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Very stupid fatuous.

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Presentation on theme: "Very stupid fatuous."— Presentation transcript:

1 very stupid fatuous

2 long list litany

3 predict or foreshadow portend

4 gloomy, bitter saturnine

5 shed, get rid of slough

6 claim without proof allege

7 playful conversation badinage

8 very stupid fatuous

9 predict or foreshadow portend

10 shed, get rid of slough

11 claim without proof allege

12 playful conversation badinage

13 cancel a command countermand

14 level echelon

15 complete, utter, downright

16 lack paucity

17 demolish raze

18 make worse exacerbate

19 gruesome macabre

20 make calm conciliate

21 cancel a command countermand

22 large, unstoppable force

23 take back an earlier statement

24 impossible to deny irrefutable

25 soak or filled to capacity

26 showing no interest lackadaisical

27 demolish raze

28 level echelon

29 large, unstoppable force

30 make worse exacerbate

31 long list litany

32 showing no interest lackadaisical

33 impossible to deny irrefutable

34 take back an earlier statement

35 make calm conciliate

36 lack paucity

37 complete, utter, downright

38 gruesome macabre

39 gloomy, bitter saturnine

40 soak or filled to capacity

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