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Presentation on theme: "GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO"— Presentation transcript:

Writing Inequalities Your speed is LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 62. There are GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 42 stinkbugs. Your age is LESS THAN 19 years. Your height is GREATER THAN 52 inches. > < a s 19 h 52 62 s 42 above under VOCABULARY over below at most at least exceeds fewer than maximum minimum more than beneath no more than no less than

2 Graphing Inequalities
Inequalities, p.4 Graphing Inequalities Draw a number line with 19 in the middle. Graph Next, draw an open circle around 19. 3. Now think: Could a = 19? …(you should be thinking)… * a cannot be 19 – Why? is not less than 19. * Since a ≠ 19, leave the circle open. Finally, draw the arrow. “less than” “greater than” <–––––– ––––––> Inequalities, p.4

3 Graphing Inequalities
Inequalities, p.4 Graphing Inequalities Draw a number line with 10 in the middle. Graph Next, draw an open circle around 10. 3. Now think: Could x = 10? …(you should be thinking)… * x cannot be 10 – Why? 10 is not greater than 10. * Since x ≠ 10, leave the circle open. Finally, draw the arrow. “less than” “greater than” <–––––– ––––––> Inequalities, p.4

4 Graphing Inequalities
Draw a number line with 62 in the middle. Graph Next, draw an open circle around 62. 3. Now think: Could s = 62? * s can be 62 – Why? ––> s is less than or equal to 62 * Since s could = 62, close the circle Finally, draw the arrow. “less than” “greater than” <–––––– ––––––>

5 Graphing Inequalities
Draw a number line with 42 in the middle. Graph Next, draw an open circle around 42. 3. Now think: Could x = 42? * x can be 42 – Why? ––> x is greater than or equal to 42 * Since x could = 42, close the circle Finally, draw the arrow. “less than” “greater than” <–––––– ––––––>

6 •3 Evaluating Inequalities 1. –15 ≥ 7 – 11x 2. + 9 < 7
Inequalities, p.4 Evaluating Inequalities 1. –15 ≥ 7 – 11x In this inequality, could x = 3? –15 ≥ 7 – 11x •3 Rewrite the inequality, but substitute 3 for x. “Negative fifteen is greater than, or equal to, negative 26.” –15 ≥ 7 – 33 Simplify the variable side. –15 ≥ –26 Now, read it... is that true? < 7 In this inequality, could: a. x = 6? b. x = –6? c. x = 30? “Seven is less than seven?” 2 –2 ANSWER: 6 is not a possible value for x. ANSWER: –6 is not a possible value for x. –1 ANSWER: 30 is a possible value for x. 11 7 Inequalities, p.4

7 Evaluating Inequalities
3(3) > −5 \ / > −5 \ / > −5 Read it. Is that true? TRUE -- x could = 3. 7 \/ - 7 \ / ≤ 5 TRUE – x could be 7 –7 3(−3) > −5 \ / − > −5 \ / – > −5 Read it. Is that true? FALSE -- x could not = –3. 7 ≤ 5 FALSE – x could NOT be –7

8 Inequalities – Multiplying w/ Negatives
Solve Look at the constant attached to the variable. If the number attached to the variable is negative, you’ve got to flip the inequality. Now, divide both sides by –9.

9 Inequalities – Dividing w/ Negatives
Solve –5 • • –5 –3 • • –3 Look at the constant attached to the variable. Is it negative? If the number attached to the variable is negative, you’ve got to flip the inequality. Now, multiply both sides by –5.

10 Solving Inequalities 1. 9 + b > –10 2. 14 ≤ 23 + a 3. –19 – x ≥ –3
8. 9.The product of a number and two, less than fifteen, is at least thirty–five The quotient of a number and two decreased by three is no more than eleven . no flip no flip flip b > –19 –9 ≤ a x ≥ –16 no flip flip flip –11 < y –18 ≤ b y < –72 no flip flip x ≤ 24 z > –24 x – 3 ≤ 11 2 flip 15 – 2x ≥ 35 no flip x ≤ –10 x ≤ 28



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