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Dione’s O2 Exosphere C. J. Hansen January 2013.

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1 Dione’s O2 Exosphere C. J. Hansen January 2013

2 Background CAPS has detected O2+ in the vicinity of Dione
Tokar, et al. (2012) reports CAPS results Detected O2+ with density of 0.01 to 0.09 cm-3 From models derived column density of 0.9 to 7 x 1011 cm-2 Likely due to sputtering and radiolysis INMS has also detected O2 and CO2 Some evidence of CO2 seasonality Much higher density (in my notes) Can we detect O2 with UVIS? Nothing shows up in the occultation data (nor would that be expected for the derived column density) Look for emissions at 1304 and 1356 Å

3 Detection limits for Atmosphere
From stellar occs O2: 1.3 x 1015 cm-2 From emission features Atomic oxygen solar scattering: 1.5 x 1013 cm-2 O2 electron impact dissociation: 1.6 x 1014 cm-2 Higher than CAPS number however INMS density (in my notes) is higher For scale length of 100 km bulk density is 1.5 x 1013 / 105 = 1.5 x 108 m-3

4 Approach Use ICYLON data sets with long duration, mostly stationary
Run cube generator for calibration Sum over time Sum over spectral channels for 1304 and 1356, plot vs spatial rows Plot signal at long wavelength for first and last time record to see where limb is Look for enhancement near limb Look at 1356 / 1304 ratio The 1356 / 1304 ratio for O2 is 1.8, for O it is 0.1

5 Dione O2 Exosphere Next 3 pages are follow-up from team meeting
22 January 2013

6 Spectra Calibrated with cube generator
Summed over time then calculated average

7 Conclusions We do not detect Dione’s O2 exosphere reported by CAPS
If 1304 is ~ same signal level as 1356 then all we are seeing is noise If 1304 is > 1356 then what we are seeing is O in the system

8 2005-358T14:25 Phase angle: 106 Range: 151,120 km Duration: 30 min
Not clear where Dione is relative to rings Phase angle: 106 Range: 151,120 km Duration: 30 min

9 T00:47 Phase angle: 134 Range: 97,050 km Duration: 42 min

10 T16:22 Phase angle: 81 Range: 300,695 km Duration: 44 min

11 T0356 Phase angle: 81 Range: 52,668 km Duration: 50 min

12 T0706 Phase angle: 21 Range: 54,414 km Duration: 30 min

13 T0538 Phase angle: 68 Range: 237,601 km Duration: 24 min

14 T1338 Phase angle: 4 Range: 677,100 km Duration: 108 min

15 T0839 Phase angle: 13 Range: 146,146 km Duration: 68 min

16 Summary Time Range (km) Phase angle Duration (min) Typical 1304 (R) Typical 1356 (R) Ratio 1356/1304 T1425 151,120 106 30 3.3 2.7 0.8 T0047 97,050 134 42 4.8 1.0 T1622 300,695 81 44 2.3 0.9 T0356 52,668 50 3.6 T0706 54,414 21 6.0 5.3 T0538 237,601 68 24 T1338 677,100 4 108 5.6 2.6 0.5 T0839 146,146 13 8.8 This is just a first cut – more work to do to understand the implications of the geometry; background subtraction; why we see roughly equal 1304 and 1356 emissions

17 Conclusions Some observations show elevated 1304, 1356 signal over what might be generally expected for oxygen in system None show elevated signal near limb None show 1356 / 1304 = 1.8 Conclusion: Dione’s bound O2 atmosphere has a column density below our detection threshold

18 Backup

19 Summary Time Range (km) Phase angle Duration (min) Typical 1304 (R)
151,120 106 30 50/15 = 3.3 T0047 97,050 134 42 100/21 = 4.8 T1622 300,695 81 44 60/22 = 2.7 T0356 52,668 50 90/25 = 3.6 T0706 54,414 21 90/15 = 6 T0538 237,601 68 24 40/12 = 3.3 T1338 677,100 4 108 150/27 = 5.6 T0839 146,146 13 150/17 = 8.8

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