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Mathematics Quiz Next Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Mathematics Quiz Next Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mathematics Quiz Next Class

2 General Relativity

3 Standard Model

4 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

5 Pythagorean Theorem

6 1 =

7 Special Relativity

8 Euler’s Equation

9 Lagrangian Equation

10 Callan – Symanzik Equation

11 Minimal Surface Equation

12 Euler Line

13 What are some words that describe math?

14 What is It? “Math is everywhere,” an old teacher used to say.
“Math is the tool with which we use to perform all other sciences.” “Math is the language in which the universe is written.” “Math is the abstract study of subjects encompassing quantity, structure, space, change, and more; it has no generally accepted definition.”

15 Scope and Definition Nature of knowledge removed from abstraction
Unlike the other AOKs The study of pattern Concepts in a systematized relationship to one another Symbolic system Manipulated using reason

16 Math and the Real World Do we discover it or do we invent it?
Can describe the physical universe very well Abstract thought but provides us with precise system Imaginary number interacting with real numbers to produce nothing

17 Does Math Really Exist? edded&v=TbNymweHW4E

18 Comparing Maths Pure Applied
Abstract fields such as algebra, analysis, geometry, number theory and topology Not concerned with the direct practical applications Boundaries between the two very blurry Focus on developing mathematical tools to enable and enhance research in other areas of knowledge Numerical analysis, scientific computing, physicals, information theory, control theory and actuarial science Really began when pure mathematics was successfully utilized for real world problems

19 Math: Shared Knowledge
Individuals work for a communal pool Different in that once something is proven it is that way forever Don’t expect claims to be revised Grew from Egypt to Babylonia to China to Greece to Arabia and China to Europe to International Exchange 12 subject domains in 1900, in 2000

20 Ways of Knowing

21 Seven Equations That Rule Your World

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