transaction is assigned a document type and unique document number for tracking and audit purposes 5

34 Spending Chain Sequence
ZFSC() FMAVCR02 GR STATUS REPORT CREDIT REPORT FBL5N FAGLL03 FV50 STATUS OF FUNDS ZPARK Purchase Requisition (PR) Purchase Order (PO) Materials Received (GR) Disbursement/ Invoice (IR) Show Slide#34: Spending Chain Sequence The integration of the Logistics and Financial Management's business processes is made even tighter by GCSS-Army. The ability to view the results of the business events as soon as they occur in the system helps Finance monitor and manage the budget.   It is critical that you understand which events affect the budget and which do not. Evaluating and posting parked PRs (ZPARK) If authorized, you evaluate and post parked PRs based on requirement priority, or other criteria (such as date, dollar amount, fund center, or material),  and fund budget availability. PRs are converted to POs and budget is obligated Approved purchase requisitions are converted to purchase orders by an MRP batch job and budget is automatically obligated. 3-Way Match The process of verifying that purchase order, invoice, and goods receipt information match within acceptable tolerance levels. Invoice creation and clearing Interfund Billing (IFB) automatically creates an invoice and clears the invoice which result in a debit to the buyer and a credit to the seller. However, the process can also create unmatched items that require corrective action. 3-way match COMMITMENT OBLIGATION EXPENSE DISBURSEMENT 6

35 Budget Distribution The Army Budget Office (ABO) distributes budget to Army Commands (ACOMs) in GFEBS (Level 2). ACOM distributes budget to the execution/installation level in GFEBS (Level3/Level4). As a Resource Manager, you transfer budget from GFEBS into GCSS-A via Application Link Enabling (ALE) at Level 3. Show Slide#35: Budget Distribution Application Link Enabling (ALE): Process used by SAP to link and enable processes between the GFEBS and GCSS-Army systems Process for transferring Allotment from GFEBS to GCSS-A and Vice versa 11

36 FMBB GCSS-A Show Slide#36: Budget Workbench – Create Document from FM ARMY 13

37 Where does it all begin? DoDAAC ??? - Specific Unit
- Specific Class of Supply STEPS: - Verify DODAAC => Logistics Information Warehouse (LIW) - Establish DODAAC => 11 step process - Assign Customer Fund Codes (CFC)=> ZACCTASSIGN - CFC has the DODAAC’s financial identity Do Logisticians Understand Finance??? - In short, No: “Please give me the CFC” W504AR CA04 DoDAAC YEAR JULIAN DATE S # ZACCTASSIGNX Show Slide#37: Where does it all begin? Department of Defense Activity Address Code. A unique, six-character code that identifies a unit, organization, or activity that has the authority to requisition, contract for, receive, have custody of, issue, or ship DoD assets, or fund/pay bills for materials and/or services. Customer Fund Codes The account assignment table is used to set up customer fund codes (CFCs) for each DoDAAC. These 2-character codes each represent a budget that the customer can execute for a specified period of time. Since the CFCs will be used to execute the budget, the functional area specified in the fund/funds center/functional area combinations will be 10 digits.   The account assignment table enables other important controls. Roll your cursor over the column titles in the illustration to learn about them. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the fields because accuracy of the account assignment table is critical. Important! The system cannot "tell" the Logistician which CFC to choose or if the one they chose is correct. You must tell them which CFCs to use and under which circumstances. Communicate the CFCs to the Logisticians Once your customers' account assignment tables have been maintained, your next step is to communicate the CFCs and which customer/purpose they each represent to the Logisticians. This is your last step in making budget available for execution. The Logisticians generally know who or what should be charged for a work order. What they need to know is which CFC represents that charge. A simple list of DoDAACs, their CFCs and when each CFC should be used is all that is needed. Remember, Logisticians do not understand what funds, funds centers, functional areas, or WBS elements are. It is strongly recommended that you create and distribute "cheat sheets" of the CFCs to the Logistician on an on-going basis. It will help prevent a lot of time-consuming corrections on your part. Account Assignment Table ZACCTASSIGNX is the T-Code used to display GCSS-Army cost and budget objects assigned to DODAAC-Customer Fund Code (CFC) combinations. Authorized personnel (DRM/G8/G4) have the ability to create/edit the DODAAC-CFC combinations in the Account Assignment Table. This should be reviewed annually, at a minimum, for accuracy. NOTE: GCSS-A DOES NOT process CL III(B), CL VIII, and Army Direct Ordering (ADO) Items => Processed thru Funds Control Module 15

38 GCSS-Army Training
Hover over “GCSS-Army Training” Click on Web Based Training Show Slide#38: Hover over “GCSS-Army Training” Click on Web Based Training

39 End User Manual Click on End User Manual
Show Slide#39: End User Manual Click on End User Manual

40 GCSS-Army Training A pop-up screen will appear
Click on the DRM- G8 link for training Show Slide#40: GCSS-Army Training Click on the DRM-G8 link for training

41 GCSS-Army Training (Cont.)
Click on the EUM+ Portal Show Slide#41: GCSS-Army Training (Cont.) Click on the EUM+ Portal

42 GCSS-Army Training From this web- based module, you can access all requirements for GCSS-Army simulations and training Show Slide#42: GCSS-Army Training (Cont.) From this web-based module, you can access all requirements for GCSS-Army simulations and training

43 GCSS-Army Training Show Slide#43: GCSS-Army Training (Cont.)

44 GCSS-Army Training (Cont.)
Show Slide#44: GCSS-Army Training (Cont.)

45 Check On Learning Q. What triggers GCSS-Army to create an inbound delivery to the requesting Unit? True/False Q. GCSS-Army receives its funding from GFEBS at Level 2. Show Slide#45: Check On Learning 45

46 Summary 37 Show Slide #46: LSA Summary
Facilitator’s Note: Summarize the Learning Step Activity for the learner. During this block of instruction, we discussed THE STANDARD ARMY LINE OF ACCOUNTING (LOA) and that Master Data is also commonly referred to as an LOA when placed on documents. Throughout your career, you will probably see lines of accounting cited on documents. It will be your responsibility to ensure that the line of accounting on the document correctly identifies the type of financial transaction to be processed. Failure to do so could result in a substantial loss. 37

47 Questions? 38 Show Slide #47: Questions?
Facilitator’s Note: Field any questions the learners may have. Facilitate the answers given. 38

48 Terminal Learning Objective
Task: Define GCSS-A and Identify Materials Ordering Process Flow, Zpark Conditions: FM Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion Standards: With 80% accuracy: Verify working knowledge of the GCSS-Army operating system; Identify spending chain; Identify ZPARK transaction code Note: State the TLO Action: Identify working knowledge of GCSS-Army Conditions: FM Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion Standards: With 80% accuracy: Verify working knowledge of the GCSS-Army operating system; Identify spending chain; Identify ZPARK transaction code

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