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Summary of Tissues Dr.Maha ELBeltagy

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1 Summary of Tissues Dr.Maha ELBeltagy

2 Tissue Four Types of Tissue Epithelial tissues Connective tissues
Muscular tissues Nervous tissue Function of Epithelial tissues : Act as a selective barriers (protection) Produce secretions on their free surfaces 3. Absorption 4- Filteration Character of Epithelial tissues : Avascular Cellularity Innervated Special contact(Adhesive, tight and gap junctions Regeneration epithelial tissues have a high capacity for regeneration (Healing of wounds but High risk of cancer )

3 Stratified (next slide)
Epithelial tissues Simple Stratified (next slide) Simple squamous 1-Mesothelium (Peritoneum ,Pleura ,Pericardium) 2-Endothelium: lining the inner surfaces of the heart 3-Alveoli of lungs 4- Renal corpuscle B. Simple cuboidal Line kidney tubules. Surface of ovary. Ducts of pancreas. E.Pseudostratified columnar ciliated Has cilia and Goblet cells. Upper respiratory tract(trachea and main bronchi) C.Simple columnar nonciliated Gastrointestinal Tract. F.Pseudostratified columnar nonciliated Ducts of many glands & epididymis D.Simple columnar ciliated Bronchioles of lung lines Uterine tubes

4 Epithelial tissues stratified Keratinized stratified squamous
Form tough layer of keratin Found in epidermis of skin (protection) B. Nonkeratinized stratified squamous Mouth , vagina and Esophagus. (protection) D.Transitional epithelium Urinary bladder, ureter. Functions: Allow the organ to stretch

5 Glandular Epithelium Normally found as:
Unicellular glands as Goblet cells. Multicellular glands group of cells as Salivary glands. All glands of the body are classified into: Exocrine : Secrete substances onto a surface by ducts.(Salivary Gland) Endocrine: Secrete hormones into the blood.(Thyroid Gland ) Mixed (exocrine and endocrine): e.g. Pancreas Exocrine glands are classified into: 1-merocrine (via exocytosis) e.g salivary glands 2- Apocrine (apex detached from the cell with secretion) e.g mammary gland 3- Holocrine (rupture of cell with secretion) e.g sebaceous glands.

6 Connective tissues Cells Fibers Ground Substance
1- Fibroblasts (numerous) from mesenchymal C.T) Synthesis of fibers and ground substance. Scar formation in healing of wounds 5. Adipocytes (bone marrow): Fat cells that store triglycerides. Specialized for storing energy and heat production. 2. Macrophages (bone marrow) Defense, by phagocytosis 3. Plasma cells (bone marrow): Production of antibodies 6- White blood cells (bone marrow): They migrate from blood into CT in response to certain conditions. They produce immunocompetent as in infection and allergy. 4-Mast cells (bone marrow): Produce histamine Promote the allergic reactions

7 Connective tissues Fibers
Collagen Fibers Organize in parallel bundles. Very strong but allow flexibility. Found in bone, cartilage, tendons and ligaments. Elastic fibers: Possess elasticity, Found in skin, wall of blood vessels, and lung tissue. Reticular fibers: Form of collagen arranged in fine bundles. support soft organs, such as the spleen, liver and lymph nodes.

8 Types of Connective tissues
Loose connective tissues Cartilage (next slide) Dense connective tissues 1-Areolar connective tissue Location: Subcutaneous layer deep to skin. Around body organs. 1-Dense regular CT Locations: Tendons and ligaments. Function: Give great strength. Resist tension along long axis of fibers. 2. Adipose tissue 2 types: White fat in adults. Brown fat in newborn. Functions: Good insulators (reduce heat loss). Major store of energy. 2-Dense irregular CT Locations: Dermis of skin Periosteum, pericharium,perichondrium, peritoneum, pleura Function: Provides strength 3-Elastic CT Location: Lung tissue, walls of elastic arteries, and trachea. Function: Strong and can recoil to original shape 3. Reticular connective tissue Location: Form the supporting framework of liver, spleen and lymph nodes. Functions: Forms stroma of organs; Filters and removes worn-out blood cells

9 Cartilage Cartilage Hyaline cartilage Fibrocartilage Elastic
Has no nerves. Has no blood supply poor healing after an injury. Chondrocytes: is cartilage cell (lacuna) Perichondrium (Peri= around): It covers the surface of most cartilage provide it by blood,nerve supply and new cells Cartilage Hyaline cartilage Location : Ends of long bones, nose Function: Provides smooth surfaces at joints. Affords flexibility Fibrocartilage Location: Intervertebral discs, Pubic symphysis and menisci cartilage of knee. Function: The strongest type of cartilage Elastic Location: Epiglottis, auricle of ear. Function: Provides strength and elasticity. Maintains shape

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